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Asad Umar attacks Sectarianism over Coronavirus

Not saying that PDF favors one sect/country over any other as a matter of policy ... But mods/team members (TTAs included) do have their personal biases and prejudices, and as the majority of them have a soft corner towards Saudi/Wahhabi/Sunni (compared to Iran/Shia), PDF management has become/acts slightly to moderately pro-Saudi and Right-wing in Bias
Members can have their opinions, but management has to make sound decisions regardless of sect based on the rules.

@jaibi .. This thread is a perfect example of what is wrong with PDF ... A mod is trying to be neutral and the same anti-Shia/Iran coterie/group is ganging up against him trying to put pressure so that they can continue to freely bash Shia/Iran on PDF
I am interested to know the names of these individuals, please create a thread in GHQ.
Members can have their opinions, but management has to make sound decisions regardless of sect based on the rules.

I am interested to know the names of these individuals, please create a thread in GHQ.

Don't you think this guy @AgNoStiC MuSliM is acting like a policeman on this thread?
What is his point??? He didn't provide anything.. yes corona virus in other countries is not spread coz of zaireen but it is spread in Pakistan becoz of these zaireen. Why shias feel so offended? Its the truth, every official saying 80℅ are all due to zaireen. If the virus was spread coz of any others, we would say it, why does some ppl start having diarrhea when shias or zaireen or iran is bit criticised????

Trying to paint it as a conspiracy by Iran is crossing a line. The Iranians are suffering more than most other countries because of their poor response to the infection. You think they did that in purpose? You think they wanted so many of their citizens to be infected and die and their already struggling economy to suffer even more?

So blaming iran on a Pakistani forum is crossing red lines? Who made these red lines?
Ur logic is flawed, why do u blame Afghanistan then? They dont evwn have a proper govt, its under control of indians n other groups and yet any news and all of u jump on afghans and abuse them, why is iran a red line??? I am a pashtun afghan by ethnicity and i dont want ppl abusing poor afghans who been at war for more than 4 decades, yet none of u have the morality to stop this afghan bashing. With iran we have not much common yet blaming iran abit is crossing the line?? You guys seriously need to look at urself or just clearly advertise this as an iranian sympathised forum. Where is ur freedom of speech.
If pashtuns here dont mind bashing of Afghanistan, or sunnis dont mind bashing of extremist groups then iran and shia should also learn to take criticism.
What is his point??? He didn't provide anything.. yes corona virus in other countries is not spread coz of zaireen but it is spread in Pakistan becoz of these zaireen. Why shias feel so offended? Its the truth, every official saying 80℅ are all due to zaireen. If the virus was spread coz of any others, we would say it, why does some ppl start having diarrhea when shias or zaireen or iran is bit criticised????

So blaming iran on a Pakistani forum is crossing red lines? Who made these red lines?
Ur logic is flawed, why do u blame Afghanistan then? They dont evwn have a proper govt, its under control of indians n other groups and yet any news and all of u jump on afghans and abuse them, why is iran a red line??? I am a pashtun afghan by ethnicity and i dont want ppl abusing poor afghans who been at war for more than 4 decades, yet none of u have the morality to stop this afghan bashing. With iran we have not much common yet blaming iran abit is crossing the line?? You guys seriously need to look at urself or just clearly advertise this as an iranian sympathised forum. Where is ur freedom of speech.
If pashtuns here dont mind bashing of Afghanistan, or sunnis dont mind bashing of extremist groups then iran and shia should also learn to take criticism.

I agree.

I am a pushtun and I have spoken against PTM,TTP here and in real life regardless of the fact that majority of them are from our ethnic background.

No one is blaming the sect of zaireen here but the hypocrisy of Iran and their supporters here as they have used our nationals in their proxy wars, utilized $ from the religious tourism for their benefit but they outright dumped our people on the border at the time of need while they are still bombing half of syria, Iraq and yemen. Talk about priorities man. They don't care about their own nationals or our people but are using the religious devotion of our people to misguide them and use them for the ancient persian territorial ambitions.

