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At least 10 dead in Paris shooting

Happy to live far away from these sorts of muslims.....

These sorts of muslims are in every neighbourhood of Pakistan, except for interior Sindh and rural Potohar, which are free from the curse of wahaabism+deobandism thus far(though Ayaz Amir warned of a PML-N backed central Punjabi deobandi migration into Potohar). In big cities, they have hijacked every single mosque literally.
Muslim extremists, I have to draw the line somewhere, and i'm drawing it here :

you have chosen to attack freedom of satire against Islamic extremism with severe violence in a zone that I really want to keep peaceful. you leave us of NATO no other option than going on the offensive. I suggest a sustained heavy jamming and disruption attack against all islamic extremism ideology distribution channels, especially in the EU and North-America and Australia, not a re-invasion of islamic countries by NATO, which is quite frankly a bit too costly at the moment.
12 dead, 10 wounded in shooting at Paris headquarters of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo

PARIS: Black-hooded gunmen shot dead at least 12 people at the Paris offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, a publication firebombed in the past after publishing cartoons lampooning Muslim leaders and the Prophet Mohammad, police said.

French President Francois Hollande headed to the scene of the attack and the government said it was raising France's security level to the highest notch.

"This is a terrorist attack, there is no doubt about it," Hollande told reporters.

Another 10 people were injured in the incident and police union official Rocco Contento described the scene inside the offices as "carnage".

"About a half an hour ago two black-hooded men entered the building with Kalashnikovs (rifles)," witness Benoit Bringer told the TV station. "A few minutes later we heard lots of shots," he said, adding that the men were then seen fleeing the building.

France is already on high alert after calls last year from Islamist militants to attack its citizens and interests in reprisal for French military strikes on Islamist strongholds in the Middle East and Africa.

British Prime Minister David Cameron described the attack as sickening.

Late last year, a man shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest") injured 13 by ramming a vehicle into a crowd in the eastern city of Dijon. Prime Minister Manuel Valls said at the time France had "never before faced such a high threat linked to terrorism".

A firebomb attack gutted the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, a publication that has always courted controversy with satirical attacks on political and religious leaders, in November 2011 after it put an image of the Prophet Mohammad on its cover.

The last tweet on Charlie Hebdo's account mocked Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, which has taken control of large swathes of Iraq and Syria.

12 dead, 10 wounded in shooting at Paris headquarters of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo - The Times of India
And if this is the response, does it not make it important for France to intensify such attacks?
Than France will also face more. France just need to pull out all troops from Muslim lands, and also France needs to ban insult of any religion just like raising question on holocaust is ban. Than France will be not be much on radar of these guys.
France has been attacking Muslims for really long time they were part of attack on Afghanistan. They have been doing there level best to piss of Muslims.

Did they send firing squads like to target unarmed people?

France has been attacking Muslims for really long time they were part of attack on Afghanistan. They have been doing there level best to piss of Muslims.

Did they send firing squads like to target unarmed people?
I am just saying when Iraq and Syria are under war they laugh when Muslim die in dozens now they are weeping.You reap what you sow.
@Jungibaaz please Ban this guy , he is openly justifying such heinous attacks

on topic
hope these ISIS scums are annihilated , rascals by doing such heinous crimes , put's the rest of the muslim communities in trouble
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Than France will also face more. France just need to pull out all troops from Muslim lands, and also France needs to ban insult of any religion just like raising question on holocaust is ban. Than France will be not be much on radar of these guys.
That means imposing a ban on free thinking on a country where it pretty much originated!

If I was a Frenchman, I would simply deport all these folks to where they came from - no questions asked. :) I am sure many if not most Frenchman( and women) are thinking the same.
Than France will also face more. France just need to pull out all troops from Muslim lands, and also France needs to ban insult of any religion just like raising question on holocaust is ban. Than France will be not be much on radar of these guys.
or they can throw immigrants out of their country.
Than France will also face more. France just need to pull out all troops from Muslim lands, and also France needs to ban insult of any religion just like raising question on holocaust is ban. Than France will be not be much on radar of these guys.

Do you have any idea that how they screwed up the life of innocent Muslims in EU?

Now what???

RIP to the Victims!!
RIP to the victims. The EU does have many ISIS supporters.
Than France will also face more. France just need to pull out all troops from Muslim lands, and also France needs to ban insult of any religion just like raising question on holocaust is ban. Than France will be not be much on radar of these guys.
then so will Pakistan for operation Zarb-e-Azb, right ?

you believe TTP did the right thing in Peshawar ?
RIP brothers. May your tribe grow.

Disgusting responses in this thread are ample proof that this struggle is not ending anytime soon.

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