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'At least 20 people dead' after highway bridge collapses in Italy

Not mafia...

Camera shows lightening struck the bridge pylon and 20 seconds later it starts to crumble. If there were small cracks filled with water, the lightening let this water expolde.
@Cell_DbZ @xenon54

Many might not know that over the last five years,dozens of Italian bridges have collapsed. There are many reasons for this.

In Italy the road network is ageing and neglected. The government has cut investments neglecting the maintenance of the nearly 27K kilometers of the Italian road network.

In Italy, freight traffic mainly involves roads, bridges and viaducts. The roads wear out faster and therefore require regular maintenance.

Between 2007 and 2013, the Italian Motorway Management Agency spent only 180 million euros a year for maintenance,modernization and security of the network while it was recommended to invest €2,5 billion euros each years. Investments are down despite the huge revenues it earns,€7 billion euros in 2017.

Last year the Italian government seemed to aknowledge efforts had to be made. It decided to boost investments in roads infrastructures providing some €12,5 billion euros over five years,including €5,6 billion euros for roads and highways.

Given Italy's reputation for "transparency" and corruption,mafia networks and only God knows what else,you might already ask where this money will really land,who will benefit from these funds etc. :rolleyes:
The bridge that collapsed was repaired twice in recent years, seems like the job wasnt done properly, i wonder why.

Not mafia...

Camera shows lightening struck the bridge pylon and 20 seconds later it starts to crumble. If there were small cracks filled with water, the lightening let this water expolde.
Thats why maintainence work should be done properly, lightening strikes are no big deal with proper protection, even planes can continue their flight after a strike.
Imagine every bridge was to collapse after a lightening strike, oh boy.
The bridge that collapsed was repaired twice in recent years, seems like the job wasnt done properly, i wonder why.

Thats why maintainence work should be done properly, lightening strikes are no big deal with proper protection, even planes can continue their flight after a strike.
Imagine every bridge was to collapse after a lightening strike, oh boy.

You do understand the physical background i explained? The concrete was propably cracked and water inside ths structure. The lightening heated the water in microseconds to several thousand °C. Even 100ml water act like 80kg TNT then.

It was a freak accident.

On a sidenot, while aircrafts usually survive a hit by lightening, some crash have occured because a lightening strike. Pan AM Flight 214 crashed because a lightening strike.

Its a rare thing but happenes.

We talk about a bridge older than 50 years.
You do understand the physical background i explained? The concrete was propably cracked and water inside ths structure. The lightening heated the water in microseconds to several thousand °C. Even 100ml water act like 80kg TNT then.

It was a freak accident.

On a sidenot, while aircrafts usually survive a hit by lightening, some crash have occured because a lightening strike. Pan AM Flight 214 crashed because a lightening strike.

Its a rare thing but happenes.

We talk about a bridge older than 50 years.
I understood yet it should not happen after a propper restauration thats the point, the fact that concrete can ''explode'' when water freezes in cracks or the exsample you have given is nothing new, its known, even more so to the engineers tasked with maintainance of concrete structures.
Part of the money intended for the maintainance of the bridge probably vent to somewhere else, its happening regularly in Italy.
In fact an expert in Swiss radio said yesterday that Italy is notorious for cheating on structures to save money, south even slightly worse than north, nowhere near European standarts and well this was just the recent exsample that it is true.
I understood yet it should not happen after a propper restauration thats the point, the fact that concrete can ''explode'' when water freezes in cracks or the exsample you have given is nothing new, its known, even more so to the engineers tasked with maintainance of concrete structures.
Part of the money intended for the maintainance of the bridge probably vent to somewhere else, its happening regularly in Italy.
In fact an expert in Swiss radio said yesterday that Italy is notorious for cheating on structures to save money, south even slightly worse than north, nowhere near European standarts and well this was just the recent exsample that it is true.

This happenes evrywhere. In Germany as well. They bought cheap wheels for their highspeed train and had a catastrophic crash with 100 death.

The brdge was under restauration right now, so it was not done yet. Let investigations make their job.
This happenes evrywhere. In Germany as well. They bought cheap wheels for their highspeed train and had a catastrophic crash with 100 death.

The brdge was under restauration right now, so it was not done yet. Let investigations make their job.
Yes it does happend everywhere, important is how many times and whether if it was a mistake or delibaretaly cheating , its a big difference.
Yes it does happend everywhere, important is how many times and whether if it was a mistake or delibaretaly cheating , its a big difference.

That arrogance is amusing.

What if i tell you that almost evry German or Switzerland high position politician has contacts to the italian Mafia?

The Mafias European hot spot outside Italy for example is in Thuringen / center Germany.

You know the ruthless mexican drug cartels? They are nothing but underlings of the Cosa Nostra. The Mafia has influence even in Vatican, evry bank and evrything. Its a cancer and a global one. That its HQ is Italy is our countries burden.
That arrogance is amusing.

What if i tell you that almost evry German or Switzerland high position politician has contacts to the italian Mafia?

The Mafias European hot spot outside Italy for example is in Thuringen / center Germany.

You know the ruthless mexican drug cartels? They are nothing but underlings of the Cosa Nostra. The Mafia has influence even in Vatican, evry bank and evrything. Its a cancer and a global one. That its HQ is Italy is our countries burden.
You know thats amusing? To be called arrogant by you, im merely stating the facts whether you like it or not.
RIP , thats very sad. :( God give them patience...
You know thats amusing? To be called arrogant by you, im merely stating the facts whether you like it or not.

How much we bet that evry big infrastructure project in Switzerland also funnels money to the italian Mafia?

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