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Assad's Tanks Destroyed by Mujaheeds near the Syria-Turkey Border

If I had use just Iran or Persian, then likes of you would call me sectarian even though I am not one, I used Turk beacause I thought maybe I could convice someone like you that my post wasn't about nationality or sectarianism but I see that my effort was wasted on likes of you...

And no, Azerbaijan wasn't part of Iran. Azerbaijan generally ruled by the same people that ruled Iran and it is a different geographic area for thousands of years. I guess what I heard in Cyprus from both Persians and Turks of Iran about Turks of Iran being accused of Pan-Turksm for their every act is true... What a shame.

What you need to understand is that Iran does not equal Persian. I am not Persian, neither is most Iranian members on this forum. I myself am a race called Gilaki, however I do not go around calling myself Iranian Gilaki all the time. Just as Soheil doesn't call himself Iranian Turk, just Iranian... People in Iran generally don't have this ethnic driven mentality.

I don't accuse Iranian Azeris of anything, in fact if it was up to me I would make Azeri and Kurdish national languages of Iran alongside Persian. However do not twist my words, I didn't accuse Iranians here I accused you... A citizen of Turkey who has a history of Pan-Turkism on this forum...

Anyway no need to derail the thread any more, just know that the time of us Iranians tolerating all this BS from you guys is over...
Western/NATO priorities are strange...the rebels they are supporting in Syria and the extremists they are fighting in Afghanistan are in fact the same people.

Are they really fighting with NATO in Afghanistan !?

They only blowing Afghans and make an excuse for USA and NATO to stay in Afghanistan .... now they want give west an excuse to invade Syria as well .... they are doing what they are should do ... after all west won't let his dogs bite his hand ...


In past Afhanistan was a good country , I can say they was equal to Iran ( well , I could say their country was more advance than in Iran ) but Sovit invaded it and after that Mujahidin fighting with them ... but the problem is that those So called Arab mujahidin didn't care about Afghanistan and they ruined it more than Russians ....

and the main question is who support them , Saudi Arabia , CIA , MI6 , Khalijis ....


they want ruin Syria as well ..... Middle east don't need another Afghanistan , another Iraq ...


turks think having a Afghanistan in their neighborhood would be good for them , but they can't understand they are trying to make a nightmare for themselves ... well arrogant people can't think very well .....

what is persians doing in cyprus? i didnt know they are there , well soon i might even go because its heaven , nice place , an average teacher gets like 6000 tl ( 3500 dollar ) per month , i know people they live better in cyprus then anywhere

BTW if syria breaks up then it will be bad for turkey and iran because the kurds are trying to make a kurdistan that gets land from iran , iraq , syria and turkey .
BTW if syria breaks up then it will be bad for turkey and iran because the kurds are trying to make a kurdistan that gets land from iran , iraq , syria and turkey .

puppet never care about country .
In past Israel Vs. Arabs war , the Shah used kurds to don't let Iraq joining in that war and in the end , some Kurds get organized and spread "Great Kurdisatn " idea and some years later , they harmed Iran as well ....

the puppet only doing what USA ordered him and because his foolishness , we forced to sacrifice so many young men to secure our western borders ...

and now , Turkey is repeating our previous regime mistake ... they can't understand that Saudi Arabia and other khalijis don't want strong Turkey , turkey is merely a tool for them ...
well what about this , lets get strong while using the west enough till we can stand on our feet which we are slowly doing . i dont know about saudi arabia but iam sure the west dont want any muslim country to get very strong thats obvious , but kurds are slowly starting the great kurdistan . we should not let this map happen and another lawrence of arabia happen to the turks , arabs and iran in the region because from this only the real tool of USA the kurds and isreal will benefit


countries in red losing land
well what about this , lets get strong while using the west enough till we can stand on our feet which we are slowly doing . i dont know about saudi arabia but iam sure the west dont want any muslim country to get very strong thats obvious , but kurds are slowly starting the great kurdistan . we should not let this map happen and another lawrence of arabia happen to the turks , arabs and iran in the region because from this only the real tool of USA the kurds and isreal will benefit


countries in red losing land

Wow, this is a really interesting map. I'm assuming that since you posted this map, you have some knowledge about it and I will ask some questions:

1. What is the status of Cyprus?

2. There seems to be overglorification of Azerbaijan Republic. How are they able to both reclaim all of Artsakh and all of Iranian Western Azerbaijan?

