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At least 10 dead in Paris shooting

In one response to this attack, all western/non-Muslim media outlets should publish Charlie Hebdo's caricatures on the front of their newspaper/website.

We must show that a free & secular society will not bow down to Islamic fanaticism/terrorism.
If we do, we have already lost.
Valid point by pointing fingers at 1.5 billion people? What if I said that all Indians are rapists? Do I have a point?

i am socialist so i do not represent india.

@Mosamania said what must be said... whether he agrees or not, such questioning has been done by great muslim leaders before, like nasser and gaddafi.

we must thank mosamania instead of condemning him.

Best option for France is to close down asylum seeker option, next get over the colonial hangover and stop letting people in because you ruled over them at one point. Lastly disengage French troops from Muslim countries or conflict zones.
YUP! BIG point NONE of the colonial idiots seem to understand nor learn! :undecided:

@Akheilos will answer you. :D
In one response to this attack, all western/non-Muslim media outlets should publish Charlie Hebdo's caricatures on the front of their newspaper/website.

We must show that a free & secular society will not bow down to Islamic fanaticism/terrorism.
If we do, we have already lost.
I think you are saying the right thing infect hang these terrorists in public with live coverage worldwide to give lesson to them.
Salman Rushdie was quick to comment,

“I stand with Charlie Hebdo, as we all must, to defend the art of satire, which has always been a force for liberty and against tyranny, dishonesty and stupidity."

“Religion, a medieval form of unreason, when combined with modern weaponry becomes a real threat to our freedoms,” Rushie wrote. “This religious totalitarianism has caused a deadly mutation in the heart of Islam and we see the tragic consequences in Paris today.”

(The Guardian, 2015)
Not going to help at all.

Shows a religion in poor light.

As the article says:
'The magazine was fire-bombed in November 2011 a day after it carried a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad.'

Still dont understand why so many muslim extremists get all woke up when someone draws a carrcature about Prophet Mohammed. There are countless drawings/carricature about Jesus, yet you never hear Christians going around protesting/killing/bombing places because of such a joke/drawing. Many muslims radicals really need a reality check, Religion is really beggining to be like an opium to these extremists as Karkl marx said.:disagree:

Sometimes i just wished there was no religion at all. Maybe things will have been much more better/peaceful in the world. Since too much religion makes people act irrationally at times IMO..
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Salman Rushdie is a self hater. He's irrelevant.

Salman Rushdie was quick to comment,

“I stand with Charlie Hebdo, as we all must, to defend the art of satire, which has always been a force for liberty and against tyranny, dishonesty and stupidity."

“Religion, a medieval form of unreason, when combined with modern weaponry becomes a real threat to our freedoms,” Rushie wrote. “This religious totalitarianism has caused a deadly mutation in the heart of Islam and we see the tragic consequences in Paris today.”

(The Guardian, 2015)

YUP! BIG point NONE of the colonial idiots seem to understand nor learn! :undecided:


Its more than that the colonial and pseudo - colonial actions of these countries cause more death and destruction then any terrorist atrocities

They just dont seem to get cause and effect
No...why should we do that...we do that every time and nobody listens.

i didn't see the burqa/beard indian "muslims" ( majority now ) taking out "million man marches" against the western invasion of iraq... nor for the nato/allies/proxies invasion of libya and syria.

i didn't see them even protesting against the pathetic they themselves have become in india.
Stupid comparison from you.

anyway i say and i repeat rotten or good FRANCE should KICK all the Muslims . These Muslims need to go back to their countries and earn and live there. simple as that

Its always difficult to swallow the truth, when your own flawed analogy is pointed towards you and you felt stigmatized. Why exactly is this comparison stupid..please educate me in your esteemed wisdom.

Maybe you have not traveled to Europe, however a vast number of individuals are converts to Islam, so should they be also kicked out of France. Bigotry has landed Pakistan in the current mess, I thought you could understand that perfectly well.

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