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ASEAN finally makes united stand on China bold reclamations

This sort of bullsh1t only serves to show how desperate a certain country is。

ASEAN will never ever make a so-called united stand against China。

If anything,Vietnam should be made to stop land reclamation first。

Would Vietnam comply with Pinoy's request?:rofl:
This sort of bullsh1t only serves to show how desperate a certain country is。

ASEAN will never ever make a so-called united stand against China。

If anything,Vietnam should be made to stop land reclamation first。

Would Vietnam comply with Pinoy's request?:rofl:

Philippines, in fact, thinks Vietnam has illegally invaded their island, just as Vietnam stole an island from Taiwan.
China warmonger government is suppressing the freedom of information to continue on their indoctrination of lies.

Controlling their billion of people's mind to ensure their policy of survival tsk.

Enough to make them legitimate targets, just as how they are indoctrinated in seeing every single Filipinos as legitimate targets if you are to read other Chinese PDF members' comments.
So Vietnam kept its mouth shut.. our navy drill really worked :D

he he, Cantonese has big mouth. SCS is Han - Viet conflick

Philippines, in fact, thinks Vietnam has illegally invaded their island, just as Vietnam stole an island from Taiwan.

Spratly is related to Vietnam and Philippine only, Chinese aggressor get lost.
Jungle journalism making sensationalist claims again. Can anybody quote a joint ASEAN statement that either singles out China OR singles out land reclamation as an issue? To be very clear, jungle rumors and jungle hearsay will not suffice here. We need to see real quotations from ASEAN.
Is jungle your only favorite word? I miss banana in your text. Go back to kindergarten and learn more little boy.
Jungle journalism making sensationalist claims again. Can anybody quote a joint ASEAN statement that either singles out China OR singles out land reclamation as an issue? To be very clear, jungle rumors and jungle hearsay will not suffice here. We need to see real quotations from ASEAN.

Don't you think the 9 dash line is a little harsh for the Filipinos
Spratly is related to Vietnam and Philippine only, Chinese aggressor get lost.

Taiwan owns the entire Spratly.

Don't you think the 9 dash line is a little harsh for the Filipinos

The line is not solid, so, only the land/rock features are considered as under China's sovereignty. Freedom of navigation is entirely guaranteed.
Taiwan owns the entire Spratly.

The line is not solid, so, only the land/rock features are considered as under China's sovereignty. Freedom of navigation is entirely guaranteed.

That I know I am talking about the resources on the sea bed,now I also don't like the Filipinos to much becuz of their uncooperative attitude but come on that's very harsh for them
That I know I am talking about the resources on the sea bed,now I also don't like the Filipinos to much becuz of their uncooperative attitude but come on that's very harsh for them

we can share some ,you know
That I know I am talking about the resources on the sea bed,now I also don't like the Filipinos to much becuz of their uncooperative attitude but come on that's very harsh for them
You r an very rational talking Indian. thanks a lot
As a matter of fact, China always offer to share the resources with them under the table. as a rising power ,SCS strategically so vital for us, we need to control it to be a safe yard for our nuclear submarines , you know we also gonna have Carrier fleet base in Hainan island, we need to access Pacific safely.

But for other claimants,these SCS have no such Strategic value. But they r blinded by ultra nationalism, just want to help Big power to block China,don't want to do any trade of,that's not in any country's interest at all.

But of course that's from China's point of view. I hope u understand.

And also historically asean and China never truly administrated and Controlled SCS ,so now everyone want a bite, although China's lion's bite. I don't think China is evil,nor are other countries victims.
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