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Asian men, Western girls - and the truth on sex gangs and race

Okay fair enough- I hadn't heard of these. But still the overwhelming number of sexual crimes commited by British Asians is from the Pakistani and Afghan community-primarily the Pakistani community. This is a FACT. There have been many news segments and documentaries on it, your fellow British Pakistanis would admit to this, it has been said there are number of factors of this including socio-economic and cultural.

lol these factors are not there in Indian community or they follow western culture :no:

Most of these gangs also include many British born Indians..The problem is media highlight these things more when its Asian especially if Muslims involved otherwise there are many white/black men who do these things in abundance but they dont get negative coverage as much as Muslim do in media. Another thing is they bring their religion when they are British born Pakistani while in other cases they dont say Christian/atheist bob raped x and y teens

Look at few examples and recent cases here and they are not Asian

Man jailed indefinitely for drugging and raping three children | UK news | The Guardian

Man, 18, 'raped two girls, both aged 14, after his aunt encourage them, bought alcohol for their trysts, and supplied morning-after pill and sex toy' | Mail Online

Man who raped girl, 13, after plying her with drink and drugs is jailed | Mail Online

Internet predator, 19, who raped girls is 'every parent's worst nightmare' - Telegraph

Kenneth Casey: Sex offender arrested for 1998 rape of pregnant teen | Mail Online

Girl, 15, 'gang-raped in Carnival cruise cabin by man, 31, and teenage boys' | Mail Online

Man murders girl, 16, before she can testify against him for raping her two years ago...and he lured her to her death by posing as a teen on Facebook | Mail Online

Girl, 15, 'gang-raped in Carnival cruise cabin by man, 31, and teenage boys' | Mail Online

Their society is Broken down..Families don't care about their children..Bad parenting is Pandemic..No surprise this generation is lost and confused...Then instead of trying to fix themselves,they try to find escape goat for their massive moral and cultural and in fact human failure .. By demonizing British Asians,specially Pakistanis..
I dont have any sympathy for the rapist men,they should rot in the jail...
But i do have problem with using this as a political tool for trying to sit on a high chair and sending us to dog house..
i have had many fiery discussions on this in real life with whites,and they always end up not talking to me forever,which i dont mind as truth has to be told..

Why your Girls are out there ready for sex,and you dont know what they are doing? What type of Parents you are?
I am waiting to read the "Dozens of articles" you have to post here....

The word I used was ''plenty'' and not ''dozens''. I'm sure a globetrotter and a connoisseur of culture such as yourself would be aware of the difference between them.

Instead, they have cited official figures that paint a more generalised picture of sex gangs springing up in a variety of ethnic communities.

But the reality is that in pockets across Britain vulnerable white teenagers are being groomed and then trafficked to satisfy the cravings of Asian men, the vast majority of them Pakistani.

Rochdale grooming trial: Asian grooming gangs, the uncomfortable issue - Telegraph

White girls seen as 'easy meat' by Pakistani rapists, says Jack Straw | World news | guardian.co.uk

'Police turned a blind eye to South Yorkshire sex grooming gangs for a decade' | Mail Online

"Among the alleged crimes for which no one was prosecuted were: A 14-year-old girl being forced to perform sex acts on five men – ]four Pakistanis[/B and an Iraqi Kurd asylum seeker; A British Pakistani man was found in a car with a bottle of vodka and a 12-year-old. Both were arrested on suspicion of stealing the car. Police also found pornographic images of the girl on the 22-year-old’s phone

'Police turned a blind eye to South Yorkshire sex grooming gangs for a decade' | Mail Online

Gives a fair idea on who's running the operations out there, right?
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^^^^ Fail..
all these cases are the same gang...Reprinted over and over again....
Try again.

Go through the video and the articles in their entirety. They are talking about the phenomenon of grooming underage girls and the prominent hand of Pakistani migrants in it and not one random case.

I'm surprised at how similarly the article is worded with what I wrote earlier;

Agencies have identified a long-term pattern of offending by gangs of men, predominantly from the British Pakistani community, who have befriended and abused hundreds of vulnerable girls aged 11 to 16.

Asian sex gangs: 'Culture of silence' allows grooming of white girls for fear of being racist | Mail Online
Their society is Broken down..Families don't care about their children..Bad parenting is Pandemic..No surprise this generation is lost and confused...Then instead of trying to fix themselves,they try to find escape goat for their massive moral and cultural and in fact human failure .. By demonizing British Asians,specially Pakistanis..
I dont have any sympathy for the rapist men,they should rot in the jail...
But i do have problem with using this as a political tool for trying to sit on a high chair and sending us to dog house..
i have had many fiery discussions on this in real life with whites,and they always end up not talking to me forever,which i dont mind as truth has to be told..

Why your Girls are out there ready for sex,and you dont know what they are doing? What type of Parents you are?

