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Assassination Attempt on Imran Khan: One Killed, Multiple Injuried Including Imran Khan - 11/22

The issue of Pakistan army is the same as the issue of the powerful Chahalgani slaves during the Slave Dynasty in Delhi. Balban broke their power successfully.

Corps of Forty

The Corps of Forty (Persian: گروه چهارده, Urdu: گروہِ چالیس), also known as Dal Chalisa or Turkan-e-Chahalgani was the council of 40 mostly Turkic slave emirs who administered the Delhi Sultanate as per the wishes of the sultan. It was the regular ministerial body in the muslim history of Indian subcontinent. Although all power was vested in the sultan, as the head of state, head of government, commander of the sultanate's armies and the final decision-maker in the judicial system, he needed help ruling his kingdom effectively.

It was initially formed by Shamsuddin Iltutmish, the third ruler of the slave dynasty. After Iltutmish's death, the balance of power shifted and the sultan became a puppet of these emirs. They would enthrone and depose Iltutmish's children and grandchildren, often murdering them when they proved troublesome. It would take a brutal man like Sultan Balban, one of Iltutmish's slaves and former member of the Corps, to break the power of the emirs and restore the power & stature of the sultan.
پاکستانی بھی کیا قوم ہے کشمیر کی آزادی کے نعرے لگاتے لگاتے خود غلام بن گئے اب اپنے لیے آزادی کے نعرے مار رہے ہیں

Aur Pakistan Fauj Indian occupied Kashmir isliay nahi jati kay Pakistan Azaad ho jai ga.
Ah yes, the optics of an APC standing in front of a crowd. Just what we wanted to see.

The estab really is failing at PR, and this can have dangerous consequences for all of us.

Any sane guy at this point would care more about the institution, and the chaos, and leave his seat or at least initiate the process of transfer, or try and undo the mess he has created.
So let's recap the government response:

1- Rana Sanaullah compaers an assassination attempt to heckling.

2- Maryam Aurangzeb says confession agayi hai to case closed.

3- Kh Asif thinks it's a PTI conspiracy since he didn't see any bullet wounds on IK or any first aid given to him. (This was said on the floor of the assembly)

4- Saad Rafique thinks the same and pins this all on PTI.

Tells you all you need to know.
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