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At least 10 dead in Paris shooting

As the article says:
'The magazine was fire-bombed in November 2011 a day after it carried a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad.'

Still dont understand why so many muslim extremists get all woke up when someone draws a carrcature about Prophet Mohammed. There are countless drawings/carricature about Jesus, yet you never hear Christians going around protesting/killing/bombing places because of such a joke/drawing. Many muslims radicals really need a reality check, Religion is really beggining to be like an opium to these extremists as Karkl marx said.:disagree:

Sometimes i just wished there was no religion at all. Maybe things will have been much more better/peaceful in the world. Since too much religion makes people act irrationally at times IMO..
I am a Muslim but such attacks are condemnable everyone has right to express themselves if you don’t like it simply ignore it.

Four of those killed in the attack were well known cartoonists for Charlie Hebdo: (L to R) Charlie Hebdo Editor and cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier, Jean Cabut (a well known cartoonist for Charlie Hebdo), Cartoonist George Volinski, Cartoonist Bernard Verlhac.
You are a retard of the nth degree. What moronic comparison, that too, full of shit. Just like your brains.

Does that mean we should kick out all Pashtuns from Pakistan, because after all the majority of the terrorists come from that community. Luckily the government and the Army is more sane. You should apply the same principle to France and not categorize the good apply with the rotten apple.
If somebody write something against your religion or property then you soups counter with facts. Many religious people especially muslim's mentality is that kill all of them who disagree with you
Its more than that the colonial and pseudo - colonial actions of these countries cause more death and destruction then any terrorist atrocities

They just dont seem to get cause and effect

True to a large extent..but terrorism is something that no one and no sane country will ever tolerate.

In this case, it's a direct attack on the freedom of speech of France, the whole country will defend their right.

Four of those killed in the attack were well known cartoonists for Charlie Hebdo: (L to R) Charlie Hebdo Editor and cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier, Jean Cabut (a well known cartoonist for Charlie Hebdo), Cartoonist George Volinski, Cartoonist Bernard Verlhac.

These were the men who drew the pictures of the prophet

I must say that the current attack seems to be very well planned

They had training, they had arms, the had the correct intelligence and knew exactly who to target and where they were

As well as a planned getaway
These were the men who drew the pictures of the prophet

I must say that the current attack seems to be very well planned

They had training, they had arms, the had the correct intelligence and knew exactly who to target and where they were

As well as a planned getaway

That's even more dangerous - they weren't the run of the mill firebomb terrorists then.

France is screwed as much as UK is.
makes me wonder...
incident happened right after france support's palatine in ICC
These were the men who drew the pictures of the prophet

I must say that the current attack seems to be very well planned

They had training, they had arms, the had the correct intelligence and knew exactly who to target and where they were

As well as a planned getaway
So it looks like the Prophet was with the terrorists. Well done.

Correction: It was a 'false flag' event by the CIA/Mossad again.
Its more than that the colonial and pseudo - colonial actions of these countries cause more death and destruction then any terrorist atrocities

They just dont seem to get cause and effect
True but their stupidity has also led to import a bunch of rouges who just happened to be Muslims!

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