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Asian men, Western girls - and the truth on sex gangs and race

Oh my something bad is going on in the world, somebody do something.
I know it is not ALL Asians but I don't like how I am tarnished (being Asian British) by these news stories when everytime it is an Asian gang they are almost solely of Pakistani origin or if not then Afghani or Bangledeshi. This has already been used to attack me.I've not heard of a single case involving Indian Asians.

But no matter what community they belong to they are in the minority and are utter SCUM. And should be treated as such.

Just for them I'd bring back the stocks and public flogging.

Couple of days ago, you said something funny and I had to respond back furiously and you took your statement back (and that time you were very wrong).. It was another issue but you don't really let any opportunity go away to criticise the South Asian communities and cleverly take the Indians out of the scene.

We are all the same - you know in Britain... for every crime the pakistani and Indians are sitting together and doing together.

@ topic

I do not know how much I would agree with this article but that is true that such problems do exist all over Europe but only as a rare incident. In my opinion, every community regardless of their nationality are involved in it. Holland is very different comparing to Britain and it is technically very wrong to compare both countries in the first place. But technically the number of such incidents is too small to mention. There is a very tiny community of girls who are lured in to this business by blackmailing but most girls choose sex as a profession nowadays.
@Safriz & @genmirajborgza786

Another 'great' thread by our 'anti expat' , pro feminist... The great @Elmo

the best approach is to legalize the trade, in Canada licensed prostitution or brothel has bought a lot of stability is this profession for example sex workers are tested regularly for std's, purchase of leisure time will have to have the consent of the individual providing the serves, which has also helped in controlling the cases of sexual assaults on sex worker's, lets be honest with our selfs you cannot stop it, after all its the oldest profession however you can regulate it.

Safriz, you did not read the article, much less the points in bold, and jumped to conclusions as ever.

The "gangs" in the article are predominantly from Morocco and Turkey, and not Pakistan.

The whole point of the article was that legalising prostitution has badly back-fired, and has only increased forced under-age prostitution.

As for your insights on "morality", Asian men and their mindset toward white girls is well-documented. You cannot take your own individual morals and defend them, and neither will you get maligned by what they are doing if you don't believe in what they believe when they prey on such girls.

I count the name Mohammed 8 times. :rolleyes:
Horrible article. The writer tries to highlight the grooming of under-age girls by non-Western immigrants, but by linking it to feminism and legal prostitution, she is making a connection where there is none.

Agreed, it has nothing to do with feminism but liberalism forced on the rest of the society in an effort to make it "progressive".

I had removed the feminism bit from the title when I posted here.
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Yeah the Moroccans in Holland have earned a bad reputation there and to a lesser extent the Turks living there. As for the Asians in the UK, certainly that community there needs to improve itself in terms of behavior and contribution. Though there are Eastern European gangs doing the same with women across Europe involved in trafficking females, though media wants to sensationalized this issue by highlighting the fact when immigrants or non-white citizens are involved. Either way it's a despicable thing to do.
Recently a 30 year old school teacher ran away with a 15 year old school girl....
Not much fuss in the news about it.

Another 'great' thread by our 'anti expat' , pro feminist... The great @Elmo
Add that to overall statistics and derive the asian men statistics from the over all one.

Btw women sure are able to puncture some bloated egos on pdf thats why the battle cry get converted into retreat slogans of "anti-expat","feminists" by some of these chauvinists.
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What were the dutch thinking when they legalized prostitution ? there is a market out there for such women thats why these sickos (morocons and turks) have become suppliers and agents.
Add that to overall statistics and derive the asian men statistics from the over all one.

Btw women sure are able to puncture some bloated egos on pdf thats why the battle cry get converted into retreat slogans of "anti-expat","feminists" by some of these chauvinists.
Chuvanist .. No....
Anti femnist....yes...

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