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Ask Israeli Defence Forces member totach7 anything

Moha yara let this Lotta talk i hope u know what i mean by Lotta!!!
Its a world known fact that Israel is like a pittbull to US no more than that, we american pay 30 billon dollar to Israel every year so they can survive.. Israel is disposable for US, its just like a bait, that they don't care about if Israel is wiped out. American interest is in Oil and control over middle east remember the term (enemies enemy is a friend) Israel+US= friendship
Israel was out asset in middle east but lately its becoming liability. We need to get rid of this cancer. Israel's security is the reason for Iraq war, We attacked Iraq just to make this illegitimate state feel safe but what happened in returned we got into a big mess and these ratted nation is siting and enjoying killing poor helpless civilians. I say this we need to get ride off our liabilities and which is Israel and let these arabs decide what to do with Israel and let Israel to decide what to do with arabs and even though anyone comes to attack we should not help this Weird nation on earth who's ex army men act like some fanatic terrorists.
Question for this jew totach7 is do u believe and practice in Talmud??
lol does totach7 even reside any more on defence.pk or not
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