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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

The immigrants should get their act together fast or, the ex-rebels will be quick to start again. The solution then will not be so easy. The current Congress government shares a lot of burden for this unnecessary and unfortunate situation.
The only solution is to divide assame based on race line. One for Bengalis, one for Assamese and one for Bodos. I feel sorry for Bodos, they were first marginalized by Assamese and now they are in danger from even bigger force of Bengalis.
The only solution is to divide assame based on race line. One for Bengalis, one for Assamese and one for Bodos. I feel sorry for Bodos, they were first marginalized by Assamese and now they are in danger from even bigger force of Bengalis.
A even better solution is to divide bangladesh like it's old master pakistan,one for sylhetis,one for the people of Chittagong hill tracts,one for Biharis and other for Bengalis.
But Subramaniam Swamy has different understanding of this . He says that all Indian muslims have Hindu ancestry.

Did the Persians, Mughals etc. just vanish in thin air.....without leaving any descendants????:woot:

Yes, MAJORITY of them HAD Hindu ancestry.......
BUT a Muslim has to marry another Muslim right!!!!......and when you marry another Muslim with Persian,Mughal ancestry.....your child becomes a Hybrid......and when your child marries another Muslim.....their child becomes Hybrid........and so on........simple logic.
Like this after so many generations, there is hardly any 'pure blood' left in the Muslims of the whole Indian subcontinent either from the Indian side OR from the Invader's side.....

The only solution is to divide assame based on race line. One for Bengalis, one for Assamese and one for Bodos. I feel sorry for Bodos, they were first marginalized by Assamese and now they are in danger from even bigger force of Bengalis.

None for Bangladeshi muslims. Dont say Bengalis. It's Bangladeshis. Assam is for natives and for Indians.

Rest will end up in body bags sooner or later.
The only solution is to divide assame based on race line. One for Bengalis, one for Assamese and one for Bodos. I feel sorry for Bodos, they were first marginalized by Assamese and now they are in danger from even bigger force of Bengalis.

This is not going to happen. Its not on the cards for any of the parties.

Feel sorry for the immigrants. Very soon they will get attacked from many sides. Rebels have already started to arm themselves. A number of killed bengalis have died from Machete wounds..
These illegal B'deshi immigrants must be sent back from where they came from. These illegal B'deshi migrants breed like rats and already changed the demography of Assam (illegal B'deshi immigrants now constitutes 30% of Assam entire population up from less than 5% in 1971!!!).

good analysis. It though raises some pertinent questions as well regarding the overall response of Indian central and state governments.

The one common thing that has happened in all minority violence in the whole of India, over a period of time, is the perpetually late response of central and state governments. Take the example of Sikh massacres in India in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi, where thousands were killed in Delhi alone - where was the timely state security response to safe innocent Sikhs. Take the massacre of Muslims in Gujarat. Tehelka videos are clear examples as to where the guilt lies. Where was the timely state response. Hashimpura massacre - perpetrated by the state itself. One can go on and on.

One thing stands out clearly - the state allows the majority and in many cases abets and supports the avengers to effect a revenge on Indian minorities. The comments here of majority of the posters are similar - kill them.

Irrespective of the reasons given, how long can such massacres last. How long can these atrocities be sustained by the people who sufferer. This definitely weakens the nation state and makes outside support easier. This is not the solution - it is a fight in perpetuity with no peace in sight.

People will kill other people and get killed in return - for what - a Bharat Rashtra! Its not gonna happen without peace. And peace will not come without acceptance of the rights of the all the people living in India.
Did the Persians, Mughals just vanish in thin air........without leaving any descendants????:woot:

Yes, majority of them HAD Hindu ancestry.......BUT a Muslim has to marry another Muslim right!!!!......and when you marry another Muslim with Persian,Mughal ancestry.....you child becomes a Hybrid......and when your child marries another Muslim.....their child becomes Hybrid........Like this after so many generations, there is hardly any 'pure blood' left in the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent either from the Invader's side OR from the Indian side.....
You are right.
20% of Indian Muslims are Ashraf's(descendant's of Arabs,Turks etc).
The rest are converts from Hinduism,Buddhism,Tribal religions.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
None for Bangladeshi muslims. Dont say Bengalis. It's Bangladeshis. Assam is for natives and for Indians.

Rest will end up in body bags sooner or later.

Can't blame him..He is trying very hard to play the M card..but apart from Pakistanis (for obvious reasons) no one is interested in BD pole vaulters.

good analysis. It though raises some pertinent questions as well regarding the overall response of Indian central and state governments.

The one common thing that has happened in all minority violence in the whole of India, over a period of time, is the perpetually late response of central and state governments. Take the example of Sikh massacres in India in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi, where thousands were killed in Delhi alone - where was the timely state security response to safe innocent Sikhs. Take the massacre of Muslims in Gujarat. Tehelka videos are clear examples as to where the guilt lies. Where was the timely state response. Hashimpura massacre - perpetrated by the state itself. One can go on and on.

One thing stands out clearly - the state allows the majority and in many cases abets and supports the avengers to effect a revenge on Indian minorities. The comments here of majority of the posters are similar - kill them.

Irrespective of the reasons given, how long can such massacres last. How long can these atrocities be sustained by the people who sufferer. This definitely weakens the nation state and makes outside support easier. This is not the solution - it is a fight in perpetuity with no peace in sight.

People will kill other people and get killed in return - for what - a Bharat Rashtra! Its not gonna happen without peace. And peace will not come without acceptance of the rights of the all the people living in India.

Try reading more neutral sources before attempting to write an "analysis".

People will kill other people and get killed in return - for what - a Bharat Rashtra! Its not gonna happen without peace. And peace will not come without acceptance of the rights of the all the people living in India.

The BD pole vaulters are not Indians. Either BD can accept them back or we can ship them to Pakistan or STFU and let the Bodos do their job.
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