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Asian Americans Hate China, Love America

Taiwanese is not an ethnicity or nationality. Just some self-hating Chinese.
Taiwanese is not an ethnicity or nationality. Just some self-hating Chinese.
Although I am not Chinese. I think Taiwan should accept one country two systems, and become a big Hong Kong.

Its overdue that there needs to be an alternative to USA.
We are not jobless like the Indians.
no need for you to be defensive. just wondering why they didn't include such a big country of 230 million people

Taiwanese is not an ethnicity or nationality. Just some self-hating Chinese.
It walks and talks like a country, has its own government and currency . how is it not a nation
Not a surpirse at all considering they are living in empire of lies

so its nothing to do with Chinese being rated as the worst tourists in the world?

while Japanese are rate best
U.S. media always report negatively on China, especially after the intensification of internal differences and disputes in the U.S. represented by President Trump, the only thing that can unite the U.S. is hatred of China.

China is so good that only China can keep pace with the United States in various advanced manufacturing and advanced technology fields.
Such as AI artificial intelligence, chatgpt, 5G, space technology, new energy vehicles, quantum computers, Google, Amazon, FB, cloud computing
Only China can compete with the United States in the development of these technologies that will lead future industries.
Americans hate competition and only want monopoly.
For such an excellent country, the American media reports full of hatred, and American politicians use hatred of China to win votes.
It is high time China does a long march all across Asia.

Who cares about freedom.

China provides security which Democrazies cannot.

Freedom is fake while the security is the real deal.
Even if I disagree with most of your things, but you are spot on. For poor and marginalized people safety’s and security of their life is important. They may not care about if it is being provided by Democrats or Chines style one party rule.
Not that anyone actually cares but whats the source? Why hide it?
Who loves dictatorships even if it's your homeland?


Most Asian Americans View Their Ancestral Homelands Favorably, Except Chinese Americans – Pew Research​

In the latest report underscoring negative sentiment in the United States toward China, Pew Research found that most Asian Americans view their ancestral homelands favorably, except for Chinese Americans.

Fewer than half — 41% — say they hold a favorable opinion of China
, Pew said in a report out today. By contrast, about nine-in-ten Taiwanese and Japanese Americans say their opinion of their own ancestral homeland is very or somewhat favorable, as do large majorities of Korean, Indian and Filipino adults. A smaller majority of Vietnamese Americans say they have a favorable view of Vietnam, Pew said.

Who loves dictatorships even if it's your homeland?


Most Asian Americans View Their Ancestral Homelands Favorably, Except Chinese Americans – Pew Research​

In the latest report underscoring negative sentiment in the United States toward China, Pew Research found that most Asian Americans view their ancestral homelands favorably, except for Chinese Americans.

Fewer than half — 41% — say they hold a favorable opinion of China
, Pew said in a report out today. By contrast, about nine-in-ten Taiwanese and Japanese Americans say their opinion of their own ancestral homeland is very or somewhat favorable, as do large majorities of Korean, Indian and Filipino adults. A smaller majority of Vietnamese Americans say they have a favorable view of Vietnam, Pew said.

it's not a matter of dictatorship, it's a matter of who's the dictator

no one likes feudal terrorist xi
it's not a matter of dictatorship, it's a matter of who's the dictator

no one likes feudal terrorist xi
Your American dad, mom, and grandpa are all begging xi




Didn't we see so many lies and smears printed in Murica and their doggies with no relation to what is true?

They can just print any chart with numbers like above to amplify whatever lies that is in favour this season.

Considering Asians in Murica being bullied and stolen from by Muricans , black or white or hispanic, I doubt very much that they love Murica as indicated in that fake fake chart.

Your choice to believe in fake charts and lies

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