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Asad Umar attacks Sectarianism over Coronavirus

Deoband and Barreily are cities in India.

Clearly anyone who claims to be Deobandi or Barelvi implies he is from those cities of India.

Hence the security issues as 99.1 percent of Pakistanis will not employ Indians on key positions or hire them to become a security risk.
new dimension of migrant origin ..trust or no trust. .. may be later...
I am also facing this.....One unknown moderator keep deleting my thread again and again...They lock my thread...Thread I opened today also got locked by Agnostic Muslim guy....

He called me SECTARIAN.....I just can't believe this.

This is bullshit.

I don't know what's going on....People are just not being allowed to speak without any warnings
Same is happening with any "word" on PDF which speaks loud.
Bookmark it,when this would settle down Govt is going to either deny Iran being major source of cases in Pakistan and someone else being blamed or This whole thing would be brushed under carpet like previous works of holy one's and few members have already hinted that.

It will as usual, As i have been Saying the Narrative is built by Media and they control it .. I am not saying GHQ is control by them or any other, I am specifically mentioning Banking and Media, I don't understand why is this seen as Sectarianism ? When it defy any Definition ...
Plus, I don't even subscribe to any Sect myself, so Why would i bad mouth Shia ? to promote who ? Sunni ? I am not even a Sunni , so what is my motivation ? none of it make sense, I feel that Mods make everything into Sectarianism hence they get reason to ban those whom they disagree ..
The thread was literally about raising awareness that the Coronavirus spread and the issue of Zaireen from Iran shouldn’t be turned into a sectarian issue, which no one could argue is not a positive message.

Trust the sectarian idiots to step in and turn it into a sectarian issue instead of just saying that ‘Asad Umar is correct!’ We should heed his message and focus on cooperation amongst Pakistanis.

That'll teach you to try teaching people nuance.

I hope this forum is not an accurate reflection of our country.
I am also facing this.....One unknown moderator keep deleting my thread again and again...They lock my thread...Thread I opened today also got locked by Agnostic Muslim guy....

He called me SECTARIAN.....I just can't believe this.

This is bullshit.

I don't know what's going on....People are just not being allowed to speak without any warnings
What is BS is posting the same broken record and conspiracy theories about Iran again and again.
OK my honest opinion:

I think criticizing Iran or KSA or any other country should be allowed.. but if someone brings the sect into this.. that should be considered crossing a red line..

Shias aren't anti national.. brelvis/ deobandis and other sects too.. they aren't anti national.. But there are organizations in every sect that work against national interests..

TTP was one such example.. when they started killing, they didn't distinguish between a Sunni, a Wahabbi, a Shia or a Non Muslim.. Sipah Muhammad is another such organization that has been involved in terrorism inside Pakistan..

Because of Sipah Muhammad or TTP, we can't call all Shias or Deobandis as anti nationals.

But TTP was supported by Afghanistan and India.. and there are certain terrorist organizations that get support from Iran too.. Criticizing Afghanistan, India and Iran should be allowed.. but criticizing Shias of Pakistan because of Iran, Sunnis because of TTP and Hindus of Pakistan because of India shouldn't be allowed on PDF.
new dimension of migrant origin ..trust or no trust. .. may be later...

you have all your fingers in the honey jar.

claim every minority brownie points there is. why do you worry?
The lobbies don’t exist!

Nuanced arguments or discussions are beyond you!

You just agree with that Guy saying that he means Lobbying works both ways, but you were saying on Page one Lobbying doesn't exists ? so what is it ? Dude you need Medical and Psychiatric help ..
The thread was literally about raising awareness that the Coronavirus spread and the issue of Zaireen from Iran shouldn’t be turned into a sectarian issue, which no one could argue is not a positive message.

Trust the sectarian idiots to step in and turn it into a sectarian issue instead of just saying that ‘Asad Umar is correct!’ We should heed his message and focus on cooperation amongst Pakistanis.
Asad Umar is correct along with the fact that Iran never cooperated despite knowing what end result would be.
Just so you know - that is the same argument the right wing in the west use to imply Muslims support isis and Al queda.

Right! Pakistani shia are suffering becuase of Iranian behaviour, this narrative and discussion in Pakistan is turning into sectarian non sense because rather pointing fingers to a foreign nation responsible for this mess, we are like usual have domesticated a issue which should have never been as such.
TTP was one such example.. when they started killing, they didn't distinguish between a Sunni, a Wahabbi, a Shia or a Non Muslim.. Sipah Muhammad is another such organization that has been involved in terrorism inside Pakistan..

Because of Sipah Muhammad or TTP, we can't call all Shias or Deobandis as anti nationals.

Political correctness aside,
TTP killed 80,000 Pakistanis
How many were killed by Sipah e Muhammad?
OK my honest opinion:

I think criticizing Iran or KSA or any other country should be allowed.. but if someone brings the sect into this.. that should be considered crossing a red line..

Shias aren't anti national.. brelvis/ deobandis and other sects too.. they aren't anti national.. But there are organizations in every sect that work against national interests..

TTP was one such example.. when they started killing, they didn't distinguish between a Sunni, a Wahabbi, a Shia or a Non Muslim.. Sipah Muhammad is another such organization that has been involved in terrorism inside Pakistan..

Because of Sipah Muhammad or TTP, we can't call all Shias or Deobandis as anti nationals.

But TTP was supported by Afghanistan and India.. and there are certain terrorist organizations that get support from Iran too.. Criticizing Afghanistan, India and Iran should be allowed.. but criticizing Shias of Pakistan because of Iran, Sunnis because of TTP and Hindus of Pakistan because of India shouldn't be allowed on PDF.

BS !!!

Everyone knows that hadith of pandemic containment only became valid after high value individuals were allowed back in the country.

after that It became Sahi and Muslim and only then crackdown on Sunni mosques started.

Go fool someone else Qureshi
Well this thread is moving towards a bad end?
@PaklovesTurkiye your thread restarted all the shia haters on this forum and are using the current fiasco for the oh so old "sunni vs shia" war...
@AgNoStiC MuSliM you shouldn't have opened a thread like this, sooner or later it is going to get closed for "violating forum rules".

Seriously.......Now I am SECTARIAN for posting this......SERIOUSLY, YOU MAD?

What is this? Idiot, answer me...WHAT IS THIS?

here you go guys .. just for the record , Save it before its deleted too :)

You try , and keep Trying but As Allah said in Quran ...

Truth has come, and Falsehood is Perish, as Falsehood by its nature is bound to Perish ..


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Not heard a single Pakistani Shia, religious personality complaining about Iran behaviour??? Have you? I haven't!!

As for Saudi and UAE, there are more Pakistani sunnis cussing them then shias. No ifs and buts here.

It's the Pakistani Shias who are the most infected by this and are suffering, all because of Iran. To brush this as Iran "panicking " is nothing more then slap on the wrist response. Its was Iran responsibility to look after the foreign guests, when it's ok for her to accept their cash, it should have treated them better.

This conversation and narrative should move quickly and swift towards Iran bashing from all sides.
Its due to Pakistan has basically no relations with Iran. Pakistan Iran has Zero official trade. Plus, my example, i never went to Iran, I never meet any Iranian in Pakistan. Plus, zaireen issue been badly handled by both Iran-Pakistani govts. As you know that , it very hard to keep people in the desert camp hundreds of miles away from major city without any survival kit. Can you do that ? ... what option they have ? ...
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