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Assocham wants India to bypass Pakistan for gas pipeline with Iran

Oh really..... Under which Section and which Article of the relevant International Laws ??

That Map is not the Law, quote the relevant International Law's Section and Article; please.

A few screen shots;

Oh really..... Under which Section and which Article of the relevant International Laws ??

That Map is not the Law, quote the relevant International Law's Section and Article; please.
Stuck in the pipeline: A $4-billion deep-sea gas project | The Indian Express


Shit has been discussed to death..


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Watch your mouth fool. If anyone here is rabid they're your obsessed Iran hater Pakistani trolls.
Lmao aren't you the douchebag bitching in the kashmir thread? You are also a PAKISTAN hating Irani troll ... In the same boat as Pak trolls.. So don't cry when you do the same!

My dear friend,

This is for the territorial zone. Not the EEZ. They are 2 different things.


Tell me more about the "continental shelf" than? :rofl:

And so read the articles I posted..

Maybe you should read what has been said before shooting your mouth off.

Did you understand? That was to a point being made by a poster about ships & planes......
Time to read the rest ... Before whining...
continental shelf is a geographical feature. It can fall either in the eez or the territorial water.

EEZ is only expanded if the state proves that the area is part of its continental shelf.. Pakistan's EEZ was expanded coz of just that reason...

Really !! Iran supports Armenia against Muslim Azerbaijan; Armenia, Greece and Cyprus against Turkey and India against Pakistan. I have seen Iranian posters here with Iran and Cyprus flags.

India has more muslims than Pakistan.

Just remember next time.
Lmao aren't you the douchebag bitching in the kashmir thread? You are also a PAKISTAN hating Irani troll ... In the same boat as Pak trolls.. So don't cry when you do the same!

Tell me more about the "continental shelf" than? :rofl:

And so read the articles I posted..

Time to read the rest ... Before whining...
I didn't troll against Pakistan. I just said taliban and other terrorist groups may kill Shias in Kashmir by suicide attacks and also wrote another sentence, because Pakistanis had trolled against Iran... However I deleted my comment after a while. You really misunderstood me.

Whilst differant surveys at differant times have shown fluctuating perception of the Pakistani public toward Iran - However the bottom line has not changed, Iran is looked at favourably. This is fact. I know we have some retards here but hey everybody has them included Iran. We realy need to not get too embroiled in religion because the moment we go down that road the damned sectarian rubbish starts.

However I want express some thoughts to both Pakistani and Iranians..

1. Iran does not and never will pose any threat to Pakistan. The Iranian/Indian so called friendship is worth, well nothing. I have done enough reading now on the subject to know that is like those party poppers. You tear the covering only to find another covering, you tear that to find another cover, to find another one, you tear that one and finally you find a tiny sweat.

I would love if the Pakistani thought with their brains than relying on rubbish they hear. I wish they took the time to read up on things. The problem is Indian's are biggest boasters on the bloody planet. They screach and scream and because there is so many of them they make a mountain out of a molehill. So it is with this Iran/India thing.

What exactly is it? Nothing/ Zilch.Zipher. It is lot hot gas. If you look at the trade between India and Iran it is freakin peeeeeNUTS. Cha, Chah, Cha, Chah I hear. what Chah Bahar. May I ask the Pakistani's can you please tell me what great has India done in Chah Bahar? Oh yeh few underfed Indian sailors went their and farted. Big freaken deal. You Pakistani is thos how weak your self respect is? Did you know the Chinese Navy went to Iran as well. Did you see Chinese make a bloody drama out of it?

Two Chinese Warships Arrive In Iran For Unprecedented Visit - Business Insider

But the Pakistani's saw the Indian masturbating themselves over this picture below and half of PDF Pakistani's went crazy. Let them go to Iran. Let them fart there. In my twenties I spent many years with Iranian's in UK. I know how they think even of Pakistani. I am not going to go as far as to say they are racist but believe you me they have hang ups. The day these Iranians get to see thousands of Indians watch what is going to happen. Or better let them to the largest open air toilet in the world full og half starved people otherwise called India. Watch how they will recoil. The problem is the Iranians have watched Bollywood and listened to the Indian boast. Amazing.


