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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

oh yeah my forefathers were strong enough to fight rather than surrendering and sell their iman to save their life.Cowards got converted and now share about the glories which they really dont own.one fine day all these cowards will convert to christanity or will become chinese to save their life if any of these country will invade them.

No. This means that they were not forced to convert, otherwise even the Hindu Rajas etc would hand over their daughters and money etc to save their kingdoms. This is history. It is just that your fourfathers were not tested.

what you mean to say is that "forefathers" of those "who got converted" were weak and not strong enough to prevent conversion . now you are abusing your own forefathers, pathetic !

No, I am just outlining some historical facts.
WTF? Shining India, the soooooopa duper power of the world is also suffering from violence? I thought that only happened in Pakistan since that was the only issue on the tongues of the Indians here. What goes around comes around.

when economy doesn't grow, people are more found fighting for religion/race/nationalism etc. see in EU also, now nationalism is on rise since they have smelled fall of their economies.....:meeting:
No. This means that they were not forced to convert, otherwise even the Hindu Rajas etc would hand over their daughters and money etc to save their kingdoms. This is history. It is just that your fourfathers were not tested.

& it is still happening in Pakistan..The way Musharraf did it to get dollars..Remember what once bush said Pakistanis can sell their ******* for dollars.
No. This means that they were not forced to convert, otherwise even the Hindu Rajas etc would hand over their daughters and money etc to save their kingdoms. This is history. It is just that your fourfathers were not tested.

no, that means that in a state named PUNJAB , hindus started sending their 2nd child for becoming a singh (tiger ), to fight against atrocities by invaders , where you could not !
Bro isnt Hindu munnani or BJP not active there ?

Even ADMK is not there ?

Source is , he is a native there

If he is a native whatever he claims will it eventually become universal truth? Then even I can make many claims and then state I am a native. Are are ready to accept my claims???:no:

no, that means that in a state named PUNJAB , hindus started sending their 2nd child for becoming a singh (tiger ), to fight against atrocities by invaders , where you could not !

No fairy tales please!!!!
true but problem is politics, for once I hope rest of India turns a blind eye and we silently cleanse our land from these migrant *****.. it is too much to tolerate it any more.. myself being a bodo it disgust me to see them roaming around in our tribal lands..

Are you sure you can win the fight against Bengalis without govt help? I mean Bengalis will bring heavy duty things once invited to fight. They have the resources you know?
Yes we ruled India. And when we couldn't we carved out a separate homeland by dividing India.

1.who were the rulers of india from 1707 to 1850's , mughals?
2.if you say that religion rules state then does that mean if some religion rules more time its has more stake in that land??
3. when you say "we" does that mean islam ?
no, that means that in a state named PUNJAB , hindus started sending their 2nd child for becoming a singh (tiger ), to fight against atrocities by invaders , where you could not !

Wrong. Sikhism is a separate religion. Guru Nanak's number two was a Muslim. Don't antagonize Sikhs by grouping them with Hinduism. People converted to Sikhism and ruled Punjab. There were Hindus and Muslims lived under their rule. They fought against Muslims and bravely too and defeated Muslims. Unfortunately they got defeated by the Brits in the 3rd War near Rasul. I read the battle. Very interesting event indeed.
this thread has uttered the ultimate hatred indians having for muslims and someone is calling mosque a mosquito and others calling for killing thousands.....shame on u ppl...u r the most racist ppl on earth...

BS ..we all saw what hatred your country men had for the illegal Afghans who have settled in and around KP.

Take your drivel elsewhere.
ha ha ha ...... yaar ye zaid hamid kon hai. I need to find it out. He seems to have fingered you guys pretty hard.

My forefathers were converted - no. I know my history well enough from central Turkey. Yes there are many whose forefathers were converts - and you are angry because they got converted a thousand years ago with or without a sword around their neck. This also means that your forefathers were not strong enough and could not stop the invaders and allowed them to rule you for a thousand years. What a waste they were.

we were once mighty and strong and commanded loyalty of millions over swathes of land for centuries together - it doesn't matter that we have been used and abused for generations together by daddy dearest (BRIT or US or China, depending on time of reference)since the early 19th century and have no credible answer for peaceful co-existence, development or prosperity.

I wish i could empathize with your sorry state, but mocking the obvious lack of logic is far too easy and gets the point across faster.

Stop living in la-la land. Theories after theories have been proposed and disposed. Even if one were to buy your corrupted version of history, where all things holy and mighty and prosperous were your ancestors, HOW DOES IT MATTER TODAY??

You guys demand respect, but go from door to door with begging bowl. Acting as hired thugs (first by the the US to ward of the soviets and to help in afghanistan and now by china to contain india) gets you more money than tax revenue from the formal economy. Speaking of economy, it barely has a heartbeat. Your forex reserves are dwindling on account of payment to the IMF. High inflation, high cost of credit, low capital investment, poor savings rate, low growth, flooding in large parts, the list of your failures goes on.

As per social indicators, the track record is abysmal. Even in terms of hunger, the most widely used insult against india - the FAO indicators prove that a higher percentage of the population in Pakistan is suffering from undernourishment than in india.

As for defence (ah thats what drives the pseudo martial race bull crap) - you guys have been cut up and spat on. Have brawled with the neighbor on 4 occasions and not once have managed to come out on top. now you guys are going door to door not only for money but also protection (read the trips by pak delegates to beijing). Funny how the hired thug now needs to hire protection.

I mean you guys are visibly incompetent on every possible parameter. And you guys expect to be taken seriously when you shout from the rooftops that there is a thousand year legacy of greatness.

Even if true, you guys should not boast about it, but hide your faces in shame at the disrepute and failure you have brought upon the names of your "great" forefathers.
true but problem is politics, for once I hope rest of India turns a blind eye and we silently cleanse our land from these migrant *****.. it is too much to tolerate it any more.. myself being a bodo it disgust me to see them roaming around in our tribal lands..

Congress govt. not representing Indians try to understand that. We Indians never tolerate illegal immigrants in our land and we wholeheartedly supporting bodos brothers and their stance. We are with you go ahead , best of luck.
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