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Asian Games= Eastern Asian Games?

what is that ? o_O
Good to see smaller countries doing well.

I'm happy Myanmar won 2 golds.

Congrats :yahoo:

Excuse me?

Anyway, we're 12th overall and 2nd for SE Asia so I'm quite pleased. If we can get in the top 10, be 1st in SE Asia and be still ahead of India, I will be very happy.

We hosted the last edition of the SEA Games and came second in the medal table. In the past 2 years or so it's really great to see people in Myanmar take a much keener interest in fitness and sport. Lots of gyms and sports clubs are opening up and hopefully this will lead us back amongst the top of regional competition.
Haha, I think that is an unfair generalization. You know very well that Japanese men are more conservative than Chinese or Taiwanese men.

Feminine is not a description of us. Japanese women are very feminine because our society stresses them to be obedient to the man.

The conservative that makes Japanese man more feminine.

Taiwanese have cultural bankrupt, thanks to Christian KMT, so they are more like barbarian, aka more masculine.

Well, it's not a problem or not something to be proud of. As Japanese society is more peaceful, safe and civilized. I think Japanese are very proud about this. And many people around the world hugely admire it too, like Taiwanese for example.
As you know that this is a public forum, and my position at an academic institution, I am impressed to prevent the sharing of my true picture, as well as my academic account (as what one member here would want, despite his own veil of anonymity). We all know the importance of privacy. I can assure you that I am Japanese, but I can't really force anyone to believe that because there's really no way to know who's behind the usernames we use. We all know the importance of privacy especially in a public forum such as this. If I may have offended people here by my use of avatar, then i'm sorry for that. The point is , I'm not going to further engage on issues regarding my personal identity and to reply to personal attacks on me when I have not instigated any personal attacks on anyone here. So I encourage those who are my detractors to focus on subject matter instead on the obsession on how i look like. I hope you can understand my request , focusing not on the personal identities of members, but on the quality of discourse here in this forum.

I look forward to discussing only on subjects of military defense, national strategy, relating to the Asia-Pacific region. And that is all i have to say.

OK thanks for finally speaking up about this. And thanks for admitting the photos is not you.

Like what @Fattyacids said, I also have nothing against you. I haven't made any personal attack against you. I was simply attacking your lies and dishonest behaviour.

We have never asked for your real picture or personal identity. So stop saying we are obssessed with your look when we don't even care. Most of the members here are anonymous too and you don't see us asking around for their pictures either, at least I've never asked.

But it's different when you post pictures of other people and claim it to be you. When @acetophenol caught you red handed, you continue to tell lie and make up more stories (the blogger is your friend, etc), even post more fake photos. Plus your description about yourself is also contradictory. This is what we were trying to get you at: your lies and dishonest behaviour. We don't care what you really look like or your real identity.

If we didn't chase you until the end in this East Asia section, you'd probably would never reveal that all your pictures posted and some of your self descriptions are fake. So we have the right to lose respect for you and your credibility. Just like in real life if someone lie and dishonest to you.

You can continue to keep posting, it doesnt bother me. You have never insult or troll people. A lot of your posts are informative. I don't doubt your academic credential.

This will be my last post on this matter.

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Both Korea and Japan's medal count are also quite impressive. Japan has 95 medals; of that number 28 gold, 36 silver and 32 bronze. Korea has 92 medals; 28 gold, 33 silver and 31 bronze.

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So Japan is ahead of south Korea?
Surprised to see south Asian lagging so far behind. What's other south Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, bengladesh etc position as of now in the medal table?

Well done Japan, it's indeed an achievement to be ahead of south Korea, considering they are the ones hosting it.
my friend, regardless if you are japanese or not, I am a fan of your postings here, always interested in reading your posts on japan, china, vietnam and asian pacific in general :enjoy:

your opinions and knowledge on japan are very authentic. for a long time I had little doubt that you don´t come from japan.

Not really. I went to school with some Japanese and they do not like Americans on their soil, but realize they have no choice. Two, they do not forgive Americans for dropping the two bombs during ww2. This guy is just so nonchalant with the bombing of Hiroshima / Nagasaki. He seem to endorse killing 300,000 of Japanese were justified.

I've seen foreign worshipping japs, but not to this extent. He has good knowledge on some subjects, but posing as a Japanese and agreeing 100% on anything pro American not a typical Japanese mentality.

But you have to admit, the reason you like him is because he is anti China.
Not really. I went to school with some Japanese and they do not like Americans on their soil, but realize they have no choice. Two, they do not forgive Americans for dropping the two bombs during ww2. This guy is just so nonchalant with the bombing of Hiroshima / Nagasaki. He seem to endorse killing 300,000 of Japanese were justified.

I've seen foreign worshipping japs, but not to this extent. He has good knowledge on some subjects, but posing as a Japanese and agreeing 100% on anything pro American not a typical Japanese mentality.

But you have to admit, the reason you like him is because he is anti China.
well, the nukes erased 300,000 of Japanese lives but saved 3,000,0000 if the US launched a ground invasion into the heartland of Japan. If you counted the german casualties when the allies invaded germany in the second world war, you would understand. both the people of japan and germany were fanatic at that time. they fought at the bitter end. the battle of okinawa inflicted heavy casualties on japan, and on american forces as well. an invasion into japanese mainland would likely cost 100,000 US servicemen or more.

I see he is not much anti China as you claim. So he promotes Japan to have a good working relationship with Korea and China. No, I like him not because he is anti China, moreover you are the one, who posts much of bullshit about vietnam.
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I had a Japanese girlfriend, a proper born and raised in Japan Japanese, for four years and never once in her friends, nor when I went to Japan, did I meet or hear of a single Japanese person that thought that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a good thing nor anyone who supported nuclear proliferation. Aversion to nuclear warfare is so deeply ingrained in their national psyche.

What's all this about Nihonjin? What did he do/say? Any links? I don't usually visit this Far East section much but in other sections I always thought it was a bit strange how he kept talking about Japan as if it were a pro-Islamic country and how multicultural and accepting it was. I thought he was a bit off but definitely harmless. I just assumed he was just a hipster with an advanced knowledge of English.
So Japan is ahead of south Korea?
Surprised to see south Asian lagging so far behind. What's other south Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, bengladesh etc position as of now in the medal table?

Well done Japan, it's indeed an achievement to be ahead of south Korea, considering they are the ones hosting it.

We're both at equal level, to be honest Mike San!
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