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Ashraf Ghani to Pakistan: I will not visit Pakistan and waste any more time ...

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You Indian false flagging troll you :D

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Yup, confirmed. He's a little loser with too much spare time.

So many rookies show up here without using some layer of proxy to hide behind, now, if I was a bad person and felt a little worse today, I'd note down his IP and keep it safe for another day.

Yet you guys happily accept USD 140 million foreign aid annually to look after them in what is their own country. Afghanistan existed much before Pakistan.

140 mill is peanuts.

Housing Afghan refugees has costs us tens of billions. And that is a gross understatement in fact.

Mr false flagger have some balls and come up with your original ethnicity. Btw if you are afghan can you answer me in pushto. Da mor de agha shledare pish. :D:D:D

Indian false flag.

What a pathetic existence these trolls are.
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* Mr Ahmadzai is welcomed in Pakistan but we can live without him if he doesn't come. There is no immediate need for Pakistan to 'woo' the new Afghan govt if they are unwilling.

* Pakistan supports Taliban because the current regime in Afghanistan has become a vessel state of India.

* Afghanistan was the country which fostered terror and sepratism in Pakistan from killing or Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan to the creation of terrorist outfits in Balochistan. It invited Soviet Union to harm Pakistan but ended up getting screwed by them.

* Supporting terrorism in Pakistsn is nothing new for Afghanistan. You've done it for 40 years, long before anything called Taliban existed. Today Afghanistan's Kunar and Nooristan are the sanctuaries for those who have murdered 50,000 Pakistanis for 10 years.

* We are also much happy to not have any relations with Afghanistan. We just want our govt to deport every single Afghan from our soil and close the border permanently and to deny Afghanistan all kinds of trade including food.

Best Regards.

Perfect response.

I'd much rather have an Afghanistan left to kill itself a thousand times over than one who messes with our internal affairs.
They can never be friendly to Pakistan.
General IP Information

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Country: India View attachment 145291
State/Region: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai
Latitude: 18.975 (18° 58′ 30.00″ N)
Longitude: 72.8258 (72° 49′ 32.88″ E)

Yup, confirmed. He's a little loser with too much spare time.

So many rookies show up here without using some layer of proxy to hide behind, now, if I was a bad person and felt a little worse today, I'd note down his IP and keep it safe for another day.
Wow that is super deee duper cool!!!!:woot:
* Mr Ahmadzai is welcomed in Pakistan but we can live without him if he doesn't come. There is no immediate need for Pakistan to 'woo' the new Afghan govt if they are unwilling.

* Pakistan supports Taliban because the current regime in Afghanistan has become a vessel state of India.

* Afghanistan was the country which fostered terror and sepratism in Pakistan from killing or Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan to the creation of terrorist outfits in Balochistan. It invited Soviet Union to harm Pakistan but ended up getting screwed by them.

* Supporting terrorism in Pakistsn is nothing new for Afghanistan. You've done it for 40 years, long before anything called Taliban existed. Today Afghanistan's Kunar and Nooristan are the sanctuaries for those who have murdered 50,000 Pakistanis for 10 years.

* We are also much happy to not have any relations with Afghanistan. We just want our govt to deport every single Afghan from our soil and close the border permanently and to deny Afghanistan all kinds of trade including food.

Best Regards.

Why do I have doubt over this news? Did he really say all this..as is mentioned in this artcle? It should have been all over the news in Pakistan..in editorials etc....but nothing over here as such...dont know exactly the authentcity of this news..

Ashraf Ghani seemed to be a sensible person...much different from Karzai..who seemed to want to mend ties with Pakistan unlike Karzai...Had lots of hopes from him for better Pak Afgh ties..

But IF Ashraf Ghani has really said all this in this manner as reported ..then its a hopeless case for us.. Why has he turned back on his wanting to have good relations with Pakistan...so soon? when nothing really happened from our side? his visit to Pakistan could have paved way for serious discussions on better Pak Afgh relations..but if he has rejected...then its a disappointing situtation nevertheless...

I think Pakistan should agressively pursue its own interests in Afghanistan.,.stop being apologetic about our national security concerns in Afghanistan... we should not accept indian influence ..in afghanistan..under the garb of helping peace process in Afgh... If Afghanistan doesnt take care of our concerns...then let it be.. We should do the needful ourselves...enough with being the good guy..trying to get our concerns resolved in diplomatic way...its already been a decade....I think our security establishment has been way too apologetic in this decade ...trying to overturn the past stigma..of supporting taliban...and hence has not been able to convey our genuine security concerns as effectively as it should have been... We just have been trying too hard to sell this theory to the world...tht no... We dont supp Haqqani. We dont support this and tht...whatever......this has been our main focus...for far too long..i think it should change now... whatever we need to do in Pakistan..against terrorism...we will do it for our own sake ...at the same time.. We should do..what is good for our interests in Afghanistan..if not possible diplomatically..then we should go for hot pursuit...

