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At least 75 killed in bomb blast at Quetta Hospital

@Tipu7 didnt i told you before this guy loves death and misery , you will never hear from this OP but as soon OP hears news of Pakistanis dying he becomes V12 engine
I dont understand why pakistanis dont voice their support to these "Freedom Fighters" just like they did to kashmiri "Freedom Fighters"... :close_tema::close_tema::close_tema: c'mon guys.. these freedom fighters need your support. As someone suggested, help them with arms and ammunition too.

Don't be insensitive ... at least bare your thoughts about the innocent victims of this terrorist attack.
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They are frustrated and hitting out against soft targets in their frustration. In terms of them gloating on the forum about a terrorist attack targeting civilians, just goes to show how we have them by the b@lls.
It is not just TTP. Pakistan has a problem in Baluchistan and they are just turning their blind eye towards that problem.
It's the TTP and LEJ. As for your paid dogs they are pretty much eliminated and they are eliminated because we have full focus on Baluchistan.

Go after the TTP in Afghanistan? Who will? You want to create an international incident by sending your army inside a sovereign country? That's easier said than done, dude. You can't do squat, unless the Afghan Govt gives you permission to do so. Considering your adverse relations with them, this would be next to impossible.
It would have to happen sooner or later. Sorry either Afghans will kill Mullah Radio and others or eventually we would go in and bomb the hell out of them.
Don't be insensitive ... at least thing about the innocent victims of this terrorist attack.

well.. it has already been declared on RAW and Indian terrorists.. we are already made insensitive right ??
@Tipu7 didnt i told you before this guy loves death and misery , you will never hear from this OP but as soon OP hears news of Pakistanis dying he becomes V12 engine
Yup. I am not surprised....
He is cheering inside .

I dont understand why pakistanis dont voice their support to these "Freedom Fighters" just like they did to kashmiri "Freedom Fighters"... :close_tema::close_tema::close_tema: c'mon guys.. these freedom fighters need your support. As someone suggested, help them with arms and ammunition too.

If you will compare Freedom Fighters of Kashmir with that of Baluchistan then I will have no choice but to mention freedom fighters of Naga Land, Khalistan & Assam.

Kashmir is disputed territory, rest are not.
Put this point in your little brain .....
I dont understand why pakistanis dont voice their support to these "Freedom Fighters" just like they did to kashmiri "Freedom Fighters"... :close_tema::close_tema::close_tema: c'mon guys.. these freedom fighters need your support. As someone suggested, help them with arms and ammunition too.
Lashkare Jhangvi is a shia hater group the only freedom they want is to eliminate shias from all over Pakistan they dont want to make Balochistan a seperate nation
Lol! The comedy show about blaming RAW has begun on most Pak TV channels. They are even connecting Rajnath's visit to Pakistan with this blast!! Check it out.

It's so easy to blame RAW for every incident in Pakistan but not the incompetency shown by the Pak security forces and intel agencies. This way, no heads will roll! RAW is a scapegoat and a convenient alibi. This has become a habit and the Pak media is going overboard to blame Rajnath Singh and India for this suicide blast!

India is obviously behind it , india has most to gain form this as it diverts aways attention from Kashmir

Just keep in mind we have this guy in our custody and we know what he was up to



Aaj raat is ki khoob pitai hu gi to get more information , tum kar lo lol
India is obviously behind it , india has most to gain form this as it diverts aways attention from Kashmir

Just keep in mind we have this guy in our custody and we know what he was up to



Aaj raat is ki khoob pitai hu gi to get more information , tum kar lo lol
You guys have been made fools of! The propaganda and falsehoods spewed out by your Establishment is breathtaking. The whole wide world knows that this retired naval officer was kidnapped by Pak intel agencies from Sistan Balochistan in Iran and dubbed a RAW agent! Lol!

Your credibility has hit new lows! But the tragedy is that you fellows believe this nonsense and have fallen hook, line, and sinker for this rubbish! Hats off to your propaganda machine. India needs to learn from Pakistan how to twist facts to make falsehoods look like the gospel truth!
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@Tipu7 didnt i told you before this guy loves death and misery , you will never hear from this OP but as soon OP hears news of Pakistanis dying he becomes V12 engine
You see the difference is, no matter where in Pakistan an incident takes place, it's always close to our hearts but for these Indians, it only matters if something happens only in Delhi or Mumbai .... the other day 14 innocent were killed in a market attack in Assam, but the reaction by most Indians was as if it happened in another country.
and the scum relating this to IOK needs to be reminded, even now after a month, most of IOK is under curfew.... not sure when was this situation anywhere in Pakistan.
You guys have been made fools of! The propaganda and falsehoods spewed out by your Establishment is breathtaking. The whole wide world knows that this retired naval officer was kidnapped by Pak intel agencies from Sistan Balochistan in Iran and dubbed a RAW agent! Lol!

Your credibility has hit new lows!

hahaha kidnaped from sistan .. very funny

Aaj is ki khoob chitrol ho gi and he will sing even more like canary and divulge even more details about indian involvement in balochistan
Rip. What kind of a brainwashed idiot is required to do something like this. May Allah grant the victims heaven.

To target a hospital. This is beyond terrorism. This is madness.

Security forces and police of balochistan must secure the area better and we must fence and seal the border.

And to all Indians here sneering. Shame on you all. This is a horrific incident but you guys can't even must some sense of decency.

@mods plz take care of them.

Lej activity looks a possibility but my bet would be on TTP or BLA as BLA have started to target soft targets while TTP have made their entire existence on soft targets.
hahaha kidnaped from sistan .. very funny

Aaj is ki khoob chitrol ho gi and he will sing even more like canary and divulge even more details about indian involvement in balochistan
You got a hope! I like your optimism. But he will divulge nothing as he has nothing to divulge as he isn't a RAW agent to begin with! :P
You got a hope! I like your optimism. But he will divulge nothing as he has nothing to divulge as he isn't a RAW agent to begin with! :P

Already he has given vital information which has been used effectively to track down and terminate indian sponsored activities in balochistan , he is our bitch now
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