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"Asking an Indian to define what is India is like asking LGTV to define what is a Woman"

We are thinking to give up claim upon Indus valley , looking at the massive opposition at PDF .

It is better to give indus valley and gandhara civilization to pakistan , they will keep it better .
Whether you want to give up or no, doesn't change the fact that Sindh is in Pakistan not India

Sindhis have long and proud history of over thousands of years

So do many civilizations in actual Hindustan

Identity crisis is there , in america pakistanis introduce themselves as Indians , to get benefit of high intellect and genius of indians
I have never seen any American Pakistani introducing them selves as indians

Not sure where you got that..are you sure you aren't seeing some fair skin indian punjabis or kashmiris and confusing them with pakistanis??
No they weren't. How many times are you going to keep posting the same fake news over and over again?

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Laugh all you want.

I mean seriously look at yourself in the mirror. Do you actually think you're Aryans?

This only reaffirms how the Indus and Ganges are indeed two different people and cultures.

Indus = Indo Aryan people speaking Indo Aryan languages

Ganges = northern Dravidians who adopted Indo Aryan language

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Dancing Girl
Her features are prominent with large eyes, curly hair and a flat nose.

I never saw a Pakistani or North Indian bhaiyyani who looked like her.
Your genes, history, culture all say otherwise .

Your genes and their genes are not the same. Stop begging to be genetically sem2sem.
Your genes and their genes are not the same. Stop begging to be genetically sem2sem.
you are funny. Half baked knowledge and knowledge are not sem2sem
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Dancing Girl
Her features are prominent with large eyes, curly hair and a flat nose.

I never saw a Pakistani or North Indian bhaiyyani who looked like her.

She is a Black South Indian. Pakistanis emigrated later from Central Asia. Hence we have sharp noses and fair skin.
India is not a country, throughout is history it was nothing more then a geographical statement, just like Africa. Most so called "Indian" empires were based on ethnicity, the concept of "Indian-ness" would have never been a thing if it wasn't for the British colonisation.

I do not know what is this petty obsession about being a country. Germany and Italy were never countries until less than 150 years ago. Nobody denies German and Italian culture. Even Greece was never a country in its current state. But no one denies Greek culture. A lot of countries in Europe like Ukraine, Poland, Czech never existed in their current state for most of history.

There is nothing interesting about Saudi history save for 100 years during birth of Islam and the 20th century with petro-dollars.
you are funny. Half baked knowledge and knowledge are not sem2sem

So what's your knowledge based on? Show me some real science, not just opinions.

I have just used Vahaduo and publicly available population genetics data to find the distance between the following populations:

Punjabi Muslim vs Maratha genetic distance:

English vs Turkish genetic distance:

Amazing, you are even further from Pakistanis (Punjabis, not even the Iranic speakers) than English are from Turks!!

You can try and use these tools and data to reproduce the same results, but I guess that's too much to expect from whatsapp university educated rats.
No they weren't. How many times are you going to keep posting the same fake news over and over again?

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At the end of the day you are clubbed with Indians in the same ethnic category whether it is USA, UK or Saudi Arabia. At least in USA Afghans, Iranians and Arabs are in a separate category for Middle Easterners
At the end of the day you are clubbed with Indians in the same ethnic category whether it is USA, UK or Saudi Arabia. At least in USA Afghans, Iranians and Arabs are in a separate category for Middle Easterners

That's because of Pakistan's own failure to build a national identity around an Indus identity.

Despite having everything in their favour.

Can't expect much from Faujeet Republic.
So what's your knowledge based on? Show me some real science, not just opinions.

I have just used Vahaduo and publicly available population genetics data to find the distance between the following populations:

Punjabi Muslim vs Maratha genetic distance:
View attachment 936176

English vs Turkish genetic distance:
View attachment 936177

Amazing, you are even further from Pakistanis (Punjabis, not even the Iranic speakers) than English are from Turks!!

You can try and use these tools and data to reproduce the same results, but I guess that's too much to expect from whatsapp university educated rats.
Hence the award for half baked. Go back and read what I said.
That's because of Pakistan's own failure to build a national identity around an Indus identity.

Despite having everything in their favour.

Can't expect much from Faujeet Republic.
To be fair you tried building one around Islam
Hence the award for half baked. Go back and read what I said.

So basically, nothing to offer other than a low IQ one liner.
To be fair you tried building one around Islam

No those were just cute slogans they'd brainwash the people with on PTV.

Zia literally tried in 1981 with his stupid Pakistan Studies curriculum changes which was a complete disaster.

She is a Black South Indian. Pakistanis emigrated later from Central Asia. Hence we have sharp noses and fair skin.
Even Krishna was dark like coal and had curly hair. But now North Indian Bhaiyyas have started to claim him as one of their own.
So basically, nothing to offer other than a low IQ one liner.
no need to be snide or angry. I gave you an opportunity to find your mistake yourself but tool arrogance got into your way.

You are working very hard on a question that was not asked, and missed the actual question / contention. Shall I tell you what it is , or would you like to find it yourself? Give it a shot.

Hint: it is a common but serious error that statistician turned programmers make.
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