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Asad Umar attacks Sectarianism over Coronavirus

Highly Subjective, the way I and others see it , 1 MOD is actively denying people right to free speech, or undermining any or every critics of his/her personal beliefs .

No neutral reader/observer would agree with you on this.. You are promoting sectarianism and hatred .. Maybe you just don't realize it
Anyway, let's leave it to @WebMaster to decide
They dumped Afghans out too. These are the two countries with borders with them and the largest numbers of pilgrims so obviously geographic realities dictate that they can push them to the borders. They can’t exactly push people from countries without borders with Iran out to the sea.

Again, this is a unique situation that hasn’t been seen before - the GOP has the responsibility to make sure it doesn’t occur again.
There is difference in a refugee and the one whom you granted Visa,host country does have some responsibilities.
No neutral reader/observer would agree with you on this.. You are promoting sectarianism and hatred .. Maybe you just don't realize it
Anyway, let's leave it to @WebMaster to decide

and who is Neutral Reader If i may ask ? If anyone read my posts, which are being deleted by MODS, and they read a specific parts than of course they will see it wrongly .. I ask you for the transparency , why my Posts are being deleted ? I explain why I write something and MODERATOR delete it so the context is gone , I ASK you again , IS THIS FAIR ?

Kuch sharam karo yaar , Allah ka kauf nai tum logo mai ? Mar ke Allah ko Mun bhi dekhana hai ..
I have criticized Iran repeatedly in terms of their poor response to control COVID-19, but trying to argue that Iran did this as some kind of a conspiracy is crossing a line. And there have been dozens of threads about the influx of infected Pakistanis from Iran.

FM Qureshi has said...Iranians didn't cooperate despite asked and requested by Pak Government....

PM Khan himself said....Iranians PUSHED pilgrims inside Pakistan....You understand Urdu?

listen from 1:52 onwards

Every news, in initial phase is a conspiracy theory

It was also a conspiracy theory that Patient arrived from Iran, named Yahya Jaffery, is being treated in Aga Khan Hospital....people disapproved it initially but it WAS true, later proved.

Don't suffocate this forum...

I agree repetition makes one irritate but sometimes continuous reminding helps
Bookmark it,when this would settle down Govt is going to either deny Iran being major source of cases in Pakistan and someone else being blamed or This whole thing would be brushed under carpet like previous works of holy one's and few members have already hinted that.
and who is Neutral Reader If i may ask ? If anyone read my posts, which are being deleted by MODS, and they read a specific parts than of course they will see it wrongly .. I ask you for the transparency , why my Posts are being deleted ? I explain why I write something and MODERATOR delete it so the context is gone , I ASK you again , IS THIS FAIR ?

Kuch sharam karo yaar , Allah ka kauf nai tum logo mai ? Mar ke Allah ko Mun bhi dekhana hai ..

I am also facing this.....One unknown moderator keep deleting my thread again and again...They lock my thread...Thread I opened today also got locked by Agnostic Muslim guy....

He called me SECTARIAN.....I just can't believe this.

This is bullshit.

I don't know what's going on....People are just not being allowed to speak without any warnings
It is not the Pakistani Shia’s job to satisfy anyone else about Iran just like it isn’t the job of Muslims in the West to satisfy Right-wing Islamophobes about Islamic terrorism or extremism.

It's the most stupid thing I have heard recently.

Your community is suffering because of Iranian shoddy treatment to your lot, yet we are discussing how this whole situation has become a internal sectarian issue, ignoring the elephant in room which is Iran. All these negative energies should have been externalised and channelled against Iran. And just like usual, you lot are not helping in this regards. Your constant beating around the Bush attitude towards Iran is too obvious I am afraid.
The total number of Coronavirus cases in Pakistan are 1500 how many are Shia and how many are sunni anyone knows? The coronavirus patients who were zahirins are less than others if you need example here is one.
Both Iran and Saudis pushed back Pakistani citizens from their country and the number pushed back is almost same. So no one beats anyone here.
No neutral reader/observer would agree with you on this.. You are promoting sectarianism and hatred .. Maybe you just don't realize it
Anyway, let's leave it to @WebMaster to decide

neutral reader may simply say you are blaming 15 percent minority deobandi as you call them for all your ills.

so technically the minority blackmail should lie with deobandis then? and they are killed more on average hence deobandi genocide?

yeah figured this will get deleted too but start making sense
Well this thread is moving towards a bad end?
@PaklovesTurkiye your thread restarted all the shia haters on this forum and are using the current fiasco for the oh so old "sunni vs shia" war...
@AgNoStiC MuSliM you shouldn't have opened a thread like this, sooner or later it is going to get closed for "violating forum rules".
The thread was literally about raising awareness that the Coronavirus spread and the issue of Zaireen from Iran shouldn’t be turned into a sectarian issue, which no one could argue is not a positive message.

Trust the sectarian idiots to step in and turn it into a sectarian issue instead of just saying that ‘Asad Umar is correct!’ We should heed his message and focus on cooperation amongst Pakistanis.
The total number of Coronavirus cases in Pakistan are 1500 how many are Shia and how many are sunni anyone knows? The coronavirus patients who were zahirins are less than others if you need example here is one.
Both Iran and Saudis pushed back Pakistani citizens from their country and the number pushed back is almost same. So no one beats anyone here.

Here come the Qatari letters
Not heard a single Pakistani Shia, religious personality complaining about Iran behaviour??? Have you? I haven't!!

As for Saudi and UAE, there are more Pakistani sunnis cussing them then shias. No ifs and buts here.

It's the Pakistani Shias who are the most infected by this and are suffering, all because of Iran. To brush this as Iran "panicking " is nothing more then slap on the wrist response. Its was Iran responsibility to look after the foreign guests, when it's ok for her to accept their cash, it should have treated them better.

This conversation and narrative should move quickly and swift towards Iran bashing from all sides.

Just so you know - that is the same argument the right wing in the west use to imply Muslims support isis and Al queda.
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