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Asian Union -- Day Dream!!

National focus of South Asia

India has its own Agenda.
Pakistan focusing on Central Asia.
Sri Lanka focusing on ASEAN Group.
Bangladesh Depend on political party’s in power.
Nepal focusing on China & India.
Bhutan Depend on India.
Maldives focusing on Sri Lanka & India.

India friend of Russia, India’s relations with USA Improving.
Pakistan friend of China & USA, Pakistan’s relations with Russia & India may improve in the future.
Sri Lanka friend of China, USA, Pakistan & Russia, Sri Lanka’s relations with India may improve in the future.
Bangladesh Depend on political party’s in power.
Nepal friend of China & India.
Bhutan friend of India.
Maldives friend of Sri Lanka & India.
While in South Asian Scenario ,India got a Very Big Population of muslims who does not subscribe to the idea of subjugation and bigotry(exceptions are there!).teaching of islam and koran,more number of madrassas doesnot make any country better except oil rich islamic nations like saudia who funds wahabbi terrorists world wide.what is needed is English Education.moreover ,I read about How Indonesia curbed Islamic bigotry and terrorism is by banning local language translation of koran from arabic.that is ,only arabic koran was allowed till 1990s and most o the indonesian muslims are not aware or keen on learning arabic till a decade back.this made indonesia progress.but lately ,indonesian version of koran is available and terrorists numbers have increased.I am not posting links to faithfreedom(dot)org ,since most of the closed minded muslims will get heart attacks reading that site.
Three Christian girls beheaded in Indonesia[/url]
Go through below link ,if you have the mental power to face the real Islam:
Ok First of all Indian muslims will continue practice Islam and the Quran. That is their religious right and has nothing to do with Saudi or wahabbis. What do you mean policy of subjugation and bigotry?
Don't link atrocities that happen to Islam just because they are done by muslims.
Infact, you are sound more bigoted against Islam than Omar1984 against India did in his posts.

Faith freedom is a known listed Islamphobic site on government watchlists. Its not only muslims saying that but non muslims as well. I suggest YOU find out what real Islam is instead of being so afraid an Islamphobic. Read the Quran directly on Independent books on Islam, Faith freedom will NOT tell you what Islam is.

The rest of your post is just so Islamphobic that I don't even want to bother addressing it especially since you look more like a troll. I request Mods to edit or remove it.
It is not comparable to EU, since EU is ~only~ 450 million people, while all of Asia is in EXCESS OF 3 BILLION PEOPLE. That's a hullava a difference. But there will be a union of sorts composed initially of SCO + ASEAN + SAARC.
Asian Union is already a near reality. Only minor border issues keep it from fulfilling its true potential.

Japan is already moving towards an East Asian Union. Iran is turning around and realizing it is better to cooperate (rather than fund extremists). SAARC is almost there. ASEAN is already there. SCO is vibrant. All the pieces are set. Just waiting on 2 minor border disputes (Kashmir and South Tibet) before the puzzle is complete! :)
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