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Asian Union -- Day Dream!!

Also I very much doubt that China will form a union with India, both countries are very different from each other (linguistically, culturally, religiouslly, political setup).

If that was the case then why Pakistan is in hardcore friendship with China? i mean none of the reason u provide in the bracket apply to Pakistan either.

Asia can never be like Europe.

Okey,stop being a pessimist first of all for god sake.
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If that was the case then why Pakistan is in hardcore friendship with China? i mean none of the reason u provide in the bracket apply to Pakistan either..

Pakistan and China are good friends, that doesnt mean we want to form a union and be one. Pakistan will ALWAYS stay an Islamic Republic which is not the setup China wants and we respect that. We are good with what we have now, being close friendly neighbors.

Okey,stop being a pessimist first of all for god sake.

Im not a pessimist, Im a realistic. Europe is entirely different from Asia. Europeans are all the same people (same race, almost same culture, same religion, same idealogies) except for Turkey which is not part of European Union (maybe because Turkey has a large Muslim population and their culture is very different from rest of Europeans).

Asians have too many differences. Pakistan and Afghanistan are Islamic Republics. India is Hindu majority "secular" country. China is communist. Bangladesh doesnt want anything to do with either India or Pakistan. Sri Lanka also mistrusts India after the Tamil problem.

So how is Asia anything like Europe?

The only country that wants a union (and would benefit from a union) is India.
Im not a pessimist, Im a realistic. Europe is entirely different from Asia. Europeans are all the same people (same race, almost same culture, same religion, same idealogies) except for Turkey which is not part of European Union (maybe because Turkey has a large Muslim population and their culture is very different from rest of Europeans).

Asians have too many differences. Pakistan and Afghanistan are Islamic Republics. India is Hindu majority "secular" country. China is communist. Bangladesh doesnt want anything to do with either India or Pakistan. Sri Lanka also mistrusts India after the Tamil problem.

So how is Asia anything like Europe?

The only country that wants a union (and would benefit from a union) is India.

Are you missing something here. Just like Asians, Europeans are suffering from language barrier and cultural barrier, which is hardest to overcome than race, religion or ideology like u mentioned above. race and religion doesnt matter.for example; French, Russians and some americans are whites but they are against eachother politically(remember cold war). Hitler was against Brittain but both were of same race. In the case of religion most of all EU states, that i know off, are secular.That means there is seperation between state and religon on their government and policy making. It seems to me that u r looking through the goggles of religion here rather than economic prosperity.

PS: Sri Lanka doesnt mistrust India, time for u to update Indian Involvement in the post-LTTE era of SL.
Are you missing something here. Just like Asians, Europeans are suffering from language barrier and cultural barrier, which is hardest to overcome than race, religion or ideology like u mentioned above. race and religion doesnt matter.for example; French, Russians and some americans are whites but they are against eachother politically(remember cold war). Hitler was against Brittain but both were of same race. In the case of religion most of all EU states, that i know off, are secular.That means there is seperation between state and religon on their government and policy making. It seems to me that u r looking through the goggles of religion here rather than economic prosperity.

PS: Sri Lanka doesnt mistrust India, time for u to update Indian Involvement in the post-LTTE era of SL.

Ideology and political setup is the basis for holding a union. Ideology is much more important than culture, language. Europeans share the same ideology, separation of religion and state (or church and state because most Europeans are Christians).
Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and China..none of these countries share the same ideology and religion always played an important role in South Asia for over a thousand years. Read the history of South Asia. I dont know about India (I never been there) but I know in Pakistan religion is very important in people's lives. Most Pakistanis are Muslims, most Indians are Hindus, almost all Europeans are Christians. In every country in the world there are some citizens who are deeply religious and others who dont care about religion.

P.S. What's post-LITTE era of Sri Lanka? June 2009?
Just ask the Sri Lankan members here in this forum if they want a union with India.
India is not the only Giant in Asia. we are not talking about South Asia for god sake.:hitwall:

Yes China has a larger population than India but can Communist China form a union with Hindu majority "secular democratic" India?

My point is, none of these Asian countries share the same IDEOLOGY as all European countries do, even Turkey ( a Muslim majority country) has separation of religion and state so they can be part of European Union, but EU will never let Turkey join EU because its just too diffferent than the rest of European countries, just like Asian countries are too different from each other.
Ideology and political setup is the basis for holding a union. Ideology is much more important than culture, language. Europeans share the same ideology, separation of religion and state (or church and state because most Europeans are Christians).
Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and China..none of these countries share the same ideology and religion always played an important role in South Asia for over a thousand years. Read the history of South Asia. I dont know about India (I never been there) but I know in Pakistan religion is very important in people's lives. Most Pakistanis are Muslims, most Indians are Hindus, almost all Europeans are Christians. In every country in the world there are some citizens who are deeply religious and others who dont care about religion.

P.S. What's post-LITTE era of Sri Lanka? June 2009?
Just ask the Sri Lankan members here in this forum if they want a union with India.

Let me ask you one thing here, What u meant by Asian Ideology that is so different from Europe?? An ideology is not something u born with, is it??? In this case if countries want economic prosperity, that is their ideology and it can be worked out. Now, Religion allways play an important role in peoples lives not limitted to South Asia only and yes i meant europe,Americas and middle east. EU was created not because of their religious identity but because of their economic ambitions by shrinking the gap and boosting people to people contact. Back to religion, India has seperation of religion and state so does China,Japan,Kazakhstan, N andS Koreas, etc etc. This is where the Secularism comes in. People can live together under one roof even if they are of differnent religion for one good reason- Prosperty!. Look at the Union as a Secular club working towards a prosperous asia with full of diversity.

