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Asian Games= Eastern Asian Games?

yeah, a racist country just like north korea, want to keep so-called pure korean blood

I support for the liberalization of Japan's immigration policy. I believe in the essence of work force diversity and that increased training through seminars and co-training processes can make efficient work groups. Japan can benefit, definitely, by bringing in talented, educated immigrants pools from abroad. We need to implement similar immigration schemes such as those seen in the United States' ergo, the H1B Visa, also known as the 'Genius Visa'. These are the right kinds of immigrants we need to bring into Japan.

PS. I personally am against erroneous concepts of a 'pure superior race'. Modern day Medical Genetics, through the auspice of the Human Genome Project, reveals that all humans share 99.999% of the same genes, nucleotide composition. In fact, those who propose false claims of 'genetic purity' would only encourage eventual consanguinity in the case of genetic isolation.
I wouldn't say Japs are outright racist but just extremely insular. They know they need migrant labour at some point to support their ageing population but even Japanese Brazilians; the descendents of Japanese who went to Brazil, who tried to come back to Japan were shunned. What I noticed from the couple of times I've been to Japan is underneath the polite veil, a lot of Japanese still hold strongly nationalist views.
yes, that's why some people say it's hard to integrate with JP main society
yes, that's why some people say it's hard to integrate with JP main society

They're not alone in that. A lot of the North East Asian countries are insular as far as I can tell. I don't know much about S. Korea but I suspect they are a little more insular than the Japanese. China would be up there too but they have such a diverse population anyway.
Dude, we know very well how much Thailand takes in Burmese refugees, over 100,000 in the border region. And we know how Thailand had took in Laotian refugees, especially Hmong people. So we know this, and Japanese people know of the sincerity of Thai people.

HISTORICALLY, Thailand and Japan were allies in WWII, and our strong ties go way back. We will develop that.
Did you watch the movie "Yamada: The Samurai of Ayothaya"? It's an anniversary movie about Japan-Thailand relationship.
But I'm sorry I laughed at watching it. In this movies, the Japanese kungfu is so bad (Yamada's knocked-out in 1 hit by Thai warrior :suicide: ), the Thai kungfu is master :lol: , the Burmese is looked like evil :hitwall:.
Did you watch the movie "Yamada: The Samurai of Ayothaya"? It's an anniversary movie about Japan-Thailand relationship.
But I'm sorry I laughed at watching it. In this movies, the Japanese kungfu is so bad (Yamada's knocked-out in 1 hit by Thai warrior :suicide: ), the Thai kungfu is master :lol: , the Burmese is looked like evil :hitwall:.

Burmese all look evil in these Thai films and ugly too. They cast the most evil and ugly actors to play Burmese. :lol:

I did like Bang Rajan, though. We KICKED ***!
Did you watch the movie "Yamada: The Samurai of Ayothaya"? It's an anniversary movie about Japan-Thailand relationship.
But I'm sorry I laughed at watching it. In this movies, the Japanese kungfu is so bad (Yamada's knocked-out in 1 hit by Thai warrior :suicide: ), the Thai kungfu is master :lol: , the Burmese is looked like evil :hitwall:.

I saw it a whiles back, i appreciated it for the Thai setting and exotic locale. South East Asia is always so exotic to me. If you like Thai historical movies, the ones that I found very stunning and entertaining include: 1) Suriyothai, 2) Naresuan the Movie, and 3) Dan Rajan. I really enjoyed the theme of Siam, or otherwise known as Ayudhaya Empire fighting against the Burmese. :)

Do you know any good historical Vietnamese movies ? Oh I'd be so grateful!

Did you watch the movie "Yamada: The Samurai of Ayothaya"? It's an anniversary movie about Japan-Thailand relationship.
But I'm sorry I laughed at watching it. In this movies, the Japanese kungfu is so bad (Yamada's knocked-out in 1 hit by Thai warrior :suicide: ), the Thai kungfu is master :lol: , the Burmese is looked like evil :hitwall:.

ha ha , Thai fighting moves looks so very interesting , too. One good Thai actor who I like is Tony Jaa, ever heard of him? There was that movie he acted in where he had an elephant friend.
They're not alone in that. A lot of the North East Asian countries are insular as far as I can tell. I don't know much about S. Korea but I suspect they are a little more insular than the Japanese. China would be up there too but they have such a diverse population anyway.

Small countries tend to be insular and have strong isolationist feelings,that's very normal, huge countries just can't be like that. China has 55 ethnic minorities with the total population over 100 million,how can China be insular

Haha, he's so famous in VN. We often call him Ong-Bak instead of Tony Jaa. He is a Khmer :enjoy:

ha ha ha, you guys call him Ong Bak? :P

So sad, I don't see any good historical Vietnamese movie :cry:


Yes, I did. I love the king when he was a child :smitten:


China outshines the rest of the pack in medal count. That was anticipated, though. With the new young cohort, anticipate China to further squeeze the US in the upcoming Olympics. That's now what really matters. Then it will be China's turn to worry about to protect the throne.

I agree, China is dominating.
Chinese basketball team lost to Japan.

They lost to India recently and lost like 3 times to Taiwan before winning by 1 point in the most recent game.

I say hang the coaching staff and punish the players that didn't perform well.
Chinese basketball team is a joke once Yao stopped playing for them. Its league is all show very little development. If the most dominant player is still Wang Zhizhi you got issues. I hope they lose all games and get rid of the program.
But why China is not good in football ??
chinese male football is too terrible ,i doubt if they can beat vietnam female football team,,,,,,,,,treasure your life, away china football

Tmrrow, Olympic Thailand vs Olympic China right, bro ?? Okay, I support Thai team, lets kick China home , Chinese is only good at woman's games :partay:

VN will vs UAE team tmrrow ,too. They r strong team, but we still have a chance to win :D
chinese man football is so suck, i wanna kill them ,,,it make us feel shame,,,,keep losing for 3years

Vietnam won only one gold medal in wushu.:-)

amazing,,,vietnam win the gold medal in wushu!!! congrats
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To be honest .I hope China could pay more attention to sport for all,

The golden medal can't prove that normal Chinese are good at sports.

We should like to training or playing ,not just play for a golden medal

And I have to say our Chinese athletes are really good!
Chinese basketball team is a joke once Yao stopped playing for them. Its league is all show very little development. If the most dominant player is still Wang Zhizhi you got issues. I hope they lose all games and get rid of the program.

This Chinese team is largely made up of untested young emerging players. Like in gymnastics and some other events, China didn't send many senior team. 评级不公平可上诉, 不用脏话说他冒充没犯规, 有证有据的. @rott
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