You are right Safriz. Most of these white teenage girls try to get drugs, money for wine/cigarette/gifts from these guys and end up getting trapped. I have seen it personally and their parent don't bother that why their lil daughters are hanging out with old guys in the middle of night ..too much freedom for kids is not good

I read rape news daily in newspaper but media don't mention race/ethnicity/religion of rapist but only if they have asian/Pakistani or Somali origin. Ever heard they mentioned the white/black race or their religion along with names of english/african rapist?
You are right Safriz. Most of these white teenage girls try to get drugs, money for wine/cigarette/gifts from these guys and end up getting trapped. I have seen it personally and their parent don't bother that why their lil daughters are hanging out with old guys in the middle of night ..too much freedom for kids is not good

I read rape news daily in newspaper but media don't mention race/ethnicity/religion of rapist but only if they have asian/Pakistani or Somali origin. Ever heard they mentioned the white/black race or their religion along with names of english/african rapist?

Interesting. One side claims that the media sharpens it's spotlight when it comes to Pakistani Muslims. The other side protests against unfairly labeling the phenomenon as being perpetrated by ''Asians'' while a completely different angle of the story claims that British society is afraid to call out the proper severity of the crime and ethnicity of these criminals for the fear of being branded racist!!!

Also, the crimes that you mentioned are committed by individuals on random. And as you might know, there is a world of difference between individual crimes and institutionalized crime.
The Metropolitan Police Service is one of the few police forces which has collected statistics on gang rape. Filmmaker Sorious Samura compiled 29 such incidents involving young people from January 2006 to March 2009, and found that, of 92 people convicted, 66 were white. Samura said he found it "impossible to ignore the fact that such a high proportion were committed by white young men

Ministry of Justice figures regarding race and the criminal justice system in 2009/10 are shown in the table below.[15]

aged 10 and over (2009) : white 88.6% , black 2.7%, Asian 5.6%,Mixed 1.4%, Chinese and others 1.6%

more Race and crime in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gang rape: Is it a race issue?

A high proportion of such attacks appears to be carried out by young black men, according to Metropolitan Police statistics. Sorious Samura investigates this horrendous crime – and what it says about Britain today

In 1999 I witnessed a gang rape in Sierra Leone. I was forced to watch a group of rebel soldiers taking it in turns to rape a young girl in front of an audience of jeering men. It was the height of the civil conflict and rape had become a devastating weapon of war. When I moved to Britain I believed I had escaped such horrific sexual violence. As my Dispatches investigation tomorrow night shows, I was mistaken. Gang rape is happening here – and what I have found most disturbing as an African is that a disproportionate number of these attacks are being carried out by black or mixed-race young men.

Towards the end of last year, police and child welfare experts working on Channel 4's Street Weapons Commission told us of their concerns about gang rape. Then two big cases hit the headlines.

In December, nine schoolboys, some as young as 13 at the time of the attack, were convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl. She was dragged between tower blocks in Hackney where she was threatened with a knife, hit and raped during an ordeal that lasted an hour and a half – some of which was filmed on mobile phones. In January, three men were convicted of gang raping a 16-year-old with learning disabilities for two hours before dousing her with caustic soda in an effort to get rid of the evidence.

How prevalent is this crime and why it is happening in Britain? Despite the seriousness of the crime, I was amazed to discover that no national statistics exist: gang rape is simply not recorded as a separate crime category. So over a period of several months we set about collating our own.

We approached the Crown Prosecution Service, the Association of Chief Police Officers, all 50 police forces, crown courts, barristers and rape referral centres to try to establish the numbers.

One of the few police forces to have begun recording the figures of reported gang rape is the Metropolitan Police. In 2008 alone, they received reports of 85 gang rapes. Using the Met's definition of gang rape – those involving three or more perpetrators – we began to look at the number of convictions. We tracked down 29 cases, from January 2006 to March 2009, in which a total of 92 young people were convicted of involvement in gang rape.

One fact stood out. Of those convicted, 66 were black or mixed race, 13 were white and the remainder were from other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Clearly this is not a crime exclusive to black communities, but I found it impossible to ignore the fact that such a high proportion were committed by black and mixed-race young men. As a black man as well as a journalist, I wanted to understand what lay behind such attacks. So I spoke to victims, groups of black and mixed-race teenagers, youth and social workers and community leaders.

The groups of young men I met in London expressed some profoundly disturbing attitudes towards girls and sex. The boys explained how they make arrangements for "line-ups" in which one girl has oral sex with up to six or seven of them at one time. These arrangements might be made at school or on mobile phones.

Sometimes these girls initially consent because they want to be popular. But these events can spiral into rape because the boys consider that any girl who is prepared to agree to a line-up can be considered fair game. One boy told me: "If she wants to go and meet a bag of boys then she's probably a jezzie [slut], and if she's going to a house it's over – she's going to get beaten [have sex]."

