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‘Asia will be divided if India joins US patrols’ : Chinese Media


Sep 20, 2014
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SOURCE: Asian age


Any move by India to join the US Navy to jointly patrol the disputed South China Sea will be against its national interest, would divide Asian countries and further escalate regional tensions, a state-run Chinese daily said on Friday.

The Chinese media’s reaction came after it was reported in January that the US and India had talked about launching joint naval patrols in the South China Sea for safeguarding freedom of navigation. But India clarified there would be no such patrols and the US also subsequently denied having any such plan.

“Military collaboration between Washington and New Delhi has been heating up in recent years. Nonetheless, the only purpose of the latter to conduct bilateral naval patrols with the former without its interests being hurt is to meet the demand of the largest world power,” an article in the state-run Global Times said on Friday.

“In this way, the US can include India as a ‘vassal state’ like Japan and Australia, which will damage India’s dignity and deter its pursuit to become a great power,” it said.

Playing up India’s concerns over the US’s move to sell F-16 fighters to Pakistan, the article said “even though New Delhi obeys Washington, it’s not likely that it will see the desired return”.

“The White House’s sale of fighter planes to Pakistan provides the latest example,” it said.

“India once mulled over deepening its military cooperation with the US in hope that the latter would cancel the endorsement for its perennial regional rival. But the US has its strategic needs by the sale of weapons and has never changed minds despite India’s long-running objection,” it said.

Playing down reports that India may join joint patrols with the US in the South China Sea where Beijing is locked in a major confrontation, the article said any such move by India would divide Asian countries.

If New Delhi chooses to follow in US’ footsteps, it means the country is taking part in US’ “pivot to Asia” strategy and adopting a major strategic shift, the report said. “This move will inevitably divide Asian nations into two camps.”
Joint patrols would be a bad idea but what countries are in the China 'camp' when it comes to their disputes in the SCS ?
China should have thought about it before entering into land claimed by india which is a international disputed place that is pakistan occupied kashimir.

Having said it does not mean india will patrol with US in SCS, but it wil soon have repurcussions some where else and the time and place of our choosing.
Screw the CCP. They provided M-11s and missile technology to Pakistan why? The break MTCR regime, and claim that they are not concerned with India?

As far as I see it. Indian navy should cooperate with US navy, just to piss of the CCP and PLAN. If the PLAN escalates by have SSN and SSBN in IOR than India should respond accordingly. Infact, India/Russia have already armed Vietnam and will continue to do so. They (CCP) are lucky Vietnam is more reasonable than Pakistan.
India has made it clear that India will not patrol SCS. Why is Chinese media so paranoid?
Your loss. The US will not allow China to control the SCS by any means. Right now, we are taking the diplomatic route as much as possible. But even if China cannot gain complete control of the SCS, China can still harass the smaller countries into submission, leaving a path all the way to the Indian Ocean. Either India help US today, or pay a higher price tomorrow.
Your loss. The US will not allow China to control the SCS by any means. Right now, we are taking the diplomatic route as much as possible. But even if China cannot gain complete control of the SCS, China can still harass the smaller countries into submission, leaving a path all the way to the Indian Ocean. Either India help US today, or pay a higher price tomorrow.
Oh come on as if US needs Indian help in containing China in SCS, besides China can and will do what it is in national interest. India at present is not interested in your game plan. The only question is why should we patrol in SCS so far away from home? We have much to lose than what we gain.
soo, what countries are in the Chinese camp when it comes to the SCS ?
Your loss. The US will not allow China to control the SCS by any means. Right now, we are taking the diplomatic route as much as possible. But even if China cannot gain complete control of the SCS, China can still harass the smaller countries into submission, leaving a path all the way to the Indian Ocean. Either India help US today, or pay a higher price tomorrow.

India has no physical stake in the SCS, but has a pretty strong claim for freedom of navigation through the SCS because of our trade with Japan, Korea and ASEAN. If China decides to impinge on that, it's going to create problems.

India has a plan to counter China in the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. In the Pacific we are working with ASEAN and other Pacific island states like Fiji, which has a huge Indian origin population.

Then there's the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium.
About IONS | Indian Ocean Naval Symposium

It will consist of all countries that dot the ocean and will have a mutual understanding on security matters. So this has a very long term effect on countering China.

China has already threatened military action if the US interferes. This was told by our National Security Adviser.

The accent is tough, so I've summarized his views on China. And you can take it as the official view of India for now.
China's comprehensive national power is 3 times India's. We cannot match up to China for the next 50 years unless China has some sort of major internal turmoil.

China is turning its economic power into military power at a very fast rate. Much more than anticipated, at least 10 years ahead compared to what was anticipated. They demonstrated capabilities in 2009-2012 that was supposed to have been achieved after 2018.

Admiral Mullen told Doval that the Chinese threatened the Americans with an attack on USS George Washington if they conducted exercises with Korea. It came as a shock to the Americans. They could have attacked with inert missiles. Mullen addressed Korea, in Seoul, after the incident and then flew directly to Delhi after that.

China told the head of USPACOM that they will allow the US to dominate the Pacific Ocean if they eliminate India and allow them to take control of the Indian Ocean. The Americans rejected it.

India needs to expend resources on missiles to counter the Chinese National Power. It's done by directly threatening their economic regions. Out of all the nations in the Asia-pacific region, only India has the capacity to inflict massive damage to Chinese economic might. The rest will be handled by Chinese competitor nations in the region who don't have the military muscle to do that. However it requires a lot of political will. And the govt has already taken the decision to expand our BM capabilities in the last few years.

We have superior aircraft technology over China. The Rafale deal will be done. We need them along with mid air refuelers. Overall, we need to maintain this superiority against China.

There's no point going for tanks. They are are obsolete. Tank battles are over. We can stop going for new tank development, but we must continue developing the LCA.

We are ahead in IT and services sector, but China's catching up really fast. But we have much more support from the international community in these areas. But there are too many vested interests in India that are bad for the country and is damaging to future growth.
Oh come on as if US needs Indian help in containing China in SCS, besides China can and will do what it is in national interest. India at present is not interested in your game plan. The only question is why should we patrol in SCS so far away from home? We have much to lose than what we gain.
Because either you help contain China in East Asia, or you confront China off your shore. China does not need to have complete control of the Indian Ocean to make life difficult for you. Just COMMAND of the Indian Ocean will do.

Command of a sea is to control vital lines of travel and communication. If anything, China does not even need to command all of the Indian Ocean, just control of strategically important sea lanes that China need to link to East Asia. And if China can have effective control of those lanes, China can intimidate others to stay out of those lanes. So not only does your India lose, so will other countries who relies on the many seas for their economic life.
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