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Ask Israeli Defence Forces member totach7 anything

Hang in there, totach7. They believe in a "fair fight". Yeah, that's why the Pakistani Army uses attack helicopters and airstrikes against their own jihadis in FATA who "only" have AK-47's and RPG's. Poor babies.

But, I have wondered why Israel doesn't make it's own unguided missiles and fire them from Sderot into Gaza. Kind of missile for missile. Has this ever been considered? This would be "fair". BUT, I bet the world press would moan and wail about the indiscriminate violence of the Israelis.

Mr.truthseeker mind u sir please do not input Pakistan's name in this topic or in your statements as this topic is asking Totach7 questions about gaza and other topics where did Pak come in from a topic where the question is being asked about something in gaza thx!!
Mr.truthseeker mind u sir please do not input Pakistan's name in this topic or in your statements as this topic is asking Totach7 questions about gaza and other topics where did Pak come in from a topic where the question is being asked about something in gaza thx!!

Yes, boss!

Topic is: Ask Israeli Defence Forces member totach7 anything

OK, Boss??
Now this is fair point why don't we Pakistani learn to see every thing from Pakistani perspective?

I start by asking a question to totach7:

Mr. How do you compare Iran with Pakistan visa vi Israel.
Remember non of our leader have ever given any offensive statement against Israel.
What is your personal opinion, what is generl perception in Israel and what is state policy in respect to Pakistan?
Is it true that Jews and Arabs live peacefully togather in Israel? I have been told this by a couple of Israelis, but i find this very hard to believe considering all these tensions that are going on right now.
P.S. Please answer BATMAN's question, i am curious to know what the general perception of Pakistanis is in Israel.
Here's a question...why has this forum nominated totach7 to be the official spokesperson for the state of Israel? I can't help but to think that we are using him as a punching bag instead of showering said user with knowledge and a stress free atmosphere? He's from Israel, he fought for his country, big fu**ing deal.
Hang in there, totach7. They believe in a "fair fight". Yeah, that's why the Pakistani Army uses attack helicopters and airstrikes against their own jihadis in FATA who "only" have AK-47's and RPG's. Poor babies.

But, I have wondered why Israel doesn't make it's own unguided missiles and fire them from Sderot into Gaza. Kind of missile for missile. Has this ever been considered? This would be "fair". BUT, I bet the world press would moan and wail about the indiscriminate violence of the Israelis.
Just to answer that Pakistan is using more power against talibans which is true because Pakistan has found back in 04-05 that RAW MOSAD AND CIA was behind talibans back to equip them with guns to RPG's etc training communication devices etc. Still Pakistani army don't go around and kill babies women unlike Israel which is killing more women and children then hamas. Lastly now Hamas is not a terrorist organization since it has been elected by palestanin people through elections so what about that. You want democracy in middle east right now take it. rocket attacks were the response to Israeli barbarianism, What do you expect if you cut the electric, water time to time to agitate Palestanians. Buddy we in USA are sick of Israel's response now. We people of USA white black browns asians all are done with Israel. Trust me i live here. Soon your logistic support will be cut and then we will see how long do you last without tasting your own blood. My statement is very tough but its true. We Americans are also loosing faith in Israel, So forget the muslim world. Didn't you see turkey's recent response? :usflag::pakistan::china::pdf:
Hang in there, totach7. They believe in a "fair fight". Yeah, that's why the Pakistani Army uses attack helicopters and airstrikes against their own jihadis in FATA who "only" have AK-47's and RPG's. Poor babies.

But, I have wondered why Israel doesn't make it's own unguided missiles and fire them from Sderot into Gaza. Kind of missile for missile. Has this ever been considered? This would be "fair". BUT, I bet the world press would moan and wail about the indiscriminate violence of the Israelis.

let me inform you seeker of truth that the taliban have heavy mortars. they also have heavy machine guns and they also poses anti aircraft guns left over from the soviet era. last time i check hamas does not poses high caliber machine guns in gaza. the difference in training is also vastly superior when it comes to the taliban. hamas was also elected representative of the palistenian people and they were never given a chance to rule. the taliban were given a chance to live in peace but they again violated the peace treaty. the people in fata and swat dont support the taliban . it would be advisable to seek truth a little more vigorously sir.

for totach just wanted to know what people there think of Lieberman is he netanyahu on storied or what
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Now this is fair point why don't we Pakistani learn to see every thing from Pakistani perspective?

