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"Asking an Indian to define what is India is like asking LGTV to define what is a Woman"

But they try to claim the Indus Valley civilisation, Gandhara civilisation, and many other things made well outside of these borders, saying they were part of India

The Indian government officially claims India is a 100,000 year old country (Humans first arrived in India 65,000 years ago).
We are thinking to give up claim upon Indus valley , looking at the massive opposition at PDF .

Too much obsession is not good for people's health.

People too much love "India" here, usually wake up after a dream about India, and open a new thread... with a fancy title.
It is better to give indus valley and gandhara civilization to pakistan , they will keep it better .
. .
IVC folks were Dravidians who had nothing to do with Pakistani and North Indian bhaiyye log.

No they weren't. How many times are you going to keep posting the same fake news over and over again?



Hinduism is disgusting and worthless,, Islam is far far superior

We dumped the superstitions and horrendous nonsense of the past to embrace a superior Islam

That doesn't change our history and heritage

It also doesn't mean gangus from the east can claim Pakistani history

India valley civilization was essentially in Pakistan
Our people Kashmiri, Punjabi, Sindhi, Baluxh and Pashtun have been here for thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years

There have been no movement in our population
Pakistani heritage is ancient and far older the indias
in one post you have failed history, ethics, divinity and common sense
No they weren't. How many times are you going to keep posting the same fake news over and over again?

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Laugh all you want.

I mean seriously look at yourself in the mirror. Do you actually think you're Aryans?

This only reaffirms how the Indus and Ganges are indeed two different people and cultures.

Indus = Indo Aryan people speaking Indo Aryan languages

Ganges = northern Dravidians who adopted Indo Aryan language


. . .
in one post you have failed history, ethics, divinity and common sense

It's pretty accurate

Their is confusion amongst the pajeets who have this mistaken belief the people of South Asia were one people, or one BULLSHIT India, or culture etc

It's not acceptable for Hindus to try and steal the history and heritage of Pakistan

Do you think he has ethics , history , divinity , and common sense ?

Of course,, we should let our Hindu enemy tell us about our own people and land and heritage

Piss off kalu, I don't need Hindu garbage telling me about my own people
It's pretty accurate

Their is confusion amongst the pajeets who have this mistaken belief the people of South Asia were one people, or one BULLSHIT India, or culture etc

It's not acceptable for Hindus to try and steal the history and heritage of Pakistan

Of course,, we should let our Hindu enemy tell us about our own people and land and heritage

Piss off kalu, I don't need Hindu garbage telling me about my own people
Once you guys get over your identity crisis , none of this matters. Till then you will just have to go through your turmoil I guess.
Once you guys get over your identity crisis , none of this matters. Till then you will just have to go through your turmoil I guess.

We are comfortable with our identity

We are comfortable with our hatred of Hindus

Jinnah was right and we were right and now Indian Muslims and other Indians understand that

We just don't want Hindus trying to claim our heritage or trying to connect themselves to our people
. .
We are comfortable with our identity

We are comfortable with our hatred of Hindus

Jinnah was right and we were right and now Indian Muslims and other Indians understand that

We just don't want Hindus trying to claim our heritage or trying to connect themselves to our people
Identity crisis is there , in america pakistanis introduce themselves as Indians , to get benefit of high intellect and genius of indians
We are comfortable with our identity

We are comfortable with our hatred of Hindus

Jinnah was right and we were right and now Indian Muslims and other Indians understand that

We just don't want Hindus trying to claim our heritage or trying to connect themselves to our people
As I said, yup you will have to go thru this internal turmoil till the crisis passes.
Your above reads exactly like the suggested treatment “everyday in every way you get better and better”
Identity crisis is there , in america pakistanis introduce themselves as Indians , to get benefit of high intellect and genius of indians

Yaar no they don't,, there 230 million of us In Pakistan and millions of us around the world

Indian for us means Kala and Hindu and no one would identify as Indian

If anyone ever did it was a isolated event

The underlying animosity to hindus is simply all encompassing

As I said, yup you will have to go thru this internal turmoil till the crisis passes.
Your above reads exactly like the suggested treatment “everyday in every way you get better and better”

So one day we will realise the true beauty of hindutawadi culture 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yeahhhhhhhhh your really in for a long long wait and disappointment 🤣

India is not a country, throughout is history it was nothing more then a geographical statement, just like Africa. Most so called "Indian" empires were based on ethnicity, the concept of "Indian-ness" would have never been a thing if it wasn't for the British colonisation.
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