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Ashraf Ghani to Pakistan: I will not visit Pakistan and waste any more time ...

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And that's the trait of good leader. Interest of the nation comes first..

It was Pakistan (with the help of others) who messed up Afghanistan, out of fear that Soviet Union is coming to rule them..

The mess they created has come back to haunt them now.

Why dont you please keep your opinions to your self, you know very well its was the west who helped and armed the Afghan Mujahideen to fight the Russian intruders. you should focus on Northeast India which is getting out of control with Maoist rebels still in charge.
And that's the trait of good leader. Interest of the nation comes first..

It was Pakistan (with the help of others) who messed up Afghanistan, out of fear that Soviet Union is coming to rule them..

The mess they created has come back to haunt them now.
you badly need to read the history of afghanistan from nadir shah . blaming pakistan for unrest which started years ago from creation of pakistan ? then please blame united hindustan

for your info let me teach you boss

the day unrest started
On 8 November 1933, Nadir Khan was visiting a high school and was shot to death by Abdul Khaliq during a graduation ceremony
* Mr Ahmadzai is welcomed in Pakistan but we can live without him if he doesn't come. There is no immediate need for Pakistan to 'woo' the new Afghan govt if they are unwilling.

* Pakistan supports Taliban because the current regime in Afghanistan has become a vessel state of India.

* Afghanistan was the country which fostered terror and sepratism in Pakistan from killing or Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan to the creation of terrorist outfits in Balochistan. It invited Soviet Union to harm Pakistan but ended up getting screwed by them.

* Supporting terrorism in Pakistsn is nothing new for Afghanistan. You've done it for 40 years, long before anything called Taliban existed. Today Afghanistan's Kunar and Nooristan are the sanctuaries for those who have murdered 50,000 Pakistanis for 10 years.

* We are also much happy to not have any relations with Afghanistan. We just want our govt to deport every single Afghan from our soil and close the border permanently and to deny Afghanistan all kinds of trade including food.

Best Regards.
He should be taught a lesson by sealing Pak Afghan Borders with barbed wires and ban Afghan mobiles, vehicles in Pakistan.
The last time we did that - it was the afghan government themselves who were crying like school girls over it

They have no leverage over us. We have been too generous for too long. I hate to see dirt poor afghans suffer so much because of the stupidity of their officials

By the way - doesn't Ghani have business interests in Pakistan?

Anyways - they should focus on how to build an actual economy. Foreign aid/grants comprise 97% of the afghan GDP. The rest is narcotics and the trade of second and third hand goods!!! If I were afghan I'd get my priorities in order. Pakistan has done its fair share to help the afghan people - often getting back stabbed (and not thanked properly) in the process
* Mr Ahmadzai is welcomed in Pakistan but we can live without him if he doesn't come. There is no immediate need for Pakistan to 'woo' the new Afghan govt if they are unwilling.

* Pakistan supports Taliban because the current regime in Afghanistan has become a vessel state of India.

* Afghanistan was the country which fostered terror and sepratism in Pakistan from killing or Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan to the creation of terrorist outfits in Balochistan. It invited Soviet Union to harm Pakistan but ended up getting screwed by them.

* Supporting terrorism in Pakistsn is nothing new for Afghanistan. You've done it for 40 years, long before anything called Taliban existed. Today Afghanistan's Kunar and Nooristan are the sanctuaries for those who have murdered 50,000 Pakistanis for 10 years.

* We are also much happy to not have any relations with Afghanistan. We just want our govt to deport every single Afghan from our soil and close the border permanently and to deny Afghanistan all kinds of trade including food.

Best Regards.
in other words you are gonna killed half population of afghanistan in hunger food shortage and terrorism ?
Lol one has to see the faces of Pakistanis after his rejection :rofl: Pakistanis thought after his visit to China he will form an anti-India and more pro-Pakistani stance but look what happened :lol:

Who here said that :what:

By the way - how Afghanistan goes about it's foreign affairs is its own business not ours. The only reason we have a stake in all of this is bc we are neighbours. We know that some of you people (such as yourself - living abroad as refuge) get so emotional and limp-hearted over Pakistan. Seems that karzai and his emotional/metal instability had worn off on you and your type too :laugh:

As long as your God forsaken soil isn't used against Pakistan then most in Pakistan don't care what other grudges people like you have - especially regarding the Durand line. You lack the spine or capability to do anything about it anyways.

