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At least 23 killed in multiple attacks in Afghanistan

The ANA have taken horrendous losses I just don't think they can ever recover from. It's clear they no longer pose much of a threat to the Taliban. I hope they come to some sort of peace with them.
As long as jokers rule Afghanistan, and ANA hell bent on being anti Pakistan rather then to work with Pakistan, they will not accept that they have miserably failed in Afghanistan nor will the US. I think its time for regional players to step up and first boot the US out and than work with local power centers for a peaceful resolution to this conflict.
Afghanis are not capable of forming a nation state. its so evident to see, they are not able to form any civic service, there isn't even any national fabric, its a dead end. It needs to be balkanized for peace to return to the region.
The ANA have taken horrendous losses I just don't think they can ever recover from. It's clear they no longer pose much of a threat to the Taliban. I hope they come to some sort of peace with them.

Peace is the only real endgame. For the sake of Afghanistan, I wish that all parties involved realise this and bring the Taliban to the negotiating table. But, I will add that the ANA and the US should keep up and build more military pressure. Negotiations while the ANA is on the back foot and the government's appearing weaker aren't likely to end well and will embolden the Taliban's internal hawkish elements at the expense of the more reasonable peace makers.

Unfortunately, the US isn't interested in peace. Every new administration escalates and tries Bush era 2002-3 tactics on the Talibs again and then fails. And the Afghan government is no more than a loathsome ensemble of crooks and warlords, they're interested in enriching themselves and they are arrogant and out of touch. To them, the Taliban is illegitimate politically and can never be involved in any political process (refusing to learn from the past 17 years), and they're quite happy to continue this as long as they can despite the Taliban's successes.
Their had been targeted attacks against the Taliban, I suppose this is the rebound!
I don't know about rebound but this is not good for stability in Afghanistan. Peace in Afghanistan has no military solution.
I don't know about rebound but this is not good for stability in Afghanistan. Peace in Afghanistan has no military solution.
what I meant was there was a multi pronged attack against the taliban, which launched counter attacks from. all in a space of 2 weeks.

either way spring offensive is off to a bloody start before the arrival of spring!
The ANA have taken horrendous losses I just don't think they can ever recover from. It's clear they no longer pose much of a threat to the Taliban. I hope they come to some sort of peace with them.

Its the only way forward for them. The Taliban are the dominant fighting force. We should recognise that and align ourselves accordingly.
The source of all evil is American occupation of Afghanistan. Yanks needs to be booted out , Soviet style, the rest will fall inline afterwards.
İt's not just about US leaving, but the parties within are endangering the long term survival of the country. Soviets departure was deemed necessary for Afghan peace and we saw the blood bath they inflicted upon themselves after the Soviets left. All the concerned parties have to agree on a long term agenda.
Only people like Ashraf Ghani, being puppets, to be held responsible for all the losses. There is no strategy for stability & peace in Afghanistan and Kabul cannot act for a single thing without dictation. Once Afghans get rid of puppet regime and vouch for the right leadership, people may see peace. These failures that put a question mark over US, NATO and Afghan Government progress, highlights that most of Afghanistan land and its security is out of hands of these big names.

What if military powers have no ambition to restore peace in Afghanistan which seems like they all are hell bent to keep the status quo of unrest & instability for own presence in the region and to contain neighboring rivals. Despite all the claims by US allies, Ashraf Ghani & his warlords, one can only wish & pray that may the sanity prevail.

Afghanistan peace depends upon interest & efforts of neighboring nations and stake holders whereby, US & allies are only working for containment and keeping the neighbors out of development which actually harms any progress. Pakistan do hold a major stake in this regard but as the US needs an SHO like India in the region, supported its presence in Afghanistan whom has no aim but to work against Pakistan & China. Every time, when there is any chance of talks and progress, either US or Kabul rejects any possibility and create a vacuum till next loss.

Until & unless, right parties are not taken into confidence and all stake holder does not join the table for talks, I am afraid, we may be keep seeing such situations in future.
I thought Trump said they will be winning in Afghanistan ? cant handle Afghanistan and blames Pakistan for every rock that moves there .. Shameful attitude by both Afghans and Americans .
The result of Trump giving bigger role to India in Afghanistan.
For India its just a place to use against pakistan, they do not care about Afgans or peace.
Responsibility is on Afghans to see who is with them and who is just using them, and USA and India has no use of stable Afghanistan.

Only Pakistan has to live with them, and consider them on of its own Bother country, but what can namak harams can see.....

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