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ASEAN finally makes united stand on China bold reclamations

What happened to the USer soldier who raped and killed Filipino woman? If Mr. Aquino does not have a fish's memory, he should remember the case even when public forgets all about it.

In jail again stupid patriotic education so how killing innocent falun gong practitioners doin? enjoying their organs or kicking tibetans in to dirt or kicking around the people east turkistan?

That I know I am talking about the resources on the sea bed,now I also don't like the Filipinos to much becuz of their uncooperative attitude but come on that's very harsh for them

really that does not sound like us at all but then again to each to his own i guess
You r an very rational talking Indian. thanks a lot
As a matter of fact, China always offer to share the resources with them under the table. as a rising power ,SCS strategically so vital for us, we need to control it to be a safe yard for our nuclear submarines , you know we also gonna have Carrier fleet base in Hainan island, we need to access Pacific safely.

But for other claimants,these SCS have no such Strategic value. But they r blinded by ultra nationalism, just want to help Big power to block China,don't want to do any trade of,that's not in any country's interest at all.

But of course that's from China's point of view. I hope u understand.

And also historically asean and China never truly administrated and Controlled SCS ,so now everyone want a bite, although China's lion's bite. I don't think China is evil,nor are other countries victims.

I understand your stance but you do have to admit that 9 dash line looks a little bit imposing on the Philippines but if what you state is true then you need to directly talk to Philippine govt & sort this matter out

In jail again stupid patriotic education so how killing innocent falun gong practitioners doin? enjoying their organs or kicking tibetans in to dirt or kicking around the people east turkistan?

really that does not sound like us at all but then again to each to his own i guess

Relax I am talking about Filipino gamers & not other people
Don't you think the 9 dash line is a little harsh for the Filipinos

Their constitution very explicitly stated which islands are and are not a part of the Philippines, as follows:

Article III of the Treaty of Paris - Spain cedes to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands, which comprise the islands situated between the following lines: A line which runs west to east near the twentieth parallel of north latitude across the centre of the navigable channel of Bachi, from the 118th to the 127th degrees of longitude east of Greenwich, from here to the width of the 127th degree of longitude east to parallel 4 degrees 45 minutes of north latitude. From here following the parallel of north latitude 4 degrees 45 minutes to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 119 degrees 35 minutes east from Greenwich. From here following the meridian of 119 degrees 35 minutes east to the parallel of latitude 7 degrees 40 minutes north. From here following the parallel of 7 degrees 40 minutes north to its intersection with 116 degrees longitude east. From here along a straight line to the intersection of the tenth parallel of latitude north with the 118th meridian east, and from here following the 118th meridian to the point whence began this demarcation. The United States shall pay to Spain the sum of $20,000,000 within three months after the interchange of the ratifications of the present treaty.


In the 1970s they suddenly decided their constitution was a hoax, and added a bunch of islands from the cyan form onto their territory. Black box is 1898 territorial extent (islands only) as agreed upon by Spain and the United States.

That I know I am talking about the resources on the sea bed,now I also don't like the Filipinos to much becuz of their uncooperative attitude but come on that's very harsh for them

Taiwan has been allowing Filipinos to fish to their heart's content for decades.
I understand your stance but you do have to admit that 9 dash line looks a little bit imposing on the Philippines but if what you state is true then you need to directly talk to Philippine govt & sort this matter out

Relax I am talking about Filipino gamers & not other people

really better check your post because its kinda misleading as in a kind of post that would create a misunderstanding.

Their constitution very explicitly stated which islands are and are not a part of the Philippines, as follows:

Article III of the Treaty of Paris - Spain cedes to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands, which comprise the islands situated between the following lines: A line which runs west to east near the twentieth parallel of north latitude across the centre of the navigable channel of Bachi, from the 118th to the 127th degrees of longitude east of Greenwich, from here to the width of the 127th degree of longitude east to parallel 4 degrees 45 minutes of north latitude. From here following the parallel of north latitude 4 degrees 45 minutes to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 119 degrees 35 minutes east from Greenwich. From here following the meridian of 119 degrees 35 minutes east to the parallel of latitude 7 degrees 40 minutes north. From here following the parallel of 7 degrees 40 minutes north to its intersection with 116 degrees longitude east. From here along a straight line to the intersection of the tenth parallel of latitude north with the 118th meridian east, and from here following the 118th meridian to the point whence began this demarcation. The United States shall pay to Spain the sum of $20,000,000 within three months after the interchange of the ratifications of the present treaty.


