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Asma Jahangir, Najam Sathi and Hamid Mir openly criticize Pakistan army

Sadly ... even if she is successfully executed , nothing will happen ... just like saleem shahzad and many others. No wonder we have situations like separatists in Baluchistan , sindhudesh , GB recently seeking help from amrikis :angry:
People who get upset over verbal squabbles seem to think it is a Pakistan of 20 years ago. What is wrong is killing or using violence against anyone no matter what they say.

For example Killing of Salman Taseer was wrong

Killing of Shahbaz Bhatti wrong

Killing of Asma Jehangir will also be wrong.

Pakistani citizens deserve their day in court and a trial is MANDATORY. If anyone disagrees with this fundamental right of Pakistanis then they are the bigger traitors.

I don't support Asma Jehangir because I think uska toh dimagh kharab hai and I speak up against her. Most intelligent people I know also don't support her. Baat khatam why give her importance by trying to kill her.
Salman Taseer was killed for blashmey and punishment is death in Islam and this lady is involved in Anti Pakistan activities for a very long time either Government should make laws or other wise agencies are left with no other choice

And the Army should be open to such critics, Acting "holier than thou" or beyond reach will enforce the perception that it considers itself better than the rest of the 98% of the country and lead to further angst against it.
Such a condition will lead to the sacrifices of men in Salala and Gyari fruitless as the anger against the leadership of the Army and the "deep state" will take the focus away from more pressing matters.

The Army is NOT obliged to reply at all to any allegation on its own, but should rather use the Min Def to reply to such allegations. ISPR should be used as a last resort if the Min Def shown incompetence is handling such matters.
And the Army should be open to such critics, Acting "holier than thou" or beyond reach will enforce the perception that it considers itself better than the rest of the 98% of the country and lead to further angst against it.
Such a condition will lead to the sacrifices of men in Salala and Gyari fruitless as the anger against the leadership of the Army and the "deep state" will take the focus away from more pressing matters.

The Army is NOT obliged to reply at all to any allegation on its own, but should rather use the Min Def to reply to such allegations. ISPR should be used as a last resort if the Min Def shown incompetence is handling such matters.

if the rest of 98% are bent on destroying the country, and they do destroy it,, and army saves it at the end,, who is better then?
Sadly ... even if she is successfully executed , nothing will happen ... just like saleem shahzad and many others. No wonder we have situations like separatists in Baluchistan , sindhudesh , GB recently seeking help from amrikis :angry:

And the wolves will come..
such is the result when the society of a nation has crumbled.. and everybody..from the elites down to the poor are now only looking out for their own interests..The Nation of Pakistan is no longer important.
There is no big deal in openly criticizing anyone. No one is a khuda and above criticism. It is everyone's free choice to believe in the criticism or not.

Quite frankly I've not put much weight in Asma Jehangir's shenanigans who pays homage to Bal Thackeray and fights for Hussain Haqqani.

Najam Sethi is a liberal Zaid Hamid. Make up stuff eventually 1 or 2 things would turn out right and go like "Seeeeee My Chiriya said so already". Take his chiriya with a pinch of salt.

Hamid Mir loves a good tamasha. He is good at baatein banana, isn't wrong most of the time but again its his job to mock the institutions over their failures and people love to watch him mock them.

Nevertheless, criticism strengthens the democratic process. It's a good development in pakistan.
if the rest of 98% are bent on destroying the country, and they do destroy it,, and army saves it at the end,, who is better then?

Then its the choice of the 98%, they are in majority..
If they are interested in destroying the country as you claim it to be.. the Army is NO one to force them to do otherwise.
It should stop behaving like a conglomerate trying to decide the fate of the 98%..IT HAS NO RIGHT TO and will eventually suffer for it more than any of the 98%.
Then its the choice of the 98%, they are in majority..
If they are interested in destroying the country .

Any naive can allow this, anybody loyel to the country will not and should not allow this to happen. If I am seeing the country is drowning and I have the power to save it, I will save it,, no matter what the world say or what a piece of paper written by fake degrees holder thugs (who bought votes by bribing and blackmailing poor public) have written just to make sure their generations can loot the country well.

Becuase all this discussion is relavent when we have the country, when there is no country, we have no place to live, we have no identity. We will be rejected and opressed like Kashmiris or Palestinians.
These three are bloody attention seekers. Najam Sethi is said to have fought against Army in 70's. Hamid Mir has already the history of that recorded call with Taliban militants. Asma Jehangir is just old, confused, pissed aunty.

