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Asif Zardari in critical condition

nein, it was fake news spread by ppp themselfies to tell pdm he is not happy with pmln anymore.
This bit of news update is bring mega powerful Good music techno tunes to the ear - sooner he passes away better for average man, not that I haste him completely.
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His dealings are not with PMLN, but with Mir Bajwa.
true but that deal is more towards pmln now as they want premiership again in next setup for nawaj or maryam nani and he want that for bilalwal.
But Awam is going to throw spanner in the works.
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Let him and all other “God amongst men” escape justice in this world. Verily, they will not escape it on the Day of Judgement

If Geo is reporting he's fine...

Think the opposite, simple.
They Queen was also reported as being “comfortable” when she certainly had already passed away already :)
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Asif Zardai
Only mean destruction
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