Now the truth is the trade with India is peanuts compared to China. The Chinese Navy also visits Iran. Now I am to ask the freaking Pakistani's here. Do you really, really think that the Chinese are going to get outdone by India in Iran? Are you freaking kidding here? The Chinese are already miles ahead of the Indians. Have a look at the trade stats. I repeat have a look at Indian and Chinese trade impact in Iran.

OEC: Iran (IRN) Profile of Exports, Imports and Trade Partners

So fact one Chinese trade impact is far more than India. Fact two Chinese Navy also visits Iran. So why all the fuss. The reason is while the Chinese quitely get on with it the Indians come here and brag, brag and you guys fall for their stupid brag.

The reality is the India are American lackeys and Isreali worshippers. If the Iranians don't know this then that is their loss. In time they will find out. Did you know that the Indians cheated on Iran? Did you know that the Iranians are really annoyed? The only problem is because they don't exactly have lots of friends in the world so something is better than nothing. What the Indian's did was couple of years ago made deals with Iran. To invest in oilfields etc. In return Iran gave India oil. The Indians than under American advice backed out of it but then kept on getting the oil. Then they told the Iranian's we can't pay for the oil either because of sanctiuons. WTF????

So they agreed to invest in the oil fields, invest in Chah Bahar, big drama was made of this. Our PDF iNdians probably masticated over this by opening dozens of threads. What happened> Nothing. They got one freakin call from Washington and another one from Tel Aviv and that was it. The real scumbag thing was they even blocked payments for the oil that they bought. Is that not a filthy thing to do? Now this is the ugly reality of Iran/India brotherhood. Grab hold of Jewish b*alls, clasp the American p*enis and then get oil from Iran but not pay for it. This is reality behind all that drama. So Pakistani's for sake of Allah lay of the Iranian's. They are our brothers. Trust me one day we these guys are gonna be with us.

Basically in 2002 the Indians promised Iran the world. Then proceeded to sign eveything and anything. If PDF was around those days you would have thread after thread about Iran and India record breakibg deals. Anyway 13 years later they have done nothing other than sent few sailors to fart in Chah Bahar. Worse the Iranians kept giving them oil. The Indians then used the sanctions as excuse that they could not pay. Now being the cheapskates they are realized that the sanctions might come to end. So now they went running to Iran to activate those old agreements. Guess what the Iranians said? F off. Go join the que, This is the reality. I urge the Pakistani members to read this please:-

With the signing of this MoU, Indian and Iranian commercial entities would now be in a position to commence negotiations towards finalization of a commercial contract under which Indian firms will lease two existing berths at the Port and operationalize them as container and multi-purpose cargo terminals,” read a statement released by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs".

"However, the inking of this MoU raises more questions than answers, given that it has been signed nearly 12 years after the first MoU were penned between the two countries, for the same port project"

"India first showed interest in the Chabahar port project in 2002, and in 2003 India, Iran and Afghanistan signed an MoU on the development and construction of transit and transport infrastructure"

"However, the understanding never went further"

"However India persisted, and Iran grew impatient with Delhi’s buckling under American pressure. Iran’s billions were only transferred in phases in 2014 after sanctions eased as a thaw emerged between Tehran and the P5+1 negotiating countries."

"Earlier this month, an Indian delegation was hurriedly put together and sent to Tehran to represent the Indian oil and gas sector. Tehran, while receptive, reportedly took India’s strategic edge away as it refused Delhi’s latest package for the development of the Farzad B field, which was a modified version of the deal offered in 2010. Worse, Iran has now also refused to give the field to India without a tender bid, which means after all these years Farzad B could slip out of India’s hands and end up with the highest bidder."

India’s Missed Iran Opportunity | The Diplomat

And Pakistani's Isreal is just about on the leash rearing to attack Iran. Isreal and their lobbies are doing everything to scupper the deal. So what does Iran's favourite ally India do? Here read this. Yes as we know the Indian's consider it honour to be called Yindoo Hindoo brothers. So Pakistan's please tell me do you guy's see any contradictions here?

Who do we support? "Isreal" shout 20,000 Indians.


20,000 march in Kolkata in show of support for Israel | The Times of Israel
“The Israeli-Indian Alliance is Warming Up” | Israel Defense
An India-Iran-Israel alliance could be Modi's legacy

The reality is there is emerging USA - India - Isreal alliance. You think Iran is going fit in there?