We have wasted enough time already..trying to convince Afghanistan..to hand over Mullah Fazlullah and other TTP leadership to Pak..but they havent.. It should be clear by now tht Afgh is not going handover them to us..neither is going to take any action against TTP.. So time has come now to go for hot pursuit..take direct action inside Afgh against those TTP scums AND action against their financers and trainers( India)... I say...even if we have use to use proxy against them in Afgh..( Haqqanis in Afghanistan) then we should..enough of this apologetic attitude... If Afgh is going to use proxies against us and let India use these proxies to attack Pak... Then we also shouldnt shy away for taking similar course...but yes...we should not let haqqanis or any other group live on our soil... But we should use them to our advantage in afgh.... Laaton ke bhoot baaton se nahi maantay...

Another area where our security establishment has been weak..is we have not effectively told the world publically about how India and Afgh ar helping TTP against Pak.. Yes..we might have discussed this issue diplomatically sometimes with US, Afghanistan..but why havent we taken the public route? Like even Karzai accused Pak openly of supporting Taliban.. In its reaction...all we did ..was to give justifications..tht no we dont... Why didnt we ever openly give proofs or say publically tht Afgh and India are supporting TTP.. We never did tht...while Karzai and India, at every instance, at every forum, and oublically openly accused Pakitsn.. we nevr did tht..... after every TTP attack..the max we do is...Is mein berouni hath mulavis honay ka khadsha mustarad nahi kiya jasakta...and thts it...this is exactly we did abt wagah attack two days ago.. We nevr got the courage to openly name our enemies and their role in this decade old insurgency.

Now its time to agressively pursue what is in our interest even if its not politically correct.
you badly need to read the history of afghanistan from nadir shah . blaming pakistan for unrest which started years ago from creation of pakistan ? then please blame united hindustan

for your info let me teach you boss

the day unrest started
On 8 November 1933, Nadir Khan was visiting a high school and was shot to death by Abdul Khaliq during a graduation ceremony

If you start going that far in history then one will say the trouble in Afghanistan started when followers of Islam invaded the land in 7th century. It was quite peaceful place prior to that. But the Mujahideen issue that Pakistan is facing today is its own creation you acted as a willing partener in their creation so you can not blame Afghanistan for the crime of yours. Afghanistan was much developed before Mujahideen era. Don't tell me I am making this up because you yourself know this is the truth.

Why dont you please keep your opinions to your self, you know very well its was the west who helped and armed the Afghan Mujahideen to fight the Russian intruders. you should focus on Northeast India which is getting out of control with Maoist rebels still in charge.
Why don't you just ignore my opinion if truth hurts you so much? This is an open forum and there is no restriction on telling the truth.

Also learn a bit about India before commenting about the issues India is facing. You are wrong on two counts :
1. There are no Maoists in North east.
2. Maoists and other North east separatist groups are insignificant as of today.
Don't try to divert the discussion and stay on topic, Afghans are like a plague to Pakistan who have given only crimes and bloodshed.

Then read the topic title.

What does Pakistan have to gain from a pro Pakistan President? Zilch

How much does Pakistan lose by isolating Afghanistan? - Zilch

What does a an Indian bootlicker President in Afghanistan gains? - Maybe some coconut oil and a dhoti!

We were hopeful that his election talk of friendly ties were substentive, so your point is that since we were wrong it automatically translates into something good for Afghanistan?

You are giving yourself too much importance for absolutely no reason. Pakistan no longer keeps the same level of interest in Afghanistan as it did before the nuclear age.

If you think that an anti Pakistan President is what Afghanistan needs than so be it. We invited him, he refused, things move on. We will do what ever we think is needed to safeguard our interests, while Afghanistan can go its own way.

I can feel the pain, just go and read your previous posts regard Afghan-Sino developments and you will get your answers :)

The truth is no one visits Pakistan nowadays ;)
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Lets start sending these Afghans refugees to their country
Then read the topic title.