In other instances, as some of the victims in our film describe, girls can unwittingly walk into a trap, innocently visiting someone's house to listen to music or watch a film only to discover that a group of boys are lying in wait. Or they might be hanging out with friends in a park and suddenly realise they have become surrounded by a group of boys intent on sex.

For both boys and girls, the line between this sort of group sex and rape seems to be blurred. A girl might agree to have oral sex with two or three boys but then be ordered to have sex with six or seven. The teenage girls I met told me that boys simply don't understand what rape is. And yet this is a crime that can ruin lives and is punishable by life imprisonment.

Occasionally gang rape is used to punish a girl for minor transgressions against gang members. In one of my most shocking interviews, I met a girl who admitted she had helped to set up girls for gang rape. As the girlfriend of a gang member, she organised these rapes, partly out of fear and partly to fit in.

She admitted she was terrified of being raped herself and had walked away when witnessing a girl being gang-raped at a party because she feared she might be next: "There was just loads of boys and the girl's tights were ripped up, like, she was bleeding as well, because I think she was a virgin, and they were just taking turns on her basically, and she was crying, and I didn't get involved because I thought if I get involved they're gonna turn on me."

The victims' descriptions of their attacks are horrific. One young victim likened her attack to being "pulled and pushed around like a rag doll", while another 14-year-old girl described her ordeal when she was gang raped by a total of nine boys who told her that she was not the only girl they had attacked. In that case, nine boys were subsequently convicted of raping her. The youngest perpetrator was just 12 years old.

I found there was concern among black communities about this violence. The Rev Joyce Daley, from the Black Parents Forum in Hackney, told me that gang rape is not a rare or one-off phenomenon. It is happening on a regular basis. She said: "It could actually explode on our very streets." Steve Griffith, a youth worker in King's Cross, said: "I see too much abuse of young women on the streets."

Gang rape, while constituting only a tiny percentage of all rapes in the UK, is a horrible reality in this country. The nature of the crime is so appalling that much more research needs to be carried out into its causes. But what seems evident from my investigation is that the key to preventing it will be changing the way young men view women and the kind of group sexual activity they are engaging in at such a young age.

Sheldon Thomas, a youth worker in Brixton, said: "We've got a generation that looks at sex as if it's nothing, and treats disrespecting women as if it's nothing. These guys are like 13, 14 and 15, and their actual attitudes towards young girls – towards sex – is mind-blowing. It's actually leaving you asking: where are their morals, where are their values?"

source : http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/gang-rape-is-it-a-race-issue-1711381.html
I have many white friends,all family men and i know how difficult parenting is for them.. All this freedom is gone into youngsters heads..
USA is way better in keeping family values and good parenting,europe has lost it.
Its a very complicated subject and many parties share the blame..
Parents cant be harsh to their kids as too many restrictions by law.
Marriage is for under 18 by law,but having sex and even getting pregnent has no lower age limit.
This has already been used to attack me.I've not heard of a single case involving Indian Asians.

theres actually some punjabi indians who are also arrested for these sex crimes in northern england, like derby and rotheram, but you dont hear about them probably because "muslim sex gangs" is a better headline. i have never seen any south indian involved.
I blame child support and police for this mess. When a girl lodges a complain of this nature, they should take it seriously and investigate.
I am not judging 'white' people's morality, I have found large number of Indians/pakistanis I have met are very low on morality(or at least have completely different sense of morality wrt western standard)
For example, many think 'they deserve it' when a prostitute is raped, infact dont think rape law should be applicable when somebody has sex with a prostitute without her/his consent.

BTW I dont really believe something inherently wrong with pakistani immigrants here (that they are overrepresented in this specialized crime), they just happened to get caught in some high profile cases.
It could have been other immigrants (including indians)with similar background.
the best approach is to legalize the trade, in Canada licensed prostitution or brothel has bought a lot of stability is this profession for example sex workers are tested regularly for std's, purchase of leisure time will have to have the consent of the individual providing the serves, which has also helped in controlling the cases of sexual assaults on sex worker's, lets be honest with our selfs you cannot stop it, after all its the oldest profession however you can regulate it.

If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.

the best approach is to legalize the trade, in Canada licensed prostitution or brothel has bought a lot of stability is this profession for example sex workers are tested regularly for std's, purchase of leisure time will have to have the consent of the individual providing the serves, which has also helped in controlling the cases of sexual assaults on sex worker's, lets be honest with our selfs you cannot stop it, after all its the oldest profession however you can regulate it.

Well, the latest tory govt is reversing the policy and making it all illegal. There is a change in mainland europe too, policy makers in norway/holland do not think liberalizing the regime has served its purpose. Some say it have increased the sex slavery and trade.
Its difficult to figure out who is right without hard evidence (with numbers)
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