We shouldn't give them much importance. They are media and media earns money from such sensational news. What is more sensational than ISI threatening a few idiots.
Any naive can allow this, anybody loyel to the country will not and should not allow this to happen. If I am seeing the country is drowning and I have the power to save it, I will save it,, no matter what the world say or what a piece of paper written by fake degrees holder thugs (who bought votes by bribing and blackmailing poor public) have written just to make sure their generations can loot the country well.

Becuase all this discussion is relavent when we have the country, when there is no country, we have no place to live, we have no identity. We will be rejected and opressed like Kashmiris or Palastinians.
Hence the folly in your approach to this(along with a minority of Army officers I know)..
Are only those who serve in the PA loyal to the country? Are the rest of us "Achoot"?
This approach has, is..and will lead to the destruction of Pakistan..
its was a dictators policies that fuelled the Bengali rebellion, It was a dictator that allowed Pakistan to be Talibanized in the 80's...and it was a Dictator that sold us out to the US for 2c. They are the ones who caused the major damage to Pakistan instead of corrupt feudals... whom they regularly shared beds with from time to time.
This is 4 june column of Hamid Mir. Read The second paragraph. Accusing Army of something and his source is anonymous federal inister.


Hence the folly in your approach to this(along with a minority of Army officers I know)..
Are only those who serve in the PA loyal to the country? Are the rest of us "Achoot"?
This approach has, is..and will lead to the destruction of Pakistan..
its was a dictators policies that fuelled the Bengali rebellion, It was a dictator that allowed Pakistan to be Talibanized in the 80's...and it was a Dictator that sold us out to the US for 2c. They are the ones who caused the major damage to Pakistan instead of corrupt feudals... whom they regularly shared beds with from time to time.

Now you are moving the discussion towards creation of Bangladesh and war on terror and fight against soviats. These are in themselves full fledge topics which can be discussed in next 50 pages, on which world have written books. However, if you would pick the right books, i am sure you will find a reasonable answer.

Army doesnt considers other 98% as achoot. Mojority of people in Army come from middle class and while they Army is in power, it is the middle class who benefits most. It is not only the army that is loyel to the country, all honest and partriot Pakistanis are equally loyel. But the pity is the honest and hard working educated Pakistanis have to leave the country because there are no job prospects in the country due bad economic situation whose main reason bad governance and curruption.

If you see followings in any army rule (in Pakistan),

- Number of PhDs produced from middle class
- GDP of country
- Poverty percentage

You will be convniced that those years have been better as compared to these looting from thugs. The people who have major problem from Army rule is these dynastic politicians because their future is bleak and they cannot do with the country what they want. e.g. I looked up one graph for you.. but there is no option to post it... you can look up figures yourself.
Salman Taseer was killed for blashmey and punishment is death in Islam and this lady is involved in Anti Pakistan activities for a very long time either Government should make laws or other wise agencies are left with no other choice

Who said Salman Taseer was killed for Blasphemy and who said she is involved in Anti-Pak activities?
Who said Salman Taseer was killed for Blasphemy and who said she is involved in Anti-Pak activities?
Sir whole world knows why Salman Taseer was killed and as far as Asma Jahangir is concerned every one knows she is funded by USA and India almost every month they have secret meetings with American Diplomats they are given tasks and also other stuff to create confusion and trouble in Pakistan
HM is militant in his mind.. If you read all of his columns and programs one thing would be common :-

- Bashing Army for fighting war against suicide bombers, Al-Qaida, Taliban inside Pakistan

He is even caught on phone while advising some militant to kill Khalid Khawaja, the abducted former ISI operative who was eventually killed. The fü€king CJ did not took notice of that.

Also he has been using such words that in no other country, no journolist would use against its own Army. After it was same military who while being in power opened the electronic media and he was able to get famous, otherwise had not been licenses to TV channels granted, who would have known this thug today?

Agreed cent percent.

Then its the choice of the 98%, they are in majority..
If they are interested in destroying the country as you claim it to be.. the Army is NO one to force them to do otherwise.
It should stop behaving like a conglomerate trying to decide the fate of the 98%..IT HAS NO RIGHT TO and will eventually suffer for it more than any of the 98%.

What are thee smoking :smokin:
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