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Asian Games= Eastern Asian Games?

Cambodia is not a strategic partner of Japan. We have no special interest projects with them. Whereas Bangladesh is a strategic partner of Japan. No comparison.

Just as how we do not have strong relationships with Burma, because your country and government is known for its aberrant human rights violations; towards the Wa, Chin, Shan, and the Rohinya. We favor the Thais over your country.

Truth hurts.

There are quite a few Bangladeshis in Japan, many of whom came during the 1980s. They're integrated in Japanese society and hard working.

Why, we Japanese even had mercy on some of the ethnics in Burma such as the Shan, Chin, who we admit (tho not so much now because we are trying to reduce refugee immigrants) in our Resettlement program. We have very high concern on the plight of the refugees of Shan, Wa adn Chin that are now in refugee camps in Northern Thailand. And our Government knows of the kinds of treatment they are given by Burmese Military Forces. In fact, I am in favor for Japan to enforce bans on Myanmar , reduce our ODA to Myanmar unless they address the minority abuses.

You are an arrogant Burman. You come from a third world nation that oppresses minorities; muslim rohingya and christian chin and shans. And you the gall to put down the Bangladeshis? Keep your ethnocentrism to yourself, it is a disgusting ra.

Haha, and the mask slips once more.

You can champion any cause you want and I promise I won't get hurt. It's just very unusual to come across a Japanese who champions Bangladesh as much as you. Furthermore, it's downright bizarre to suggest that Japan is a model for dealing with the Muslim world. So much so that you cross over to the side of being unbelievable and definitely beyond representative for a Japanese.

As for the third world nation jibe, I think you'll find you're slumming it with the sons (mostly, I don't know any women here) of third world nations by being on PakDefence.
Haha, and the mask slips once more.

You can champion any cause you want and I promise I won't get hurt. It's just very unusual to come across a Japanese who champions Bangladesh as much as you. Furthermore, it's downright bizarre to suggest that Japan is a model for dealing with the Muslim world. So much so that you cross over to the side of being unbelievable and definitely beyond representative for a Japanese.

As for the third world nation jibe, I think you'll find you're slumming it with the sons (mostly, I don't know any women here) of third world nations by being on PakDefence.

I've read and followed your posts and read your descriptions of Bangladeshis. To the point that you exude such a blatant racist tone. No, i believe we have reached an impasse in our conversation, and i must ignore you. I cannot continue talking to destructive personalities.

May your Buddha Bless You.
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View attachment 93393

What the? there's a Burmese member here all this time? why's there no Burmese/Myanmar threads in this section all this time?

As for our Nihon friend, it all started in this thread here from post #47 onwards:

Japan Vows to Ignore New Restrictions Imposed on Whale Hunting | Page 4

I already promised to him not to talk further on the issue but you can come up with your own conclusion about him.

Asian game soccer semi-final will be:

South Korea vs Thailand
Iraq vs North Korea

I would start one but I always come and go on here. I don't think I have enough staying power to maintain a thread. There are a few Myanmar threads floating around in the military forums.
Myanmer and BD, for the issue of Rohingya people?I 've watched a documentary about those people in Japan. They lived in Japan, but they can not get the citizenship of Japan, even their children. so Japan is not a saint
Myanmer and BD, for the issue of Rohingya people?I 've watched a documentary about those people in Japan. They lived in Japan, but they can not get the citizenship of Japan, even their children. so Japan is not a saint

Japan has one of the most stringent nationalization processes. Also, our immigration processes are very , very selective.
I've read and followed your posts and read your descriptions of Bangladeshis. To the point that you exude such a blatant racist tone. No, i believe we have reached an impasse in our conversation, and i must ignore you. I cannot continue talking to destruction personalities.

May your Buddha Bless You.

That's fair enough. I'm glad your nice guy persona has slipped off.

Myanmer and BD, for the issue of Rohingya people?I 've watched a documentary about those people in Japan. They lived in Japan, but they can not get the citizenship of Japan, even their children. so Japan is not a saint

That's true. But the one country that really should be giving citizenship to those poor people is Bangladesh.
That's true. But the one country that really should be giving citizenship to those poor people is Bangladesh.

I've read and followed your posts and read your descriptions of Bangladeshis. To the point that you exude such a blatant racist tone. No, i believe we have reached an impasse in our conversation, and i must ignore you. I cannot continue talking to destructive personalities.

May your Buddha Bless You.

that guy even say that BD is poorer and underdeveloped than Myanmar :rofl:
yeah, a racist country just like north korea, want to keep so-called pure korean blood

I wouldn't say Japs are outright racist but just extremely insular. They know they need migrant labour at some point to support their ageing population but even Japanese Brazilians; the descendents of Japanese who went to Brazil, who tried to come back to Japan were shunned. What I noticed from the couple of times I've been to Japan is underneath the polite veil, a lot of Japanese still hold strongly nationalist views.
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