You were once a guest of Pakistan - weren't you? Biting the hand that feeds you much?
"Afghanistan needs to revise its policy regarding Pakistan". his excellency Dr. Ashraf Ghani has said: "I will not visit Pakistan and waste any more time

president Ashraf Ghani is Power Sharing with Abdullah Abdullah and ha can’t made independent policy statement reg. Pakistan without approval of Prime Minister of Afghanistan Abdullah Abdullah

Ashraf Ghani sharing a National Unity Government after he and Abdullah Abdullah signed a deal for a power-sharing government in Kabu.The agreement forming the new government, brokered by American Secretary of State John Kerry, under power sharing Abdullah Abdullah is working as P.M
First of all I don't think the news is true. Pakistan is Afghanistan's most important neighbor. Mr Ghani will certainly visit IMO.

But all that talk about Afghanistan suddently taking orders from rawalpindi - also menacingly called by so many on PDF as ''2014'' - the magic year, is about to come to a close. As always hyperbole was based more on wishful thinking than reality.
I don't know why we think he said something wrong.We need to revive our relations and stop this blame game.

If Ashraf Ghani wants Pakistan to put an end to support of some groups in Afghanistan than he should also put something on the table,and we know that is giving up the durrand line,

Yesterday even the Pakistani policy toward Afghanistan stated the govt will talk with the new govt of Afghansitan regarding fencing the border (On our own)
his excellency Dr. Ashraf Ghani President of Afghanistan Statement regarding status of his powers in Present Afghan regime :-
In an interview with The New York Times last month, Mr. Ghani cited a parable to describe the problem confronting them. “Two people are riding in a boat and one of them took a chisel and started making a hole in the bottom and the other one said, ‘What are you doing? You’re going to drown us.’ And the other said, ‘I’m making the hole in my part of the boat.’ ”

“That captures it,” he said. “There are not two boats.”
More then 100k Pakistanis are working in Afghanistan getting their bread and butter with higher pays than Pakistan. We don;t have any border with Pakistan all these lines were drawn by your British masters.

Kid, If all of your country's problems were from those refugee camps your government have long been closed them or had put them under strong surveillance but zilch! the problem is your own people within.

As I told you in another topic, you have serious comprehension issue; for you every argument should be A B C D.. .Z Lol

If we drowned the border in shark infested borders. You and your people, your economy would be screwed, not ours. Take your millions back, take back the terrorists, drug smugglers and criminals. Leave the honest Afghans if you wish and we will have problem with you or your interference at all.
More then 100k Pakistanis are working in Afghanistan getting their bread and butter with higher pays than Pakistan. We don;t have any border with Pakistan all these lines were drawn by your British masters.

Kid, If all of your country's problems were from those refugee camps your government have long been closed them or had put them under strong surveillance but zilch! the problem is your own people within.

As I told you in another topic, you have serious comprehension issue; for you every argument should be A B C D.. .Z Lol

While i agree that Pakistanis does work in Afghanistan though i doubt the 100k mark though may be true but there are indians/iranian/ or even bangladesh's working in Afghanistan though they are all paid by foriegn countries.
Lol one has to see the faces of Pakistanis after his rejection :rofl: Pakistanis thought after his visit to China he will form an anti-India and more pro-Pakistani stance but look what happened :lol:

Yup all your pathetic temporary governments.

Soon this guy and the rest of you ingrates will be hauling *** towards Pakistan, once again on the run and in need of our generosity.

Foolish people some of you are, you really don't know what's good for you.

That refugee thing has become boring now try to come up with something interesting next time dude.

It's very relevant. You ingrates...

You're here bad mouthing us, telling us about the 100k alleged Pakistanis in your land. Are you forgetting your millions who we've taken in since the 80's?

Wasn't Ashraf Ghani supposed to be Pakistan friendly? What gives?

Afghan politics. Drug lords, war lords, tools, spanners and spoons.
Even today, he is nothing new.

To us, he's just another man come to try his luck and doing the impossible.

Mayor of Kabul v2.0.
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