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Ataturk's Legacy vs Caliphate and implications for Pakistan

Its amazing that people ignore the role of the Arab revolt in abolishion of the khalifate. The Arab revolt contributed to the weakening of the caliphate and so they are as much responsible for the fall of the caliphte as Ataturk is.

In my openion Ataturk did what he had to do. The caliphate had become very weak and was no more sustainable. Turkey under a weakened Caliphate would have been an easy target for the European powers, who naturally had a special grudge against tyrkey because turkey had ruled a large part of europe for along time. Had it not been for Ataturk, the allies may have conqured and divided most parts of turkey among them.

brits never ruled turkey, but they installed puppet agent to rule turkey for hundreds of years to come without even getting stained on their cloths. kemal stopped the brits, thats the funniest thing to hear.

Ataturk was a military GENIUS!!!!

as a Lt. Col of Ottoman Empire Army, he fought the brits, even as the empire was on its last legs and crumbling....

ever heard of Battle of Gallipoli? Known in Turkiye as Çanakkale Savaşları (battles of Çanakkale)
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What can you say when many Muslims today fail to understand the

Concept of Mullah
Concept of Sharia Law
Concept of Islam
Concept of Fatwa

I denounce any Fatwa which was said by any Mullah regardless of their qualification if they did not have one element. I am not going to say that element as many people do not believe in that but it does not matter if you believe it or not. Dr Israr, Irani Supreme Leader, Saudi Alims, Alim Online person all of them cannot give Fatwa because they are missing one element. Westerners are right. Sharia Law is not a good Law because the law we see is creation of Mullahs, so it should be called a Mullah Law. To learn from books and to have beard does not make you a Mullah. Pakistan is called a Holy Place or something by people not because we have Mullahs like Fazal ur Rehman or Israr but because there in Pakistan the dad's of Mullah live. Madudi, I hope you people heard about him was another crankie like Israr Ahmed but he was blessed to see a real Mullah than he wrote Khilafat malukiat and our dear Israr said I have some concerns about that book. They the self declared Mullahs have politicized Islam as their daddy's book. I will take care of them.

Turkey was a liberal society but it does not mean they were not following Islam. Islam in South Asia is too conservative because of fake Mullahs and in Turkey it is too Liberal because of their neighboring countries and their History.
If there are 10,000 Muslims in this forum than 9,950 people will not agree with me because they were taught to respect Mullahs. I also say respect Mullahs but who do you consider a Mullah. Dr. Zakir Naik answered an email from someone saying, "I cannot give a Fatwa because I am not an Alim" but our Mullahs can give you a Fatwa in few minutes.

Jinnah and Ataturk had same thought but Jinnah could not succeed as the society he lived in was conservative and was crazy about respecting Mullahs but we have lost the rope which we once had. “We” includes every single Muslim including my family who do not believe in them. I will not specify “them” because many people will say words from which they will suffer. Everyone is entitled with their own views but you have to ADMIT there is something TRUE out there.

We have suffered greatly due to our beliefs i.e. Sunni, Shia, Salafi, Deo Bandi. Bralvi and many others. People always said that their belief was right. I am a Sunni but we are also not on the right track. I am blessed to see the real structure and meaning of Islam not as a Sunni but as a Muslim.

Sab jhuktay hain (Hindu, Christian, Jew, Muslim etc), jhuknay mien azmat hai..
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how about this atturk is traitor to islam? men and women who back him up kill them ... that what moses did .. this man did not like islam ... was wayy to in american culture like teens todai. soo i would never back himup. he turned the azan in to latin and took off our sisters dignety the scarf .. i dont care what you guys say.why?. all of you are brain washed by the west you all think liberal ... islam is a one way path not to take short cuts
how about this atturk is traitor to islam? men and women who back him up kill them ... that what moses did .. this man did not like islam ... was wayy to in american culture like teens todai. soo i would never back himup. he turned the azan in to latin and took off our sisters dignety the scarf .. i dont care what you guys say.why?. all of you are brain washed by the west you all think liberal ... islam is a one way path not to take short cuts

Now what do you consider by saying one path?
I do not support Ataturk nor I support you