I start by asking a question to totach7:

Mr. How do you compare Iran with Pakistan visa vi Israel.
Remember non of our leader have ever given any offensive statement against Israel.
What is your personal opinion, what is generl perception in Israel and what is state policy in respect to Pakistan?
Israel would be more than happy to have diplomatic relationship with
Pakistan. We know Pakistan is a major power , dont forget we have
ambassador in Cairo an Amman
Just to answer that Pakistan is using more power against talibans which is true because Pakistan has found back in 04-05 that RAW MOSAD AND CIA was behind talibans back to equip them with guns to RPG's etc training communication devices etc. Still Pakistani army don't go around and kill babies women unlike Israel which is killing more women and children then hamas. Lastly now Hamas is not a terrorist organization since it has been elected by palestanin people through elections so what about that. You want democracy in middle east right now take it. rocket attacks were the response to Israeli barbarianism, What do you expect if you cut the electric, water time to time to agitate Palestanians. Buddy we in USA are sick of Israel's response now. We people of USA white black browns asians all are done with Israel. Trust me i live here. Soon your logistic support will be cut and then we will see how long do you last without tasting your own blood. My statement is very tough but its true. We Americans are also loosing faith in Israel, So forget the muslim world. Didn't you see turkey's recent response? :usflag::pakistan::china::pdf:

You are a minority in US thanks god and so you will stay
de facto !

You did not say Zionist Jews in your topic , hard to belive
about Turkey.....they have more security ties with Israel
than most countries.

You are a minority in US thanks god and so you will stay
de facto !

You did not say Zionist Jews in your topic , hard to belive
about Turkey.....they have more security ties with Israel
than most countries.

Well we will be minorities definatly unlike you guys who are minorities of this world and will be thanks god..... i hope that we get ride of this cancer.... You are on lost soul and trust me man by talking to you i feel like iam talking to hard core some terrorist but this time JEW terrorist who is radicalized to kill anyone and brainwashed to the soul WOW look are your tone that you talk in. Buddy that day is not that far when US will abandon Israel and its not the minorities voice , Its the voice of Majority of Americans. Once we abandon you, you will be tackled by arabs in days with no invisible hand like 1967.I am an American and your punk *** has no right on this earth to Take on me. We pay taxes and this is how you defend yourself. We are the one who give you in Billion every month so knock it off. Once we abandon you trust me god wont be even with you. Arabs will eat you alive and i don't think that day is far. THIS IS WHY YOU DID THE MASSIVE ATTACK ON PALESTINE, YOU DESTROYED 50,000 HOUSES, YOU FINISHED THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF PALESTINE AND SET IT BACK TO 1950'S BECAUSE YOU KNOW US IS GETTING WEAK..... ISRAEL'S DIRTY GAME IS OVER NOW ITS TIME TO WAIT AND WATCH.:usflag::usflag::usflag:
You are a minority in US thanks god and so you will stay
de facto !

You did not say Zionist Jews in your topic , hard to belive
about Turkey.....they have more security ties with Israel
than most countries.


This is why turkey is considering it over again to break all the ties with israel right knock it off and stop living in dream land. Israel is mostly close to USA not turkey get it straight but it wont be the same watch. :usflag:
This is why turkey is considering it over again to break all the ties with israel right knock it off and stop living in dream land. Israel is mostly close to USA not turkey get it straight but it wont be the same watch. :usflag:

Moha yara let this Lotta talk i hope u know what i mean by Lotta!!!
Its a world known fact that Israel is like a pittbull to US no more than that, we american pay 30 billon dollar to Israel every year so they can survive.. Israel is disposable for US, its just like a bait, that they don't care about if Israel is wiped out. American interest is in Oil and control over middle east remember the term (enemies enemy is a friend) Israel+US= friendship
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I'm a former field artillery officer in the U.S. Army. My father, btw, was a cavalry NCO and his last tank was an M60A1. He had great respect for the M68 105mm cannon.

Anyway, I'm curious to the orientation you received to the Golan battles of '73 as a new trainee. You are a post-Yom Kippur war enlistee in the armored corps of your army. I understand there's a rather moving ceremony for all new enlistees up in the Golan but these battles along the Golan in 1973 hold particular significance to the IDF armored corps.

I'm also curious how often that battle was referred to as part of your practical training as a tank crewman. I frankly wouldn't be surprised if your first tank commander wasn't a young veteran of that war at the time of your service entry.

There's a tremendous mystique built up around those battles. Few appreciate the intensity and sheer magnitude of the combat and the associated violence.

It also appears that you served in 1982. Did you go into Bekaa and, if so, engage Syrian T-72s? Can you describe the experience if so?

Finally, at your convenience, I've posted a video in the Military History section that follows an element of the Nahal (I think) brigade during a night op into Lebanon in 2006. I'd be curious to your thoughts.

Oh! One last thing. What do you know of Druze Scouts that serve as a formal unit of the IDF? Thanks a bunch and I look forward to your comments.
Here's a question...why has this forum nominated totach7 to be the official spokesperson for the state of Israel? I can't help but to think that we are using him as a punching bag instead of showering said user with knowledge and a stress free atmosphere? He's from Israel, he fought for his country, big fu**ing deal.

Simple reason my dear. He is the first citizen of his country to join the forum. He is what we should consider as our first direct contact. Luckily he is from armed forces so that makes him even more important.

Hopefully he is enjoying his stay on the forum.
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