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Asma Jahangir, Najam Sathi and Hamid Mir openly criticize Pakistan army

Read the Hamoodor Comission Report.
That will keep you shocked for this life.
Ask gupta jee of, RAW in indian embsy in bangkok, wht I am , doing here!
Its very shamefull to see a INDIAN army chief kicked out of his post, because he was, pointing fingers at your commision bassed crupt politicians, what happened to him, where is your , supreme court? Where is your dam CBI ,& its investigation???
Yes a common man, can be patriotic to a normal level , but can put his life, in the line of fire?
Poverty , is 60 years old issue of india, & its going to be there, for another 60, years.lol!
These dam peoples, who are nammed , in this thread are not, the camps of civil rights,demo-crazy, or independence of media, they are the, real traitors of our nation?
I can feel sympthy to ,INDIAN soilder , who I may have shot, in. KARGIL , the time of your massive attack on our post, near TIGER HILLS! But for the educated traitors, I never felt , any mercey!
Next time , plz don't get personal!
You don't, know about pakistan, dear ! Better keep getting, knowledge from your official PC , cause the dam, internet is free? Lol

If only you knew who your enemy was.
Everyone is busy calling the other traitor.
Pakistan should conduct national patriotism test. Which should be conducted with the help of lie detector.
We know they are working for US & India who are enemies of Pakistan & they only work for the highest bidder or who will pay more dollars to them. Not only them PPP, PML-N, PML-Q, ANP, JUI, MQM, Media channels are also working for US & India. Don’t want to talk more because the topic will get longer. We know who are our enemies & we need to get rid of them & FAST!!
If she is claiming ISI has planned her assassination then she should go to court, or tell the name of person who leak the news or anything. Just pointing fingers can't help anything. Being a citizen of Pakistan and she has been provided the stage (open media thanks to Musharraf )to speak the truth, then she should come forward with truth. Not just allegation against govt institution.
Being a political activist, lot of people like me see PPP has open two fronts, first one is attack on Supreme court in TV programs and second front open to engage Pak army. What PPP wants ?. But Nawaz Sharrief also pass indecent remarks about injustice of resource among provinces. Musharraf was dictator and non democratic, but he was right, PPP and PMLn are the nightmare for Pakistan solidarity.

You are either joking or have no idea how the things work in lawless Pakistan. Whenever the Supreme Court of Pakistan asks agencies to present some missing persons before the court, their dead bodies are found in Balochistan within one day. So much respect do they have for the highest judicial organ of Pakistan.

Asma Jahanir is a brave and brainy woman, two important traits which all of our pompous military Generals lack. The pragmatic and educated people like Asma Jahangir or Najam Sethi have no place in this country, only complete imbeciles and lunatics like Zaid Hamid or the leaders of DPC (Difa e Pakistan Council) are the true heroes and future of the fiefdom of the Generals of Pak army zindabad.
You are either joking or have no idea how the things work in lawless Pakistan. Whenever the Supreme Court of Pakistan asks agencies to present some missing persons before the court, their dead bodies are found in Balochistan within one day. So much respect do they have for the highest judicial organ of Pakistan.

Asma Jahanir is a brave and brainy woman, two important traits which all of our pompous military Generals lack. The pragmatic and educated people like Asma Jahangir or Najam Sethi have no place in this country, only complete imbeciles and lunatics like Zaid Hamid or the leaders of DPC (Difa e Pakistan Council) are the true heroes and future of the fiefdom of the Generals of Pak army zindabad.
Yes she uses lost of brain when it comes to malign Pakistan and Islam she uses lot of her brain and yes Lions like Zaid Hamid and DPC have only place in Pakistan because Pakistanis don't want Qadyani and Indian funded Mafias like Asma and other NGO's harming Pakistan
they all blame and criticize ISI/ PA for different reasons

Hamid Mir does it because PA/ ISI acted against the Burka Mullah and Taliban
Najam Sethi does it because PA/ ISI is not Doing ENOUGH for the Americans
Asma Jhangir does it because ISI stole her Mojo
Criticizing some organization is not bad but targeting without proof is really bad. If he knows minister, secret agency and the person recruited by some agency then why the hell he is not mentioning their names. He is creating a perception without any evidence. I think he also needs to probe into involvement of Balochistan ministers in kidnapping for ransom as alleged by their colleague minister.

