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Asia will overtake North America and Europe combined in global power by...

All true, ofcourse i wont deny it, however most are not like that. And games that youth plays, as vile as it is, generally tend to disapear once you have a family to look after.
Also, most Muslims in Europe aren't Arabs, but generally more "civilized" Turks and Albanians.

in addition, it's on the news periodically (every month or two) how int. agencies broke up some group or prevented some attack. Today 2 Somalis were arrested in Germany for putting a pipe bomb in Bonn train station, last month it was ~50 PKK members gathered for a meeting in the Netherlands i believe.

They are clamped down good....the real trouble makers that is. but in general i would agree that too much liberalism and political correctness hurts.

Anyhow, it's off topic, think what you want, you have the right.
You are fine with violent savages harassing your women, taking over your neighborhoods and putting fear in the hearts of your young. Good for you.

I'm sure you'll feel the same once more of them come and, sooner rather than later, they demand Independence from their European country. Because so many of them took over so many neighbors that it practically is a country within a country.

Well, i will not stand for it in Israel. And i hope no other sane nation stands for it.
You are fine with violent savages harassing your women, taking over your neighborhoods and putting fear in the hearts of your young. Good for you.

I'm sure you'll feel the same once more of them come and, sooner rather than later, they demand Independence from their European country. Because so many of them took over so many neighbors that it practically is a country within a country.

Well, i will not stand for it in Israel. And i hope no other sane nation stands for it.

5% you schmuck......

p.s: be careful all your hair dont fall off from all the hate by the time you are 40....

Amsterdam to create 'scum villages'

Sound familiar? Maybe from your own history?
5% you schmuck......

p.s: be careful all your hair dont fall off from all the hate by the time you are 40....

Amsterdam to create 'scum villages'

Sound familiar? Maybe from your own history?
5%, fool, is dominating the social life of the majority. Continue to live in denial and we will be seeing all the new Islamic caliphates emerging in Europe.
5%, fool, is dominating the social life of the majority. Continue to live in denial and we will be seeing all the new Islamic caliphates emerging in Europe.

I think you just wish for it to be so, without any real facts to back this outlandish statement. I wont even respond anymore to you, you are obviously not mentally fit nor knowledgeable enough to carry on this conversation, as Chinese say, you cannot fill a full cup. Or something like that.
Personally i think you dont even know what nonsense you just wrote.
I think you just wish for it to be so, without any real facts to back this outlandish statement. I wont even respond anymore to you, you are obviously not mentally fit nor knowledgeable enough to carry on this conversation, as Chinese say, you cannot fill a full cup. Or something like that.
Personally i think you dont even know what nonsense you just wrote.

Have you even been to Europe? You are obviously too ignorant to understand Arabic and the Arab culture but here in Israel we study it. You don't understand who you are dealing with these immigrants and you'll find out the hard way.

Keep living in dementia. Reality smacks people like you in the face eventually.
Have you even been to Europe? You are obviously too ignorant to understand Arabic and the Arab culture but here in Israel we study it. You don't understand who you are dealing with these immigrants and you'll find out the hard way.

Keep living in dementia. Reality smacks people like you in the face eventually.

/yawn, getting old Ptex....
when that movie was released smaller numbers of protesters (in 2 cases around a 1000, in most around 200-300) demonstrated around bigger cities in just about every country. Most of it was civil, where it wasnt, it was broken off, organizers jailed and fined.
Now do tell me what a threat this poses? It is not even an "F" from any decent Fifth column that would cause any existential trouble.
Sure in a few decades if left unchecked, unassimilated and a sharia oriented mentality is transfered from a very vocal minority to the majority, there will be problems ill grant you that, but their natality will eventually level off.

Predictions that Europe will become a majority-Muslim “Eurabia” are unfounded, according to the report by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life, a nonpartisan research group.

Muslims in Europe made up only 6 percent of the population in 2010, and will grow to 8 percent by 2030, the report says. In France and Belgium, Muslims will be about 10 percent of the population in 20 years, and in Britain, 8 percent.


Not that you pay any attention to links i post.....
/yawn, getting old Ptex....
when that movie was released smaller numbers of protesters (in 2 cases around a 1000, in most around 200-300) demonstrated around bigger cities in just about every country. Most of it was civil, where it wasnt, it was broken off, organizers jailed and fined.
Now do tell me what a threat this poses? It is not even an "F" from any decent Fifth column that would cause any existential trouble.
Sure in a few decades if left unchecked, unassimilated and a sharia oriented mentality is transfered from a very vocal minority to the majority, there will be problems ill grant you that, but their natality will eventually level off.


Not that you pay any attention to links i post.....

When Christmas trees are offensive to their feelings and Western way of life insults their way of life and the Westerners are the ones who compromise for political correctness, you do have an existential problem. When minority dictates the majority, you indeed have a problem.

Look, i don't mind Europe's current trend. By all means, continue.
We are talking about the Muslim menace while the topic is about Asia overtaking North America (which will take several generations btw).

Man, we Mooslims are everywhere! :woot:
French, Brazilian ministers slam 'predatory' Asia


PARIS - The French and Brazilian industry ministers, both of whom are accused of protectionism by critics, Wednesday lambasted Asia's "predatory" economic practices.

The comments by France's Industrial Renewal Minister Arnaud Montebourg, who had tried to nationalise a steel plant owned by Indian tycoon Lakshmi Mittal, and Brazil's Industry Minister Fernando Pimentel came during a meeting with France's top employers' union in Paris.

Pimentel said while he was all for free markets, one "cannot accept these predatory practices in world trade that we are in the habit of seeing from Asia."

Montebourg said that while France was "open to hosting all long-term projects we would just as much protect the European economy from the excesses of a predatory economy, which you have perfectly identified."

British Prime Minister David Cameron had warned Brazil in September against protectionism.

"To try to isolate and protect industry from competition can benefit the domestic industry, but this carries long-term costs and prevents the development of a truly competitive and innovative industrial base," he said.

Brazil has adopted stimulus measures to prop up its struggling domestic industry which has been reeling from declining competitiveness in the face of surging imports, notably from Asia, and the appreciating national currency.

Montebourg meanwhile has spearheaded a "Made in France" campaign to kickstart the flagging economy and improve the poor competitiveness of French businesses, well below the European average.

He has even gone as far as posing in a Breton sailor top with a Moulinex kitchen blender for a leading French magazine to promote locally-made goods.

French, Brazilian ministers slam 'predatory' Asia

The free market advocates want free market on their terms.

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