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ASELSAN has sold 16 E/O ASELPODs to Pakistan for $25 million

Necessity is the mother of invention. Turkish folks learnt it hard way. In their relentless fight against the proxies inside and outside Turkey, key technologies were required; however, somehow they weren't made available whenever they were most needed. For example, ten UAVs were brought from Israel. It was later found that as if these machines have their own minds. One literally got lost and never to be found gain. Some got crashed. Basically they did more harm then benefit to rout out the terrorist. So, all out efforts were put into effect to make Turkey self sufficient in these regards. Elhamdulillah! Results are there for all to see...


The best helping hand is at the end of your own arm.

There is always that one very ominous hurdle that stands in front of success when you just get started---.

Once you get over it---then things become comparatively easier.

Science and technology has changed at such a momentuous pace and has such a strong presence in military applications that a little birdy---the Gripen E is supposedly going to run circles against many a bigwigs.
Sorry that is confidential info

Excellent Knowledge, and must thank you and you have brought my attention. I am not asking your rank, reference etc etc -- But can you tell what is the problem with the WMD-7 pod. In earlier discussion a senior member stated that it is too heavy around 250 KG, but as the specs suggest this ASELPOD is 240 Kg. An answer with littlebit Technical flavour would be much appreciated. Regards.
Excellent Knowledge, and must thank you and you have brought my attention. I am not asking your rank, reference etc etc -- But can you tell what is the problem with the WMD-7 pod. In earlier discussion a senior member stated that it is too heavy around 250 KG, but as the specs suggest this ASELPOD is 240 Kg. An answer with littlebit Technical flavour would be much appreciated. Regards.


There is nothing wrong with the WMD7---it is just that paf is an extremely quirky customer---.
Excellent Knowledge, and must thank you and you have brought my attention. I am not asking your rank, reference etc etc -- But can you tell what is the problem with the WMD-7 pod. In earlier discussion a senior member stated that it is too heavy around 250 KG, but as the specs suggest this ASELPOD is 240 Kg. An answer with littlebit Technical flavour would be much appreciated. Regards.
Weight is no issue. Cannot discuss details.

There is nothing wrong with the WMD7---it is just that paf is an extremely quirky customer---.

That's why I too believe, and In our earlier discussion in another thread we have discussed the same. But as @Bilal Khan 777 giving some quite good info, I thought to ask the same from him. Ironically he cannot discuss the details.
That's why I too believe, and In our earlier discussion in another thread we have discussed the same. But as @Bilal Khan 777 giving some quite good info, I thought to ask the same from him. Ironically he cannot discuss the details.
you cannot get Intelligence from here. For that you need to do some real work boy.
you cannot get Intelligence from here. For that you need to do some real work boy.

For that open source information is needed, and the blogs posted by the serving Chinese officers as a propaganda articles, and the much hyped articles posted by the Western authors to create the sensation does not apeals me. Any way thanks for the suggestions.
For that open source information is needed, and the blogs posted by the serving Chinese officers as a propaganda articles, and the much hyped articles posted by the Western authors to create the sensation does not apeals me. Any way thanks for the suggestions.

All I can tell you is, PAF is always looking for non-Chinese origin systems, and when becomes available, they will go for it.
All I can tell you is, PAF is always looking for non-Chinese origin systems, and when becomes available, they will go for it.

IMHO this is a short term tactic rather than a strategy. China is likely to achieve parity with Europe in coming years when it comes to critical defense tech. It would have been better to go for Chinese pods even if they are sub-optimal and work with them to improve the product so as to gain from future Chinese developments with none of the investments.

If one treats China like just another vendor then expect China to give the same treatment to Pakistan.
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IMHO this is a short term tactic rather than a strategy. China is likely to achieve parity with Europe in coming years when it comes to critical defense tech. It would have been better to go for Chinese pods even if they are sub-optimal rather and work with them to improve the product so as to gain for future Chinese developments with none of the investments.

If one treats China like just another vendor then expect China to give the same treatment to Pakistan.
The avionics were always separate from the Super 7 project, buying Chinese kit is an option, not mandatory.
The avionics were always separate from the Super 7 project, buying Chinese kit is an option, not mandatory.

No it's not but you guys buying Chinese avionics given them legitimacy and gives you a leverage which you can cash in later. My argument is not made from a technical stand point but political. So while you are right in wanting the best, there is also an argument to be made for a long game.
Unlike you, i have seen the ASELPOD, both in lab, and flown with it. Unlike you, I have seen all the other pods as well, including the Litening. And while I cannot show you picture with your president, I am a big fan of your country. What I cannot do is wave anyone's flag and say, this was totally an indigenous product, as I know the origin. Open your mind a little bit, there is nothing wrong for this product to have an origin of world class products. This is no different than the British claiming that they invented the field cannon, while it was the Turkish design they stole from the Ottomans.


Nop ! Stole from Arabs. :smart:

Gunpowder Composition for Rockets and Cannon in Arabic Military Treatises In Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries (A Gap in the history of gunpowder and cannon)




Yeah, that's what i'm saying....we can't know for sure before any official confirmation...

I mean, we had news from defense magazines that 800km version of already being tested in 2014.

How ever, these magazines uses "anonymous officials" for their sources. Unless we saw that missile on the Roketsan's official website or a public confirmation from an official, we don't speculate on it.

Bro, no need for formalities. :-) It's not like i'm offended or something like that from this claim. As i said we are brothers, there won't be issues like that between brothers.

Bro, yes that could be true....or not.

But when you say "But in standoff missile , Pakistan is slightly ahead ." I will ask according to what ?

If you compare the existing systems and prove it to me the Pakistani missiles are better. I will say "Ok, bro you are right."

But when you talk about some imaginary missiles that no one knows, to prove your claims....then i will say " Hold on a minute, there is something wrong here. We are comparing based on speculations and it's not logical to do so."

And that's what i'm saying to this post;

Marketing Turkish Kit?

I agree with you - there's no way for the Pakistani side to quantify such a claim. Looking at the Ra'ad and SOM today, the SOM looks like the more advanced (e.g. 500kg lighter!) ALCM. Sure, one could suggest that Pakistan is producing micro-turbojets, how else (besides smuggling stuff from China or Ukraine) could it field LACMs beyond the MTCR? But then again, this is just an analysis, not a fact (unless Pakistan confirms that this is the case). Also, I imagine Turkey's budget for LACM development is a lot deeper than that of Pakistan.

Lighter means smaller warhead, and conventional weapon, not a sophistication.
So, Ra'ad and Babur has better ranges. It's okay.

He can assume that he is an ex PAF pilot. But i doubt that, he has inside knowledge about our development programs.

Nope, i couldn't understand your point. Can you expand your post a little bit more ?

Are you comparing SOM with Babur and Raad or to some unknown Pakistani missile ?

Isn't this an ATP thread? Whomever wants to market SOM to Pakistan or talk about how good it is, or compare it will terrible backward Pakistani SOW kindly open another thread.
Isn't this an ATP thread? Whomever wants to market SOM to Pakistan or talk about how good it is, or compare it will terrible backward Pakistani SOW kindly open another thread.
sir ,be kind on our Turkish brothers .

Just for information !

(AF)-SOM-J : 180km (It is selected by LockhedMartin as the main stand off missile of F-35 JSF program against Norwegian JSM program)

(AF)-SOM A-B1-B2 : max. 300km
(AF)-SOM-ER : 500+km
(AF)-Gezgin LACM : 1000+km (Booster + turbojet)
(Navy)-Atmaca SSM : 250km
the missiles you have mentioned are developed or either in development phase ?

Officialy, it's 185 km +.
what about accuracy ?
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