Why do a majority of Indians support Israel? - Quora


To the Iranians: Just like we will not force to try to change your policies in the same way we you should not expect us to either. There is NO way Pakistan will allow any pipe on it's land, under it's water or even over it's air going to India.

If the Indian's want to build pipes to Dubia, to Oman, to Africa and then route them to India fair play to them. Wish you best of luck. Apparently they have lot of money and they can afford it. Although can you please tell them to feed their poverty skeletons first.

'More poor' in India than Africa - BBC News
Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report - Telegraph
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India has more muslims than Pakistan.

Just remember next time.

:lol: another misconception ... PAKISTAN is the second largest muslim country after indonesia.

Also indian "muslims" ate the poorest community in india with almost no representation in indian military,beaurocracy/govt or even parliament.
Sir your map is Outdated. as there is an increment of 150 Nm in Pakistan's EEZ.
and that's result when i draw pipeline on this picture. and it still clearly shows that this pipeline is crossing from Pakistan's EEZ ""IF"" the pipeline is as like above.
View attachment 252466

The second problem that could crop up is that the SAGE project hinges on an offshore gas compression station on Qualhat Seamount (Murray Ridge), about 300km from the Omani coast. The seamount could now fall under Pakistan’s control and the station can be set up with Islamabad’s approval, said officials.
. "mentioned in an article by The India Express" , which i posted earlier.

mate yes i already mentioned this ,

, am afraid not sir' , sorry but just a little of short there ( including the new extended EEZ of Pakistan) but the pipeline route comes under Oman's maritime or EEZ & not Pakistan's EEZ & its part of the international trade route


& a detail map of the undersea pipeline between Iran & India


SAGE to build Middle-East To India Deepwater Gas Pipeline « 2B1stconsulting

this is news is old , the new route will by bass Pakistan's eez as pointed out in the link

from the link Published:May 13, 2015 3:49 am

Route under finalisation for the proposed pipeline will have minimal political risk,” SAGE had claimed in a presentation to the Petroleum Ministry in May last year.

The sea route was outside Pakistan’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) to transport up to 1.1 billion standard cubic feet per day of gas from Chabahar in Iran and Ra’s al Jifan in Oman to Porbandar in Gujarat state with a spur line to Mumbai later. - See more at: Stuck in the pipeline: A $4-billion deep-sea gas project | The Indian Express

Stuck in the pipeline: A $4-billion deep-sea gas project | The Indian Express
This will never happen. If they want to start a project like this, it will take them 50 years, and it will be unfinished.

Just move it through frigging Pakistan, and Pakistan really needs to tell Saudi & US to fck off.

I'm getting tired of all these talks of oil pipeline projects. I've been hearing it all my life. Iran, pakistan, and India should get their fcking act together and finish a damn project, instead of having meetings and shaking hands and taking photos.

I agree with you 100%. It is time to bury the hatchet and move full speed to complete these pipeline projects. Pakistan should come on board to honour its commitments to providing security and peace in the region. Without peace these projects will remain a pipe dream.
In my humble opinion, this project will need to include Pakistan for many reasons. To the extent possible, Iran should not participate in projects and plans that result in Pakistan's isolation.

Iran should be wary of India's plans to isolate and checkmate Pakistan and should not become party to any such action.

We are not for isolation but for integration. If Pakistan wants to make it happen, they can do so with their own money and supply us the end product at our border. We will be glad to pay for the transport charges. The thing is Pakistan keep touting that they are strategically positioned to dictate world trade but in reality with their isolationist policies they are hurting their prospects for any meaningful trade.
EEZ is only expanded if the state proves that the area is part of its continental shelf.. Pakistan's EEZ was expanded coz of just that reason...
There is a difference between a political boundary and a geographic feature.


Whilst differant surveys at differant times have shown fluctuating perception of the Pakistani public toward Iran - However the bottom line has not changed, Iran is looked at favourably. This is fact. I know we have some retards here but hey everybody has them included Iran. We realy need to not get too embroiled in religion because the moment we go down that road the damned sectarian rubbish starts.

However I want express some thoughts to both Pakistani and Iranians..