The hundreds who have protested for days in front of the parliament are all living proof that the law enforcement agencies are not conducting them selves in the manner which is fit and in accordance with the law. Here is another article from a totally neutral journalist.

Today Capital talk he used inappropriate words for Pak Army, Seems he want to some kind of hero. His language was extremely confrontational and openly challenging . Seems his program rating is falling apart.

or may be his soul is about to fall apart from his body..it doesn't take anything more than a few ml dose of ethyelene glycol and better yet it is very hard to detect as the person would fall ill and then die just like natural symptoms
Asma Jahanir is a brave and brainy woman, two important traits which all of our pompous military Generals lack.

You can fall in love with Madam Asma as much as you want and you can hate army as much has you want. But again calling Asma Jahangir a brainy woman is a biggest lie ever. Whenever I watched her on TV she seemed to be an old jhakki lady who is pissed for one reason or another. A totally confused mind. One such example came fro her attitude towards judiciary. When SC was hearing NRO case and was putting pressure on PPP govt to write she at several occasion condemned SC and called it to be a tool of "establishment". Now when the same CJ and same SC took the missing persons case she is here to support SC against "establishment" despite she called the same SC to be a tool of establishment at some point of time.

Anyways she may be brave but brainy. Nope. She lacks that organ or at least it isn't functional anymore at this point of time.
#NoRangers4Asma Rangers have been deployed at the residence of #DramaQueen #AsmaThackeray, the Ultimate Phhuphay Kutni, on her own request
Like · · 21 · @FatimaAli52 on Twitter · 5 hours ago via Twitter

lol saw on FB
The very, gang of traitors are after our army, just because we, say no to NATO supplies
Actually it is the PA and its greedy generals who were benefiting from NATO supplies during last 11 years.
& we , just gave sentence to their , brother? Ohh ya! NG000000000 bassed , doctor Sakeel afridi?

PA and ISI dont even have the guts to punish Dr Afridi on treason charges, instead of treason charges they charged Dr. Afridi for helping Lashka-e-Islam. Dr. Afirdi is nothing but yet another bargaining chip in the hands of PA and ISI like raymond devis.

It was PAK army, which was & is, fighting the real war of terror, inside or outside, pakistan! & keep giving their blood!
So who else do you expect to do this job. PA is doing what every army do so, it is their duty. It is what they are trained and piad for. Do you expect WAPDA or Railway employees to do counter terrorism job.

I think, these so-called , media , humman rights activists, dam -civil- society , our 80% politicians, & our judges are on payroll of CIA, & the peoples who, supports them are traitors.

Typical non sense reply from a blind fan boy of men in uniform.
I havnt listend , a dam word from , the mouth of our CJ , on the deaths, of our forces in siachen whyn why, why?

CJ is a judge not a news anchor who you expect to come on TV and deliver a bashan in favour of PA.

By the way why our generals and javans were silent when Dictator Musharaf Jailed the judges with their children.
or may be his soul is about to fall apart from his body..it doesn't take anything more than a few ml dose of ethyelene glycol and better yet it is very hard to detect as the person would fall ill and then die just like natural symptoms
you mean jeay sindh, basir qureshi?
Actually it is the PA and its greedy generals who were benefiting from NATO supplies during last 11 years.

PA and ISI dont even have the guts to punish Dr Afridi on treason charges, instead of treason charges they charged Dr. Afridi for helping Lashka-e-Islam. Dr. Afirdi is nothing but yet another bargaining chip in the hands of PA and ISI like raymond devis.

So who else do you expect to do this job. PA is doing what every army do so, it is their duty. It is what they are trained and piad for. Do you expect WAPDA or Railway employees to do counter terrorism job.

Typical non sense reply from a blind fan boy of men in uniform.

CJ is a judge not a news anchor who you expect to come on TV and deliver a bashan in favour of PA.

By the way why our generals and javans were silent when Dictator Musharaf Jailed the judges with their children.
& by the way , you are about to be kicked out of , here.
when was judges were jailed, with thier childerns?
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