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At least 14 soldiers martyred in Gwadar ambush

My Brother-in-law is in airforce Believe me the extent of Corruption and Flattery I have seen I think they are already on the PATH of their destruction but the one incident i tell you I have seen The Hilux Vigo was given to him Officially to do FIELD work assigned to him but his commanding officer kept it for himself instead he already have one Hilux Vigo officially given to him but the Next day I see his sons are using that Vehicle and I am ashamed and said to myself why are they doing this to country. Same goes to permotion. most of the Star rank officers are those who are excelled in Flattery. The POWERSTRUGGLE within SYSTEM is SKY HIGH by Flattery and MARRIAGES.
What action we have to do to SOLVE this MESS and straight our PATH?

If someone Hurt by my WORDS I APPOLOGISE

My father was in the Air Force and saw the corruption and nepotism first hand in the 70’s. He deserted and escaped Karachi airbase and migrated to the US. I’m so glad he did, otherwise I would have been some cunt on this forum defending my DHA lifestyle.. :lol:
Chal bay d Chowk k khawar manikaa These men died for the country, not during making you bewah.
Abba kisi randi ka bacha apni aukaat per ahh gaya Asim ka chakla ki paidawar. These men died at the behest of your gandoo abu sitting at that randi khana GHQ. These men are dying for many years because thats an easy sell instead of providing them with proper equipment, these men are dying because your gandoo abus are busy in political engineering, instead of doing their jobs.

You can think whatever you want, but no one here is giving any excuse. You want to take it that way, your call.
Sorry mate, but this is no longer believable. Our soldiers are dying, our bases are attacked and all it seems you guys do is arrest PTI leaders, lock up fashion designers and send delegations to Jinnah House.
I have no problem with that. Just tell us how that helps our war against terror.
Abba kisi randi ka bacha apni aukaat per ahh gaya Asim ka chakla ki paidawar. These men died at the behest of your gandoo abu sitting at that randi khana GHQ. These men are dying for many years because thats an easy sell instead of providing them with proper equipment, these men are dying because your gandoo abus are busy in political engineering, instead of doing their jobs.
Lmao, andar ka Dala Bahar gaya
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Every Pakistani is like that to be honest, in a way we kinda deserve the rulers that have been thrust upon us, these generals did not come from some allien world they rose from the very people, just like these think tank guys on this thread, I mean why kill the goose when she is laying golden eggs, we can kill her later and go for the meat and bones after we run her dry.
That is a totally wrong assumption. In 220 million people, there are every type. There are successful, lazy, hard workers, passive, just, psychos, etc, and whatnot. The elite hand picked the worst of the worst from us even in politics. All good bureaucrats, politicians, and even army personnel were silenced or sidelined.

The only thing we lack as the majority is a spine due to our centuries-old patriarchy. We bow to religious scholars (gurus or peers), culture, parents, societal norms, thugs, police, etc. That is why a few hundred British ruled us before and now wanna-be Britishers or wanna-be foreign settlers are ruling us. @Signalian

It will be declared on the day of judgement who was a martyred and who was not until then the govt employers are the only martryers
anyone (police, civilian, rescue 1122, army, etc) who seems to have laid down his life for his country or society. We shouldn't pass judgment day ruling now.
You spelt neutered wrong.
Perhaps you have some comprehension issues. No wonder after only doing FA, it is expected.
No just a Punjabi youthia.
Not long ago , 90% of military brats and online praisers were Punjabi youthia.
Sindhi only praise Bhutto
Pushtoon and Baloch got issues with army on basis of ethnicity.

Kudos to Asim Munir he turned around the situation so fast and so dramatic.
What a "Sipah salaar".
Deportation of Afghan is of no consequence till we get our act straight.
@PanzerKiel Sir, I have been following the situation of Afghan refugees for few days, and they are going through many difficulties. Can you please tell what short and long-term advantages we will have by deporting them?
@PanzerKiel Sir, I have been following the situation of Afghan refugees for few days, and they are going through many difficulties. Can you please tell what short and long-term advantages we will have by deporting them?

Less namak harams
Deportation of Afghan is of no consequence till we get our act straight.
It give a small hope that people like you connected to inside circles realizes the ground reality.

However, the hope is dying with each passing day
It give a small hope that people like you connected to inside circles realizes the ground reality.

However, the hope is dying with each passing day
what you think about AFGHAN DEPORTATION will it a STRATGIC failure or Achievement of Pakistan to TALIBAN GOVERNMENT? is not it is a STRATGIC ACHIEVEMENT for INDIA and FOREVER enmity for Pakistan for the rest of HISTORY if this ACT backfire?
I don't see how people here who are cheering on mutiny, politcal interest and destabilisation of security apparatus will result in any tangible change. It would just make us into another syria. Changes takes time and Pakistani sus awaan wants it in a day, while not understanding the complex nature of the militancy. Keyboard warriors sighs
What people don't understand is why has the institution come to this point? Obviously there is something wrong with the type of people being inducted in the military. After all every organisation is a representative of the sample population and i don't understand why people assume the military knows it's shit. Until and unless we don't start taking in people with good academic standing and morality there will be no change.

One of the most harami and useless people that i knew were able to join the military because of their father's connection In the ISSB board. Neopotism has literally fuxked Pakistan up. During my alevels the most useless and party hoes because lawyers via international programs offered at different universities or school. So in the next 20 years you'll have these people as your generals and judges and the same cycle will repeat while the best and brightest leave for better avenues. On top of all that you have dynastic families to rule and plunder and then you have immi selling wet dreams as well.

Sab mil kar ******** chutyia bana rahai hain.
I don't see how people here who are cheering on mutiny, politcal interest and destabilisation of security apparatus will result in any tangible change. It would just make us into another syria. Changes takes time and Pakistani sus awaan wants it in a day, while not understanding the complex nature of the militancy. Keyboard warriors sighs
Yeah we are in a tough position

On one side the level of corruption and nepotism has reached a point that its become a cancer harming everyone

But on the other hand it gives fuel to the youthiyas right now and we instead should be united against other threats present

All in all, our people are not politically conscious enough in geopolitics
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