1. Iran does not and never will pose any threat to Pakistan. The Iranian/Indian so called friendship is worth, well nothing. I have done enough reading now on the subject to know that is like those party poppers. You tear the covering only to find another covering, you tear that to find another cover, to find another one, you tear that one and finally you find a tiny sweat.

I would love if the Pakistani thought with their brains than relying on rubbish they hear. I wish they took the time to read up on things. The problem is Indian's are biggest boasters on the bloody planet. They screach and scream and because there is so many of them they make a mountain out of a molehill. So it is with this Iran/India thing.

What exactly is it? Nothing/ Zilch.Zipher. It is lot hot gas. If you look at the trade between India and Iran it is freakin peeeeeNUTS. Cha, Chah, Cha, Chah I hear. what Chah Bahar. May I ask the Pakistani's can you please tell me what great has India done in Chah Bahar? Oh yeh few underfed Indian sailors went their and farted. Big freaken deal. You Pakistani is thos how weak your self respect is? Did you know the Chinese Navy went to Iran as well. Did you see Chinese make a bloody drama out of it?

Two Chinese Warships Arrive In Iran For Unprecedented Visit - Business Insider

But the Pakistani's saw the Indian masturbating themselves over this picture below and half of PDF Pakistani's went crazy. Let them go to Iran. Let them fart there. In my twenties I spent many years with Iranian's in UK. I know how they think even of Pakistani. I am not going to go as far as to say they are racist but believe you me they have hang ups. The day these Iranians get to see thousands of Indians watch what is going to happen. Or better let them to the largest open air toilet in the world full og half starved people otherwise called India. Watch how they will recoil. The problem is the Iranians have watched Bollywood and listened to the Indian boast. Amazing.


Now the truth is the trade with India is peanuts compared to China. The Chinese Navy also visits Iran. Now I am to ask the freaking Pakistani's here. Do you really, really think that the Chinese are going to get outdone by India in Iran? Are you freaking kidding here? The Chinese are already miles ahead of the Indians. Have a look at the trade stats. I repeat have a look at Indian and Chinese trade impact in Iran.

OEC: Iran (IRN) Profile of Exports, Imports and Trade Partners

So fact one Chinese trade impact is far more than India. Fact two Chinese Navy also visits Iran. So why all the fuss. The reason is while the Chinese quitely get on with it the Indians come here and brag, brag and you guys fall for their stupid brag.

The reality is the India are American lackeys and Isreali worshippers. If the Iranians don't know this then that is their loss. In time they will find out. Did you know that the Indians cheated on Iran? Did you know that the Iranians are really annoyed? The only problem is because they don't exactly have lots of friends in the world so something is better than nothing. What the Indian's did was couple of years ago made deals with Iran. To invest in oilfields etc. In return Iran gave India oil. The Indians than under American advice backed out of it but then kept on getting the oil. Then they told the Iranian's we can't pay for the oil either because of sanctiuons. WTF????

So they agreed to invest in the oil fields, invest in Chah Bahar, big drama was made of this. Our PDF iNdians probably masticated over this by opening dozens of threads. What happened> Nothing. They got one freakin call from Washington and another one from Tel Aviv and that was it. The real scumbag thing was they even blocked payments for the oil that they bought. Is that not a filthy thing to do? Now this is the ugly reality of Iran/India brotherhood. Grab hold of Jewish b*alls, clasp the American p*enis and then get oil from Iran but not pay for it. This is reality behind all that drama. So Pakistani's for sake of Allah lay of the Iranian's. They are our brothers. Trust me one day we these guys are gonna be with us.

Basically in 2002 the Indians promised Iran the world. Then proceeded to sign eveything and anything. If PDF was around those days you would have thread after thread about Iran and India record breakibg deals. Anyway 13 years later they have done nothing other than sent few sailors to fart in Chah Bahar. Worse the Iranians kept giving them oil. The Indians then used the sanctions as excuse that they could not pay. Now being the cheapskates they are realized that the sanctions might come to end. So now they went running to Iran to activate those old agreements. Guess what the Iranians said? F off. Go join the que, This is the reality. I urge the Pakistani members to read this please:-

With the signing of this MoU, Indian and Iranian commercial entities would now be in a position to commence negotiations towards finalization of a commercial contract under which Indian firms will lease two existing berths at the Port and operationalize them as container and multi-purpose cargo terminals,” read a statement released by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs".

