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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

Well Indian Hindu supports have very little implication on Islamic empire in the future. But once India turns Islamic which will be interesting to see.

Wet your Bed every night with the thought of it and change sheets in The morning . That is what your sorry life has come down to . Bangladeshis have become a fodder for BSF and now Bodos . Lol .

indians dont forget they the day when you will be attacked from all 4 sides.

Hahah . We have already ripped you apart once , Snatched siachen , and US is dropping "bumbs" on your heads .

Time is not Far when Pakistan will be divided into balochistan , Sindhudesh , Pakhtoonistan . We will have some mercy on Punjabis and Kashmiris as we will absorb that in India . Wheels have been set in Motion and you are seeing it happening infront of your eyes

Okay Im not replying to you again. You are an idiot, really

There is no reasoning with Internet Hindus.
They don't understand logic and reason, they only go by emotions.
Since they only have emotion, they can say silly things like "The Aryan Invasion is a myth" and "The Mughals converted by force"

The best way to treat them is like you would treat a child, give them a bad look but move on.
Seems like Muslim already have a upper hand in Assam and this violence just prove that. Its time Muslim declare Assam as the Muslim majority state.

You are a hypocrite. Once you said that NE are your brother and now you are happy because NE are being killed by some alien( whose origin is Bangladesh ) who came to our land for better life by jumping fences.

btw. This proves what I said. Bangladeshi want a independent northeast because bangladeshi want to dump their huge population in NE.

Time is not Far when Pakistan will be divided into balochistan , Sindhudesh , Pakhtoonistan . We will have some mercy on Punjabis and Kashmiris as we will absorb that in India . Wheels have been set in Motion and you are seeing it happening infront of your eyes

Son before that happens there will be no India. Now go to sleep son, u have to wake up for school tom.
Son before that happens there will be no India. Now go to sleep son, u have to wake up for school tom.

Please go to your madrassa first.
What Troll-lala has said will soon become a reality.

Anyways out of the 21 dead 14 are Bangladeshis and 90% Of thos displaced are also Bangladeshis.
Illegal Immigrant mess needs to be cleaned.

I hope Congress-I and its thugs will burn in hell forever and these 'lungichap' parasites will vanish for good.

The lesson must be conveyed to people living else where who daydream that India will be infested by these cockroaches forever.

All the power to those who are fighting against them.
Illegal Immigrant mess needs to be cleaned.

I hope Congress-I and its thugs will burn in hell forever and these 'lungichap' parasites will vanish for good.

The lesson must be conveyed to people living else where who daydream that India will be infested by these cockroaches forever.

All the power to those who are fighting against them.

I agree. Let there be another Nellie Massacre... I hate these damn Muslims in India! India needs to be Muslim free, all Muslims are ISI agents!! Don't you agree, buddy?
I agree. Let there be another Nellie Massacre... I hate these damn Muslims in India! India needs to be Muslim free, all Muslims are ISI agents!! Don't you agree, buddy?
Problem is we see it as 21 illegal immigrants died in clash (although not a very desirable incident) and you are tagging it as a slaughter of muslims. Can you please come out of that dome and address the real problem here? What would have been your reaction when something like these outpourings of illegal human wave happen to be in your own state endangering your own existence?
oh my my. such an anger.

The cradle of earliest civilization in India and not mythology, has been the Indus civilization. They were Hindus, Buddhists etc and now the Indus civilization is Muslim. And Pakistan holds the geographical entity which was the cradle of Indian civilization. It has happened over a period of centuries. If Aryans were invaders, who are you guys - emanation of mythology. Bull crap.

After you lost the cradle of so-called YOUR Indus civilization, you lost your identity and invented the Gangetic civilization, which was not there at all. You guys are still looking for a lost identity and are trying to find it in tri-murtis, which infact is part of indus civilization and is Pakistan now.

We took it from you because you were not good enough to uphold the great Indus civilization. We will carry the torch forward as the Muslim Indus Civilization where you lowly defeated indians have no place.

Go bleed your heart :)

I dont know why muslims interested in history and what they now about History , their history starts when their religion from, but they forget that many religions exist before that. Now Muslims always tries to twist and tech their younger generation about their fancy history. Some muslims countries don't even teach history before Islam was born,

Like Malaysia which was Hindu kingdom before becoming muslim but in Malaysia they don't teach history of Hindu Kingdom , so their kids don't know their real history.

Likewise you people always tries to tame history, Remember Buddha Statues in Afghanistan, which says that land actually belong to India since Islam born.
Problem is we see it as 21 illegal immigrants died in clash (although not a very desirable incident) and you are tagging it as a slaughter of muslims. Can you please come out of that dome and address the real problem here?

There is no proof they are illegal migrants. Any Muslim in your states is termed as illegal migrant thats why so much hate & discrimination against them
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