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At least 75 killed in bomb blast at Quetta Hospital

30 people have lost their lives. It's time to go after TTP leadership in Afghanistan and also LEJ and BLA dogs. No mercy should be shown enough of these retards.
It's time to go after TTP leadership in Afghanistan and also LEJ and BLA dogs. No mercy should be shown enough of these retards.
Go after the TTP in Afghanistan? Who will? You want to create an international incident by sending your army inside a sovereign country? That's easier said than done, dude. You can't do squat, unless the Afghan Govt gives you permission to do so. Considering your adverse relations with them, this would be next to impossible.
Go after the TTP in Afghanistan? Who will? You want to create an international incident by sending your army inside a sovereign country? That's easier said than done, dude. You can't do squat, unless the Afghan Govt gives you permission to do so. Considering your adverse relations with them, this would be next to impossible.

It is not just TTP. Pakistan has a problem in Baluchistan and they are just turning their blind eye towards that problem.
Lol! The comedy show about blaming RAW has begun on most Pak TV channels. They are even connecting Rajnath's visit to Pakistan with this blast!! Check it out.

It's so easy to blame RAW for every incident in Pakistan but not the incompetency shown by the Pak security forces and intel agencies. This way, no heads will roll! RAW is a scapegoat and a convenient alibi. This has become a habit and the Pak media is going overboard to blame Rajnath Singh and India for this suicide blast!
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