3. Why is there a strip of land connecting Azerbaijan to Nackhcivan?

4. It appears that Mt. Ararat is in Armenia! Why? Has Turkey recognized the Armenian Genocide in this scenario?

5. Why has Pakistan shrunk?

6. Why does "Islamic Sacred State" consist of more land than the two holy cities?

7. Isn't Tabriz Azeri dominated? Why is it in Kurdistan?
Wow, this is a really interesting map. I'm assuming that since you posted this map, you have some knowledge about it and I will ask some questions:

1. What is the status of Cyprus?

2. There seems to be overglorification of Azerbaijan Republic. How are they able to both reclaim all of Artsakh and all of Iranian Western Azerbaijan?

3. Why is there a strip of land connecting Azerbaijan to Nackhcivan?

4. It appears that Mt. Ararat is in Armenia! Why? Has Turkey recognized the Armenian Genocide in this scenario?

5. Why has Pakistan shrunk?

6. Why does "Islamic Sacred State" consist of more land than the two holy cities?

7. Isn't Tabriz Azeri dominated? Why is it in Kurdistan?

The answer to most of your questions is because the person who made this map is a joker with no clue...

Pakistan has shrunk because the northern Pashtun areas have joined with Afghanistan (Afghan means Pashtun in Persian).

The strip of land connecting Nakhchivan comes from northern Iran...
The answer to most of your questions is because the person who made this map is a joker with no clue...

Pakistan has shrunk because the northern Pashtun areas have joined with Afghanistan (Afghan means Pashtun in Persian).

The strip of land connecting Nakhchivan comes from northern Iran...

Well, I think that the idea of nation states might be a good idea (definitely support a free Kurdish state, though only from Turkey because that is where they are being oppressed).

What is the point of joining with Afghanistan? Neither it nor Pakistan are nation states. Neither its government nor Pakistan's government have any control outside of their respective capitals. That kind of territorial exchange would be pointless....

Yeah dude, the Nakhchivan part is a screw up. Nakhchivan is historically Armenian (seeing as 1. there are numerous Armenian churches/cemeteries now in ruins and 2. "Nakhchivan" is an Armenian word).

IMO, Iran would be doing the Azeri people a favor by dismantling the regime of Sultan Aliyev.
in this map , the benefiters will be only israel and no one else believe me .
Syrian regime is a seclar regime who is well known of his "achievements" in oppressing and defacement Islam and Muslims. Those who defend him are from an Alwites which is Bashar's sect. who regard Ali as a God. This regime used secularisim as a sham to undermine Islam in Syria. I personaly know people who were imprisoned and tortured because they had known and popular Islamic books, and others because they had beards. Soldiers weren't allowed to pray or have Quraans with them. So, this sects followers are not Muslims. Bashar is going down no matter how much Iranians cry. His days are numbered. Then, the pay time will come to those supported him. As a matter of fact they are paying right now.
Syrian regime is a seclar regime who is well known of his "achievements" in oppressing and defacement Islam and Muslims. Those who defend him are from an Alwites which is Bashar's sect. who regard Ali as a God. This regime used secularisim as a sham to undermine Islam in Syria. I personaly know people who were imprisoned and tortured because they had known and popular Islamic books, and others because they had beards. Soldiers weren't allowed to pray or have Quraans with them. So, this sects followers are not Muslims. Bashar is going down no matter how much Iranians cry. His days are numbered. Then, the pay time will come to those supported him. As a matter of fact they are paying right now.

Who is going to take him down? The rebels? Even if Western sources saying that ~10,000 troops have defected are correct (which they are not and in fact way overblown), that would still compose 3% of total armed forces. Bashar is there to stay.
Who is going to take him down? The rebels? Even if Western sources saying that ~10,000 troops have defected are correct (which they are not and in fact way overblown), that would still compose 3% of total armed forces. Bashar is there to stay.
Believe me, he is going down, it's better you believe it now so you don't get shocked when announced. :smokin:

50000-70000 have been defected, and they are in dramatic rise...
Free Syrian Army leader reports doubling forces to 70,000 | World Tribune
Free Syrian Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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