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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

Indian muslims are not being sent to re education concentration camps, only illegal immigrants are being sent to their country .every country does this , america , europe , india is being flooded by illegal immigrants .

Indian Muslim are lynched on the spot unlike uighur Muslim who are treated the same and can practice their religion.

How come the focus is only on Uighurs, but not on Hui, Hui is the biggest Muslim group in China, Huis should get the most heat if China targets Muslims?
geographic location of uighur is such that terrorist infiltration can be facilitated. no point in focusing on or inciting the hui
My friend the thread is opened by you in the middle east section of the forum & the camps I posted are much closer to middle east than your OP if I am correct? Next the camps are Muslim detention camps or not? They are Muslim detention camps & I have provided proof of that with coordinates. Why do you think I hate India? I don't but if speaking the truth is hating India then in the similar manner I can say you hate China & you posted the OP cause of that. The location of camps are in disputed territory & China has claim over it so the camps can fall in that catagory as well. I have not trolled you. You want to see how I can troll it will be much different & annoying. I have just used a tactics to make you indulge in the truth & you are indulged in it.

Well played sir. But I feel you are denying or downplaying the horrible ethnic cleansing and genocide of Uighurs in China.

To answer your question. I dont know enough about detention centers in India. I know India passed a new law that says you must prove your citizenship if you are an immigrant, except for if you belong to basically any religion except for Islam. And almost no one in India can prove their citizenship, so immigrant Muslims basically loses their citizenship. I dont know more than that.

And now you have awakened the Chinese bots. I hope that was not your intention.

PS: I created this thread for Uighurs. The Uighurs deserves to be heard. It has nothing to do with India. The Uighurs doesn't deserve to have their thread hijacked.
Well played sir. But I feel you are denying or downplaying the horrible ethnic cleansing and genocide of Uighurs in China.
PS: I created this thread for Uighurs. The Uighurs deserves to be heard. It has nothing to do with India. The Uighurs dont deserve to have their thread hijacked.
Sir coming to your topic about Muslim living in China & Muslims lives in China. Lets do it this way. You are fro Norway the land of freedom. Lets post pics of mosques in Norway & mosques in Muslim areas of China lets see where more mosques are? will that solve our discussion?

I will start with the first pic & you will have to post pic of bigger mosque than mine from Norway agreed.

Grand Mosque of Shadian


Indian Muslim are lynched on the spot unlike uighur Muslim who are treated the same and can practice their religion.

That is very bad some cases of lynching happened , we are taking action against criminals , but we are not sending indian muslims to concentration re education camps .
Sir coming to your topic about Muslim living in China & Muslims lives in China. Lets do it this way. You are fro Norway the land of freedom. Lets post pics of mosques in Norway & mosques in Muslim areas of China lets see where more mosques are? will that solve our discussion?

I will start with the first pic & you will have to post pic of bigger mosque than mine from Norway agreed.

Grand Mosque of Shadian



My friend.

Muslims in China aren't immigrants. Uighurs are native to Xinjiang.

Muslims in Norway are immigrants, the Norwegians state is paying money for Muslim
immigrants to build mosques all over Norway.

If you are a murderer, a terrorist even, and you get sent to Norwegian jail, they will make sure you get Halal food.

Norway gives you paid leave in Ramadan.

In Norway, Muslims doesn't get sent to concentration camps, they don't get forced to change their culture and religion. Muslim women in Norway aren't forced to merry Norwegians. They dont steal Muslim children to brainwash them.

In Norway, they encourage Islam.
My friend the thread is opened by you in the middle east section of the forum & the camps I posted are much closer to middle east than your OP if I am correct? Next the camps are Muslim detention camps or not? They are Muslim detention camps & I have provided proof of that with coordinates. Why do you think I hate India? I don't but if speaking the truth is hating India then in the similar manner I can say you hate China & you posted the OP cause of that. The location of camps are in disputed territory & China has claim over it so the camps can fall in that catagory as well. I have not trolled you. You want to see how I can troll it will be much different & annoying. I have just used a tactics to make you indulge in the truth & you are indulged in it.

If they are in bangladesh why are you people making camps for them? Indian camps are also located in GOA Karnataka Rajasthan Delhi Indian Punjab why at those places?
View attachment 654073
Camps are for illegal immigrants who are living illegally in india .they mostly came from bangladesh .they are allover india because of lax attitude of congress govt towards problem of illegal immigrants .
My friend.

Muslims in China aren't immigrants. Uighurs are native to Xinjiang.
Muslims in Norway are immigrants, the Norwegians state is paying money for Muslims to build mosques all over Norway.
If you are a murderer, a terrorist even, and you get sent to Norwegian jail, they will make sure you get Halal food.
Norway gives you paid leave in Ramadan.
In Norway, Muslims doesn't get sent to concentration camps, they don't get forced to change their culture and religion.
Muslim women in Norway aren't forced to Merry Norwegians.
They dont steal Muslim children to brainwash them.
In Norway, they encourage Islam.
Sir I know how Scandinavia treat Muslims they are very good people. I am just asking you to post images from your home country to compare China & free world. Evil Chinese have large Muslim mosques. Where as free world should have even larger, lets defame China?

Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar

Camps are for illegal immigrants who are living illegally in india .they mostly came from bangladesh .they are allover india because of lax attitude of congress govt towards problem of illegal immigrants .
He made his agenda here really clear.

1. Deny genocide and ethnic cleansing of Muslims in China.
2. Blame India

Sir I know how Scandinavia treat Muslims they are very good people. I am just asking you to post images from your home country to compare China & free world. Evil Chinese have large Muslim mosques. Where as free world should have even larger, lets defame China?

Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar





Now I challenge you to show me concentration camps in Norway.
100000 Muslims celebrate Eid el-Fitr in Northeastern China / Xining Day

Chinese city streets taken on Eid for prayers, no cities have enough mosques to fit in these many people.
100000 Muslims celebrate Eid el-Fitr in Northeastern China / Xining Day

Chinese city streets taken on Eid for prayers, no cities have enough mosques to fit in these many people.
Very good you allow muslims to pray ,
We are discussing re education camps .
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