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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

Even if they are chased out, where will they go. Didn't you see how Bangladeshi let Rohingyas killed in Myanmar. They are good at betraying their own people, they will never let them inside Bangladesh.

We killed Rohingyas? News to me.
BTW the indians should not get too happy about situation in any which way. If BD settlers feel pressure to evacuate Bodoland ,they wont go back to Bangladesh ,they will pack their bags and make train travel to kolkata,Delhi,Mumbai even to Chennai.

I hope they settle down in Bhubaneswar in large numbers. At least their safety will be guaranteed.
Its seems a bogus claim that 20 million Bangladeshi in Assam . how can such number of people migrated to India unnoticed ? secondly if the claimed figure were true than what the hell India doing in last 40 years . if the figure actually were near that number its obvious India would take necessary measures. but as India didn't take any noticeable initiative it seems this kind of allegation is purely political motivated . moreover India fencing illegally all over the bangladesh border then how can so many people trespass that area ?

I seen Hindus and Muslim Bengalis in the same side in this conflict. So stop your utter rubbish. When it comes to saving own A$$ they will flock together.

Hindu Bengalis aren't the illegal setters in Assam .

And what same side ??Are you not the ones who were in the forefront for the creation of Pakistan based on TNT ??
identical dialect. Ask any Assamese which dialect they speak.

You are trying to twist the topic, even i have lived with Bengalis for a long time and find Bangladeshi dialect as alien and easy to identify.
I doubt they will win. I dont know about indian PDF members but I seen Bengalis besides Army in the video footage the way I saw Rakhaine people by their army. Ground reality is quite different I suspect. Besides Bengalis are the main opposition party in Assam's ruling congress party which also enjoys overwhelming support of Bengalis. So it will be too hard for small Bodo community to hold the ground.

Bodo people predominantly expelled BDeshi from their regions after this riots those people fearing to come back to Bodo dominating region. Even if they came in future for hw long IA and police give protection for them?. Bodo people started the protest many tribes will follow same trend for sure .
Hindu Bengalis aren't the illegal setters in Assam .

And what same side ??Are you not the ones who were in the forefront for the creation of Pakistan based on TNT ??

I dont want to get into this.

But tell you one thing. When Bodo attacks they attack both Hindu and Muslim settlers alike. So Hindus have to take protection from Muslim one way or other.

Bodo people predominantly expelled BDeshi from their regions after this riots those people fearing to come back to Bodo dominating region. Even if they came in future for hw long IA and police give protection for them. Bodo people started the protest many tribes will follow same trend for sure.

So who evicted those Bodo people who are in relief camp?
Its seems a bogus claim that 20 million Bangladeshi in Assam . how can such number of people migrated to India unnoticed ? secondly if the claimed figure were true than what the hell India doing in last 40 years . if the figure actually were near that number its obvious India would take necessary measures. but as India didn't take any noticeable initiative it seems this kind of allegation is purely political motivated . moreover India fencing illegally all over the bangladesh border then how can so many people trespass that area ?

The only thing that confuses me about bangladesh is, it is an Islamic country whose identity is based on a hindu language and it's history.

You are going off topic like a typical pathetic internet hindu troll but still I will answer your utter
BS. ISLAM is an universal religion that has no boundaries and recognizes people of all
ethnicity. Its NOT AN ARABIC RELIGION BUT A UNIVERSAL ONE and arabic was only chosen as
a mode of language in which the message is being passed to entire mankind. Our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that:

"an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves."

Allah will only look at our action and piety nothing else matters. Infact ISLAM encourages local
languages and friday sermons during Jumma prayers are recommended to be given in/ translated into the local language for understanding. Translation of the QURAN into different languages helped spread ISLAM like wildfire.

DON"T bother replying if it doesn't go through your pea sized brain which would be understandable. :coffee:
I dont want to get into this.

But tell you one thing. When Bodo attacks they attack both Hindu and Muslim settlers alike. So Hindus have to take protection from Muslim one way or other.

So who evicted those Bodo people who are in relief camp?

I talked about dominant regions(Bodoland) , more than 30 bdeshi killed so far.
^^ Is there any special reason why Arabic was chosen among the thousand odd languages in the world ?

BTW Arabs who treat Bangladeshis like dirt in Middle East would take exception to your line that all Muslims are equal and are brothers.
A BD talking in behalf of their Master with stockholm syndrome :rofl:

I am talking on behalf of my people i.e Bangladeshis and my brother Pakistanis. 1947 and 2 nation theory is an integral part of our history troll. And now you can keep on spouting rubbish.:argh:

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