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Astra Mk 2 from SU 30 MKI !!

This was fast. And idea on the specs?

Basically dual pulse motor..range estimated to be 150+ km. ..What is astonishing is that they never publicized this.

There was a NOTAM for a 250 km area by DRDO a couple of months ago, but it isn't clear if this picture is from a drop test or a powered test firing. Most importantly, this is dropped from an ejector rack, different from the fired off the rail Astra BVRAAM.

This will be one of the primary BVRAAM of the AMCA from it's internal weapons bay.

Any rumors that maybe Egypt will have Astra missile in case of procuring and producing locally Tejas MK1A?

If such a license manufacture deal does come through it will almost for sure include the Astra Mk1 BVRAAM. The only other BVRAAM of the Tejas Mk1A currently integrated is the Derby, which is Israeli, hence out of bounds for the Egyptians.

But basically any Tejas Mk1A client should have access to the dual pulse Astra Mk2 and the ramjet powered SFDR based Astra Mk3 ( a Meteor equivalent) which is in development.

Interestingly, there is also an Astra based IIR missile being developed.
Astra Mk2

Now they can run away as fast as they can with their missiles at the first sign of F16s …
F16 will run now..

That particular day and time, f16 was having better range missiles than Su 30 mki... Once su 30 mki already equipped with the same range missile.... And with 160 km missiles.... F 16 will have very limited chance.
Any rumors that maybe Egypt will have Astra missile in case of procuring and producing locally Tejas MK1A?
Yes if Tejas is selected by Egypt then ASTRA will be definitely supplied with weapon package. Do not know about producing locally...

Astra Mk2 outguns PL-15
I doubt... PL-15 is China's main missile and right now there is no answer to it.... American AIM-260 maybe will have an upper hand but it is still under development.....
This was fast. And idea on the specs?
Local AESA seeker 😎

On the motor part, we are doing fine across the board. So thats that.

Any rumors that maybe Egypt will have Astra missile in case of procuring and producing locally Tejas MK1A?
Is Egypt looking for a fighter jet replacement for its F7 fleet or the Jet trainer replacement for its K-8 fleet? If it's the later, they will be fine with R73 and R27 integration.
It was reported a few months ago that Mk3 will be tested next year. I hope that this is still the expectation 👍
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