In the 1970s they suddenly decided their constitution was a hoax, and added a bunch of islands from the cyan form onto their territory. Black box is 1898 territorial extent (islands only) as agreed upon by Spain and the United States.

Taiwan has been allowing Filipinos to fish to their heart's content for decades.

Corrections who the hell is taiwan to dedicated to us anything and second the treaty of paris is not our constitution its the 1987 constitution that is the current constitution of the Philippines and UNCLOS is pretty clear at this point that we have 200 EZZ since the Philippines is archipelagic state and our laws like Philippine Presidential Decree No. 1599 and Republic act 9522 that clarify Philippine islands in the West Philippine Sea in response of the Philippine constitution Art 1


The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.

so your egotistical post is nothing but old laws that no one follows simply put there are none in the Philippine Constitution said anything about the treaty of Paris framework for the Present 1987 constitution maybe the 1935 constitution but that mote and academic now. you obviously do not know what your talking about typical chinese banter
really better check your post because its kinda misleading as in a kind of post that would create a misunderstanding.

Corrections who the hell is taiwan to dedicated to us anything and second the treaty of paris is not our constitution its the 1987 constitution that is the current constitution of the Philippines and UNCLOS is pretty clear at this point that we have 200 EZZ since the Philippines is archipelagic state and our laws like Philippine Presidential Decree No. 1599 and Republic act 9522 that clarify Philippine islands in the West Philippine Sea in response of the Philippine constitution Art 1


The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.

so your egotistical post is nothing but old laws that no one follows simply put there are none in the Philippine Constitution said anything about the treaty of Paris framework for the Present 1987 constitution maybe the 1935 constitution but that mote and academic now. you obviously do not know what your talking about typical chinese banter

Too bad, your 1987 Constitution is too late. I guess I'll write a 2015 constitution claiming the entire Philippines.
Their constitution very explicitly stated which islands are and are not a part of the Philippines, as follows:

Article III of the Treaty of Paris - Spain cedes to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands, which comprise the islands situated between the following lines: A line which runs west to east near the twentieth parallel of north latitude across the centre of the navigable channel of Bachi, from the 118th to the 127th degrees of longitude east of Greenwich, from here to the width of the 127th degree of longitude east to parallel 4 degrees 45 minutes of north latitude. From here following the parallel of north latitude 4 degrees 45 minutes to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 119 degrees 35 minutes east from Greenwich. From here following the meridian of 119 degrees 35 minutes east to the parallel of latitude 7 degrees 40 minutes north. From here following the parallel of 7 degrees 40 minutes north to its intersection with 116 degrees longitude east. From here along a straight line to the intersection of the tenth parallel of latitude north with the 118th meridian east, and from here following the 118th meridian to the point whence began this demarcation. The United States shall pay to Spain the sum of $20,000,000 within three months after the interchange of the ratifications of the present treaty.


In the 1970s they suddenly decided their constitution was a hoax, and added a bunch of islands from the cyan form onto their territory. Black box is 1898 territorial extent (islands only) as agreed upon by Spain and the United States.

Taiwan has been allowing Filipinos to fish to their heart's content for decades.
LOL remember the Treaty of Paris OVERLAPS with CHINA'S 9 dash claim.

So if you want to use the Treaty of Paris as EVIDENCE, then give some of CHINA and Taiwan's EEZ to the Philippines.

and if you say The Treaty of Paris is "LEGAL"

therefore, China's 9 dash claim is "ILLEGAL"

Your 9 dash claim overlaps with the TREATY OF PARIS.

Your 9 dash claim is conflicting with the TREATY OF PARIS.

So which one is legal then? The Treaty of Paris or your 9 dash claim? YOU can only chose one.

NICE TRY but again the Treaty of Paris won't help you win the case.
lol you retard, you wrote that constitution a full 100 years after China made its claims.

Again your idoit first a you dont know what the difference between a treaty and constitution second we already laws that has declerations of our cliams and coordinates unlike your very stupid very illogical 9 10 or 11 whatever dot dash claims which is illegal in international law because only jurisdiction not historical claim is recognized.
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