"However, the inking of this MoU raises more questions than answers, given that it has been signed nearly 12 years after the first MoU were penned between the two countries, for the same port project"

"India first showed interest in the Chabahar port project in 2002, and in 2003 India, Iran and Afghanistan signed an MoU on the development and construction of transit and transport infrastructure"

"However, the understanding never went further"

"However India persisted, and Iran grew impatient with Delhi’s buckling under American pressure. Iran’s billions were only transferred in phases in 2014 after sanctions eased as a thaw emerged between Tehran and the P5+1 negotiating countries."

"Earlier this month, an Indian delegation was hurriedly put together and sent to Tehran to represent the Indian oil and gas sector. Tehran, while receptive, reportedly took India’s strategic edge away as it refused Delhi’s latest package for the development of the Farzad B field, which was a modified version of the deal offered in 2010. Worse, Iran has now also refused to give the field to India without a tender bid, which means after all these years Farzad B could slip out of India’s hands and end up with the highest bidder."

India’s Missed Iran Opportunity | The Diplomat

And Pakistani's Isreal is just about on the leash rearing to attack Iran. Isreal and their lobbies are doing everything to scupper the deal. So what does Iran's favourite ally India do? Here read this. Yes as we know the Indian's consider it honour to be called Yindoo Hindoo brothers. So Pakistan's please tell me do you guy's see any contradictions here?

Who do we support? "Isreal" shout 20,000 Indians.


20,000 march in Kolkata in show of support for Israel | The Times of Israel
“The Israeli-Indian Alliance is Warming Up” | Israel Defense
An India-Iran-Israel alliance could be Modi's legacy

The reality is there is emerging USA - India - Isreal alliance. You think Iran is going fit in there?


Why do a majority of Indians support Israel? - Quora


To the Iranians: Just like we will not force to try to change your policies in the same way we you should not expect us to either. There is NO way Pakistan will allow any pipe on it's land, under it's water or even over it's air going to India.

If the Indian's want to build pipes to Dubia, to Oman, to Africa and then route them to India fair play to them. Wish you best of luck. Apparently they have lot of money and they can afford it. Although can you please tell them to feed their poverty skeletons first.

'More poor' in India than Africa - BBC News
Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report - Telegraph

Please. Taking your logic forward, Shia deaths in Pakistan are just an occurence right? Keep your convoluted logic of Indian foreign policy and Indo US relations to your desk. To give you an example, there is a corridor being built from Russia to Iran, with India. Are you aware of this? Talking about poverty 46% and above of your citizens too don't have access to toilets. Why don't you go clean up their houses before coming and talking non sense on forums.

Also, the country which loans its armed forces for rent is Pakistan. The country which loans its wild life as game to rich sheikhs is Pakistan. The country which kills Shias left right and centre while backing their perpetrators was Pakistan. The country which loans its territory to foreign forces is Pakistan.

Your inability to have an independent foreign policy is causing you to rant against India. We have a far superior policy to protect our interest compared to the nincompoops who run what is a disgrace of a foreign service to any nation.
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46% and above of your citizens too don't have access to toilets. Why don't you go clean up their houses before coming and talking non sense on forums.

Way off the mark

Pakistan now among 95 countries to have met sanitation MDG: UN report - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

"The number of people defecating in the open in the country has been reduced from 46 million to 25 million during the last decade, the report says."

Pakistan's population is 182 million at present

That makes it 13.7%

Now coming to India

This is from 30th of Aug, 2015

Paid to poo: Combating open defecation in India - BBC News

"more than 590m people - relieve themselves in the open."

India's population is 1.25 billion

That makes it around 50%.....it isn't even close !!!

Now these are the latest figures from the U.N from this year

And we are improving much faster

Here is from one of your own newspapers

Pakistan improving sanitation way faster than India: Study - timesofindia-economictimes

"NEW YORK: Pakistan has left India far behind in terms of improving water and sanitation access for their citizens, reveals a new performance index released on Friday.

While Pakistan was ranked five in the new index developed by The Water Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Gillings School of Global Public Health in the US, India occupied an unenviable 92nd position."
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