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Assad’s ‘extraordinary betrayal’ led to Qaddafi’s death: report


May 9, 2007
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The Syrian government provided French spies operating in Sirte, Muammar Qaddafi’s last shelter, with key intelligence information that led to the operation of hunting the Libyan strongman, a newspaper report revealed.

A report by the Daily Telegraph said that officials from the Syrian government had offered the French spies Qaddafi’s satellite telephone number; thus facilitating the process of trapping and killing him.

The newspaper cited a former senior intelligence official in Tripoli who confirmed that President Bashar al-Assad had sold out his fellow tyrant in an act of self-preservation, describing the incident as “an extraordinary betrayal of one Middle East strongman by another.”

Rami al-Obeidi, the former head of foreign intelligence for the movement that overthrew Qaddafi, told the Daily Telegraph that Assad offered Paris the telephone number in exchange for an easing of French pressure on Damascus.

“In exchange for this information, Assad had obtained a promise of a grace period from the French and less political pressure on the regime – which is what happened,” Obeidi said.

Obeidi’s claims followed comments by Mahmoud Jibril, who served as prime minister in the transitional government, who confirmed over the weekend that a foreign “agent” was involved in the operation that killed Qaddafi.

Although he did not identify his nationality; the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera quoted Western diplomats in Tripoli as saying that if a foreign agent was involved “he was almost certainly French.”

Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy played a leading role in both the NATO mission to bomb Libya and in bringing international pressure on the Assad regime.

NATO initially claimed that it did “not target individuals,” according to the Daily Telegraph, saying that a reconnaissance plane spotted a large convoy of vehicles trying to flee Sirte on Oct. 20, 2011, two months after Qaddafi fled Tripoli.

NATO warplanes then bombed the convoy, apparently unaware of who was travelling in it, before militia fighters later found Qaddafi hiding in a drainpipe. He is believed to have been killed by his captors en route to the city of Misrata, west of Sirte.

According to Obeidi, France had essentially masterminded the operation by directing Libyan militiamen to an ambush spot where they could intercept Qaddafi’s convoy.

“French intelligence played a direct role in the death of Qaddafi, including his killing,” Obeidi said.

“They gave directions that he was to be apprehended, but they didn’t care if he was bloodied or beaten up as long as he was delivered alive.”

Obeidi explained that French intelligence began to monitor Qaddafi’s Iridium satellite telephone and made a vital progress when he rang some senior loyalists.

As a result, they were able to specify his location and monitor his movements in what Obeidi described as “an exclusive French operation.”

Qaddafi had openly threatened to reveal details of the large amounts of money he had donated to Sarkozy for his 2007 election campaign.

“Sarkozy had every reason to want to get rid of the colonel as quickly as possible,” Western diplomats were quoted as saying by the Corriere della Sera.

Neither is Asad the only traitor,
nor is this the only or the last act of betrayl.

I am not concerned what prompted who to do what.

I am most concerned as to why we are so prone to such acts ?

Why are the muslim countries the most mis managed countries in the world !

And why is it, that behind every muslims country, we find one or another western country, sponging off for free.
Assad offered Paris the telephone number in exchange for an easing of French pressure on Damascus.

“In exchange for this information, Assad had obtained a promise of a grace period from the French and less political pressure on the regime – which is what happened,” Obeidi said.
That's so pathetic.
Now, we know how will Bashar get killed. By betrayal.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: like Europe can't get a phone number or something....... hahahah the article should win for FUNNIEST NEWS AWARD for the YEAR 2012

:hitwall: and people post crap like this here.... they should be ashamed of themselves hahahah
Blackeagle aren't you ashamed of your sources?? Alarabiyeh really?? the one who said Syria shot the jet with a Grad missile and providing false documents??

:coffee: You never learn
i am not saying assad is a betrayer

but betrayal is a common word in political world :pop:
source cleverly hidden AL Arabia Propaganda arm or House of Saud i thought we covered This Yesterday but i guess Propaganda Machine working Over time.

Qaddafi’s satellite telephone number Damm these Syrians are way way advance then i thought they have the capability give out phone numbers to french spy agency

Its is impossible for European spy agencies to get Phone numbers from European Satellite companies that provide this service so they called Syria.

Can some one smell Desperation oh wait its just Al Arabia and from the looks of it its only subscriber Black Eagle.
Qaddafi’s satellite telephone number Damm these Syrians are way way advance then i thought they have the capability give out phone numbers to french spy agency

Its is impossible for European spy agencies to get Phone numbers from European Satellite companies that provide this service so they called Syria.

Can some one smell Desperation oh wait its just Al Arabia and from the looks of it its only subscriber Black Eagle.

Didn't you know that Syria has portals to transfer things? didn't you read Alarabiya article regarding killing two Turkish pilots.... and then Turkey found them in deep 1300 water in their seats

Those freaking Syrians man :yahoo:
Qaddafi’s satellite telephone number Damm these Syrians are way way advance then i thought they have the capability give out phone numbers to french spy agency

Its is impossible for European spy agencies to get Phone numbers from European Satellite companies that provide this service so they called Syria.

Can some one smell Desperation oh wait its just Al Arabia and from the looks of it its only subscriber Black Eagle.

1) How do you know it was a European satellite company?
2) How would the European satellite company know which number Qaddafi is using?
3) Don't you think Qaddafi's intelligence staff would take into consideration these issues?
1) How do you know it was a European satellite company?
2) How would the European satellite company know which number Qaddafi is using?
3) Don't you think Qaddafi's intelligence staff would take into consideration these issues?

then how did Alasad get his number??? Gadaffi texted him Saying "Hey man this is my new number" :hitwall:

P.S: I'm sure Gaddafi changed his phone numbers when the conflict began... common sense

and the article says Satellite number,, and Europe has access to any GCC Satellite numbers since they control GCC
Didn't you know that Syria has portals to transfer things? didn't you read Alarabiya article regarding killing two Turkish pilots.... and then Turkey found them in deep 1300 water in their seats

Those freaking Syrians man :yahoo:

My Bad i forgot have to Give Assad a call traveling the old fashion way by train plain and Automobile is getting Boring i must use the new Portals.

But what about the G C C Arab Nations whose army was also pounding Libya and its people via jets oh so sorry and we all no G C C is controlled By Assad not The innocent people who control Al Arabia.
My Bad i forgot have to Give Assad a call traveling the old fashion way by train plain and Automobile is getting Boring i must use the new Portals.

But what about the G C C Arab Nations whose army was also pounding Libya and its people via jets oh so sorry and we all no G C C is controlled By Assad not The innocent people who control Al Arabia.

Qatar was SO EAGER to send its jet and kill Libyans... and till this day some deny that GCC have supported the killing and destruction of Libya... while only Syria and Algeria voted no in the "Arab" League... while those "Arabs" all called for NATO intervention...
Banu Umayyah;

How do you know it was a European satellite company?
1)L O L Syria or Other Middle eastern countries for sure don't offer that services.

2) How would the European satellite company know which number Qaddafi is using?

Because satellite phone aren't connected to satellite via land lines (Must be a shocker for you but true non the less)and every one of them has individual identification.

3) Don't you think Qaddafi's intelligence staff would take into consideration these issues?

L O L yes they Might have and thats why we are laughing at this BS .

Gaddafi was killed by French secret serviceman on orders of Nicolas...

The motive, according to well-placed sources in the North African country, was to stop Gaddafi being interrogated about his highly suspicious links with Sarkozy plus more. i believe their is a thread on this topic here
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