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I agree syria is very much important to Iranians. NOT ASAD.(Should not think that only ASAD should rule syria) As of now i am not supporting Free Syrian Army which doesnt know what after Asad.
My question is will u support a group which will bring proper system in Syria. Which is not hostile to Iran.
I think a free election that Assad too can participate in,is the best options,what matters is,the opinion of Syrians,other countries do not have a right to interfere in it.If you look today,we have not sent even one soldier to Syria for help,only supported it politically.But Saudis,Turkey, Qatar and west,all are arming extremist groups which leads to more and more death.It's very funny though,they are arming terror groups,and they blame Iran for supporting Syrian government.
Why iran is not called Persia
Because Persia represents only one ethnic groups,the Persians,while there are many other ethnic living here and they are Iranian too.
What is the historical origin of the name Iran.

Iran it itself means the Land of noble and decent people and as I know it's rooted in our ancient language and it was "eran" by the same meaning 26 centuries ago Iran was called Persia or (Pars) by western countries ( Greece , Rome and etc ) but recently (90 years ago) we asked the other countries to call it in way that its people call it I mean Iran.

What is the language used in road sign. Is it just Persian or bilingual.

its bilingual , Farsi and English
ارا من به هزار بدبختي تنظيماتشو درست كردم ولي نميدونم دقيقا به جاي اپل ايدي چي بنويسم
چيكار كنم؟
ارا من به هزار بدبختي تنظيماتشو درست كردم ولي نميدونم دقيقا به جاي اپل ايدي چي بنويسم
چيكار كنم؟
اگه آیدی اپل نساختی,اینجا آموزشش هست.
زومیت - آموزش ساخت Apple ID برای کاربران ایرانی [بروز شد]

What is the historical origin of the name Iran.
Iran (word) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Given that the Palestines are Arab, and Persians and the Jews have more often than not been pretty accommodating of each other, why does the Palestine issue color Iran's foreign policy so strongly. Is there a strong Ummah type attachment or is it merely a front for keeping Israel in check.
ساخته بودم اما مثل شتر بجاي اينكه ايميلمو به عنوان اپل ايدي بنويسم اسم و فاميلمو مينوشتم
به هر حال مشكل حل شد
منو اد كن نيك نيمم همين كلنگه
Given that the Palestines are Arab, and Persians and the Jews have more often than not been pretty accommodating of each other, why does the Palestine issue color Iran's foreign policy so strongly. Is there a strong Ummah type attachment or is it merely a front for keeping Israel in check.
do you see any ummah here in PDF?us Iranian people are actually under unfair sanctions just because of them.but these arab people are fighting us instead of thanking.
do you see any ummah here in PDF?us Iranian people are actually under unfair sanctions just because of them.but these arab people are fighting us instead of thanking.

I see efforts to drum it up, mainly by a certain nation, but largely ineffectually.

So help us understand. Why would you support someone who you have historically not liked very much, to put it very mildly.

I mean, no one is asking you to be Jew lovers and go against the Muslim world. But Iran is surprisingly seen as one of the strongest champions of the Palestine cause. Asymmetrically.

While others make a lot of song and dance (no prizes for guessing who) but never put money, manpower, and weaponry where their mouths are.
I see efforts to drum it up, mainly by a certain nation, but largely ineffectually.

So help us understand. Why would you support someone who you have historically not liked very much, to put it very mildly.

I mean, no one is asking you to be Jew lovers and go against the Muslim world. But Iran is surprisingly seen as one of the strongest champions of the Palestine cause. Asymmetrically.

While others make a lot of song and dance (no prizes for guessing who) but never put money, manpower, and weaponry where their mouths are.
one part of heart says sth opposit of what another part says.well, i dont know.maybe you are right.maybe not.but this is sth we have chosen.bad or good...
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