Now what do you consider by saying one path?
I do not support Ataturk nor I support you


bro i dont get you ? one path is surate mustakeen by following every teachings that the Prophet (PBUH) told us to do .... that means that a country that dose have people who do not want islam in their country ...but.... want western ideology ...sooo ... i say we should not have any contact with them..... point 2... this is for all the atturks supporters you say quote( SOO QUAID AZAM WANTED TO FOLLOW ATTURKS LEGACY) hmmmm to me i think quaid e azam wanted indeed a western pakistan ...but with islam... not pouring gasoline on it and saying ...oh its useless now ..... Mohammed ali jinnah wanted a islamic state ... artturk wanted no islamic state but a state that would be adorded by westerners ... and the biggest of all things Turkey has diplomatic relationships with isreal .. sooo think for a second should we support them? just beacuse they are ghetting new tech?
Yes you are right.
Turkey went for hi tech but I can not say anything against it as I am no one. It was their decision and we should respect if it is wrong than they have to repay if not than the will enjoy.

What kind of Islamic society you want?

The list goes on

We don't have to listen to every denomination instead search the right one. No we don't want Mullahs like today. They have made Islam as their ancestor's book. They come on TV and discuss believes with opposing ones. Don't they have any kind of shame in them? They are also wrong. Why are people not thinking that way? The seeds of poison were grown in hundreds of years.

The reaction was like this

Islam + poison_____> Today's Mullah + Our beliefs

What can you expect when you give a car to monkey and tell him to drive....you will die....same happened the car was given to Mullahs and the true faith died....and than we said ohhh Prophet Muhammad (Peace Is Upon Him) said the same that Muslims will fight with each other and will have 72 denomination and stuff...We blamed our mistakes....How lame that is….instead to look for the right one we present the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace is upon him) and get happy by that….
There are 10000 of videos on YouTube saying Muslims will one day fight with Dajjal and Issa(Jesus) will come....Very cool fantasies but we have to fight our own war no help will come....
I agree that Muslims from South Asia will go there but only Muslims will go not Issa nor Imam Mehdi...

Our structure of Islam is not the real Islam...
All the denomination including my family’s i.e. Sunni..they all are not fully right nor fully wrong. Time does not give a second chance as life does....

The jokes of Sharia Law were made because of us and mullahs.
Today's Sharia Law we see is Mullah's Law and we are so cheap, disrespectful that we said Mullah's Law a Sharia Law...

We have done so bad to our religion and than we blame others..
We consider ourselves as heavenly people and the most interesting part is when Mullahs tell us the structure of heaven....
We have destroyed Islam..
Mullah's will be punished....You will see....remember my name...

Islam is way beyond what Muslims think…..
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What do you want to know

Mod (Agnostic Muslim) does not like to talk about religion over here....

We cannot talk about that here...


no, he just didnt want it being discussed in a thread about Pakistan-Turkish Naval cooperation

thats why this new one was created
how about this atturk is traitor to islam? men and women who back him up kill them ... that what moses did .. this man did not like islam ... was wayy to in american culture like teens todai. soo i would never back himup. he turned the azan in to latin and took off our sisters dignety the scarf .. i dont care what you guys say.why?. all of you are brain washed by the west you all think liberal ... islam is a one way path not to take short cuts

have you even travelled to turkiye???? this is the stupidest thing i have ever read....no offense to you personally brother

but u have a lot to learn

and day by day, im getting sick and tired of seeing ignorant posts like this.

Best way to judge a leader is by RESULTS. Not by his ******* religious beliefs.
Turkey has diplomatic relationships with isreal .. sooo think for a second should we support them? just beacuse they are ghetting new tech?

are you kidding me???

have u even been following recent news on Turkish-israel relationship???????? Helllooooooooooo??!!!

what business do Pakistanis or Turks have to get involved in israeli politics anyways? Do we not have enough of our own problems to deal with?
are you kidding me???

have u even been following recent news on Turkish-israel relationship???????? Helllooooooooooo??!!!

what business do Pakistanis or Turks have to get involved in israeli politics anyways? Do we not have enough of our own problems to deal with?

true sir. but sir . i have one thing to say sir. i do acknowledge that turkey kicked isreal out from there pilot training due to destruction on plastine ... but why do they favouir the west over muslims . you do know that they have a party that is totally anti- islamic? just now the voted i think 3 years ago they got conservative part that lifted the hijab bann. but i cant keep pointing fingers at turkey :hitwall: as much as i do not like them i cant say that they are not true muslims ... beacuse we all have our faults:pakistan:
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