I can feel the pain, just go and read your previous posts regard Afghan-Sino developments and you will get your answers :)

The truth is no one visits Pakistan nowadays ;)
truth is we are tired of afghani visits since 30 years 4 millions visiting us . now please go away from US .

abut visits ?
turkish PM - bhrain king - Premier Li Keqiang - saudi crown prince -British PM - IAEA director general .U.S. Secretary of State -Thai Prime Minister- UN secertery general -UAE President and many more delegations high level military and civilians visited pakistan in 2014 .

a slap on you today 3000 indians crossed border for visit holy sites in pakistan .

while afghanistan ? its risky to fly over afghanistan many airline refused and did not fly over afghanistan because of high risks of shot-down . let alone landing and visit . burning from afghanis ? huh lolzzzz

ONLY YOUR RULERS USA visit their colony afghanistan which are surprised visits . always someone call your so called president at night to ask him come to kabul airbase US secretory is arrived and summon you :lol::lol::lol::lol:
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I can feel the pain, just go and read your previous posts regard Afghan-Sino developments and you will get your answers :)

The truth is no one visits Pakistan nowadays ;)

Man you are seriously deluded. My posts are not established facts but my opinions on a given situation. I am not a Prophet who's predictions are going to be true or be debunked if they don't. This so called article is bogus op-ed from a stupid farsiban with absolutely no reference or source to the opinions provided. Lastly, Mr Malang, Afghanistan needs us, not the other way around. We will kill our way out of it if we have to.

This has been circulating on the Internet for several days but now Khaama Press is reporting it here in a story titled: "Afghanistan needs to revise its policy regarding Pakistan".

The bottom line seems to be that in private Ashraf Ghani chewed out Pakistan's defacto Foreign Minister Sertaj Aziz. I guess more of marg-bar Pokiston to come.

It is being consistently reported that his excellency Dr. Ashraf Ghani has said: "I will not visit Pakistan and waste any more time on the so called peace talks with Pakistan until I see some practical actions”.

Ahemm, so much for Pak-Afghan bhai-bhai -- but it is unlikely Pakistanis will learn -- what was the saying "Aakalmand kay liya Ishara Kafii ... ?" wonder if there is a Dari equivalent? Dari anybody?

Slightly on the humorous side the article states: If the answer is yes to any of the 3 questions above, President Ghani should go ahead and reward Nawaz Sharif by shaking his hand. -- Who knows, perhaps we Pakistanis are complicit by our meek policies that the Afghans believe in this fantasy that we are dying to shake their hand, are we ??? -- it seems that Afghans think that our desire to kiss the hands of Afghans far surpasses the faithful's desire to kiss his holiness, the Pope's, ring.

There was a more in-depth, albeit poorly written piece on Eurasia Review written by an Afghan, Aziz Amin Ahmadzai titled "WHY PEACE IN AFGHANISTAN MEANS PEACE IN PAKISTAN – OPED"
that can be read here. Take aways from the Eurasia Review article were:

"Last week Mohammad Hanif Atmar, National Security Adviser to President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, has said all religious schools (Madrasas), which spread radicalism in South Asia, must be closed."
-- Mr. Atmar, like Mr. Ghani is a former communist, he was part of a special forces unit and he lost his leg while defending Jalalabad from the Mujahadeen forces in the 1980s and needless to say a stanch anti-Pakistani

"President Ghani is trying to adopt a new policy in regards to Taliban. President Ghani says that he will never visit Pakistan until it is result oriented and he will not participate in any dialogue that has no positive outcome. According to sources close to the Presidential Palace, he stated that the time has arrived to prove our words with actions. We should not rely only on conducting peace talks but rather to prove it pragmatically and strengthen it."


How about this: I say we'll kiss the hand of each Afghan as he/she crosses the Durand Line back to the Watan where "Her Bache Kahramande". Even if we kiss just the right hand it will be over three million kisses -- pucker up those lips ?? anybody?

Or how about this: we tally the bill Afghan drugs, weapons, prostitution, wars (inviting the Soviet Union to invade), refugees and other malfeasance have cost us Pakistanis and hand it to the Afghan nation -- As payment perhaps the Wakhan Corridor? with interest might even be Mes Aynak? Oh boy we'd better hurry -- there is going to be a long list of collectors.


Azad Kashmir-Efghon Dusatey Zendabod !!!

Honestly I like the marg-bar Pokeston better -- kinda have grown attached to it -- Stockholm syndrome ?

The article is an empty farce with no authentic sources. Its more like a farsiban's version of how it 'should' be.
Man you are seriously deluded. My posts are not established facts but my opinions on a given situation. I am not a Prophet who's predictions are going to be true or be debunked if they don't. This so called article is bogus op-ed from a stupid farsiban with absolutely no reference or source to the opinions provided. Lastly, Mr Malang, Afghanistan needs us, not the other way around. We will kill our way out of it if we have to.

I don't get why it hasn't been done already. So much damage we've sustained from being their neighbour and being too relaxed about it. Pakistan would be in much better shape today if it wasn't for them and a few other things.
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