SL issue:No need to ask defence.pk memers because foreign policy is something Governmets of IN and SL deal with. read the below link, just one of several cooperation between two.

India signs pact to rebuild Sri Lanka | Deccan Chronicle
Well first of all the union is not joining the countries together. India is a strong democracy, China has no political rights and the rest of the countries are in between. The union (like the EU) is mostly to improve economic and cultural cooperation. It would be more beneficial to the smaller countries than bigger countries like India and China in the long term because they will get easier access to capital and bigger export markets. Just think about it, would'nt Pakistani businessmen make more money selling their leather jackets to neighbouring Indian or chinese market than all the way in EU or US?

And remeber whenever you refer to India, you also refer to 160-170 million muslims as well, and one of the few countries were muslims can follow and practice their religion with freedom.

Because of just having one of the largest muslim populations in the world, should'nt Pakistan acknowledge this and even support Indian to have member ship of OIC or other Islamic organisations or atleast have observer status.

By the way, we already have a economic union of sorts, its called the SAARC and hopefully its just the beginning. Not because it will benefit only India, but because it will help all South Asians.

P.S. Europe is not united in a single ideology either, they have divisions of orthodox, catholics and protestants. Remeber the IRA and mayhem there? There are strong diffrences between socialist, capitalist and ex-communist countries but they still work to gether for mutual benefit.
Well first of all the union is not joining the countries together. India is a strong democracy, China has no political rights and the rest of the countries are in between. The union (like the EU) is mostly to improve economic and cultural cooperation. It would be more beneficial to the smaller countries than bigger countries like India and China in the long term because they will get easier access to capital and bigger export markets. Just think about it, would'nt Pakistani businessmen make more money selling their leather jackets to neighbouring Indian or chinese market than all the way in EU or US?

And remeber whenever you refer to India, you also refer to 160-170 million muslims as well, and one of the few countries were muslims can follow and practice their religion with freedom.

Because of just having one of the largest muslim populations in the world, should'nt Pakistan acknowledge this and even support Indian to have member ship of OIC or other Islamic organisations or atleast have observer status.

By the way, we already have a economic union of sorts, its called the SAARC and hopefully its just the beginning. Not because it will benefit only India, but because it will help all South Asians.

P.S. Europe is not united in a single ideology either, they have divisions of orthodox, catholics and protestants. Remeber the IRA and mayhem there? There are strong diffrences between socialist, capitalist and ex-communist countries but they still work to gether for mutual benefit.

160-170 million Muslims in India? Where did you get that number from? All the neutral sources on the internet say India has 150 million Muslims. india's overall population is over 1.1 billion.

Who in their right mind would include india into Islamic organizations when more than 80% of India's population is Hindu, not even the People of the Book. Hindus are Kuffars. Christians and Jews are the People of the Book, Muslims are the Believers. Boy you Indian "Muslims" must start learning more about Islam and less about Bharat.
Yes China has a larger population than India but can Communist China form a union with Hindu majority "secular democratic" India?

why not?? thatz the whole point of initiatives like BRIC. India and China have common goal and that is to beat the rest of the world in Economy. Last time when i checked the relationship is much better than that it was in 1962.

My point is, none of these Asian countries share the same IDEOLOGY as all European countries do, even Turkey ( a Muslim majority country) has separation of religion and state so they can be part of European Union, but EU will never let Turkey join EU because its just too diffferent than the rest of European countries, just like Asian countries are too different from each other.

Trukey is not the only one that hasnt joined yet.Iceland, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia,Kosovo,Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia they all are looking forward to join EU sooner, if i am correct....There are conditions to join EU and religion is NOT one among them.

Enlargement of the European Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trukey is not the only one that hasnt joined yet.Iceland, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia,Kosovo,Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia they all are looking forward to join EU sooner, if i am correct....There are conditions to join EU and religion is NOT one among them.

Enlargement of the European Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most of these countries have a significant Muslim population. European Union will never accept a Muslim majority country to join EU even if they are secular. Turkey has been trying for a long time to join EU and still no progress has been made and I bet you they will never be part of EU because Turkey has more than 98% Muslim population.
160-170 million Muslims in India? Where did you get that number from? All the neutral sources on the internet say India has 150 million Muslims. india's overall population is over 1.1 billion.

India already have around 140 Million Muslims according to 2001 census report. to clear the claim further, India has 1,147,995,904 people living and around 13.4 percent are Muslims, do the maths...the number would be clearly around 160 million. am sure it will be more than that when the next census report due in 2011.

Demographics of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who in their right mind would include india into Islamic organizations when more than 80% of India's population is Hindu, not even the People of the Book. Hindus are Kuffars. Christians and Jews are the People of the Book, Muslims are the Believers. Boy you Indian "Muslims" must start learning more about Islam and less about Bharat.

Nobody in India going to join any Islamic organization. We are talking about Asian Union.:hitwall: Nobody here asked u who are the "people of Book" and who are not and it have nothing to do with the thread title. Instead of derailing the thread into a religious falme bait, focus on the core issue.
Most of these countries have a significant Muslim population. European Union will never accept a Muslim majority country to join EU even if they are secular. Turkey has been trying for a long time to join EU and still no progress has been made and I bet you they will never be part of EU because Turkey has more than 98% Muslim population.

Am afraid u didnt go through the link. Iceland is not yet a EU member but in a process of getting into like others u mentioned above. Like i mentioned above, U r looking through the goggles of religion.
^ By 2011, Pakistan's total population will also be much higher. Right now its 176 million people in Pakistan (More than 95% of that population is Muslim), but Pakistan doesn't want to be over-populated like India.

And read Ejaz's post, my post was a reply to his. He said Pakistan should support India into Islamic organizations :rolleyes:
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