This fact needs to be reminded to our people who tend to be shah sey ziada shah key wafadar for this regime. We should have equal freedom of speech to criticize this Iranian Regime and their local supporters here similar to how we can do the same for AQ/TTP and their local sympathizers and foreign sponsors.

This cloak of masoomiat needs to be shredded. There should be no stoppage to the number of threads (can be combined if topic is similar) as long as they are relevant to the present events.

This is a "Pakistan Defence forum". As such there should not be any restriction w.r.t topics that help in enhancing the knowledge of us Pakistanis w.r.t threats they face from all our enemies and frenemies like this regime that prioritizes sectarian violence in other countries relative to the welfare of own citizens.
And thanks for bringing up sectarian hatred in a thread designed to combat sectarian hatred.

Warning issued.
Why don't you guys ban such extremists from PDF?

I agree.

I am a pushtun and I have spoken against PTM,TTP here and in real life regardless of the fact that majority of them are from our ethnic background.

No one is blaming the sect of zaireen here but the hypocrisy of Iran and their supporters here as they have used our nationals in their proxy wars, utilized $ from the religious tourism for their benefit but they outright dumped our people on the border at the time of need while they are still bombing half of syria, Iraq and yemen. Talk about priorities man. They don't care about their own nationals or our people but are using the religious devotion of our people to misguide them and use them for the ancient persian territorial ambitions.

This fact needs to be reminded to our people who tend to be shah sey ziada shah key wafadar for this regime. We should have equal freedom of speech to criticize this Iranian Regime and their local supporters here similar to how we can do the same for AQ/TTP and their local sympathizers and foreign sponsors.

This cloak of masoomiat needs to be shredded. There should be no stoppage to the number of threads (can be combined if topic is similar) as long as they are relevant to the present events.

This is a "Pakistan Defence forum". As such there should not be any restriction w.r.t topics that help in enhancing the knowledge of us Pakistanis w.r.t threats they face from all our enemies and frenemies like this regime that prioritizes sectarian violence in other countries relative to the welfare of own citizens.

I'm Sunni by parents but I consider myself just a Muslim.

My question is why people are looking at this with geopolitical or sectarian lens? Why would Iran be responsible for Pakistanis? Just because China did favor to us (even though many m0f0s curse China even here in this forum and poke their dirty noses into Chinese uyghurs affairs), doesn't mean every single country with) will show big heart. Plus Iran already under heavy sanctions with no proper Healthcare have problems providing Healthcare to its own citizen, why would they prefer Pakistanis who won't even fulfill the expense? Their own people have highest death rate.

Secondly I have seen people cursing and blaming all zaireens. That's absolute nonsense. It is same as saying all Pakistanis are terrorists just because of actions of few bad apples.

People need to use their brain instead of stirring sectarian extermism and hatred.
I agree.

I am a pushtun and I have spoken against PTM,TTP here and in real life regardless of the fact that majority of them are from our ethnic background.

No one is blaming the sect of zaireen here but the hypocrisy of Iran and their supporters here as they have used our nationals in their proxy wars, utilized $ from the religious tourism for their benefit but they outright dumped our people on the border at the time of need while they are still bombing half of syria, Iraq and yemen. Talk about priorities man. They don't care about their own nationals or our people but are using the religious devotion of our people to misguide them and use them for the ancient persian territorial ambitions.

This fact needs to be reminded to our people who tend to be shah sey ziada shah key wafadar for this regime. We should have equal freedom of speech to criticize this Iranian Regime and their local supporters here similar to how we can do the same for AQ/TTP and their local sympathizers and foreign sponsors.

This cloak of masoomiat needs to be shredded. There should be no stoppage to the number of threads (can be combined if topic is similar) as long as they are relevant to the present events.

This is a "Pakistan Defence forum". As such there should not be any restriction w.r.t topics that help in enhancing the knowledge of us Pakistanis w.r.t threats they face from all our enemies and frenemies like this regime that prioritizes sectarian violence in other countries relative to the welfare of own citizens.

Very well said. If we can criticise Pakistan govt and even army here. If we can criticise afghans, deobandiz, tableeghis, barelvis then why not iranians or iran? As u put it very nicely, its Pakistan defence, and here we should discuss all potential threats to Pakistan here.
Iran earns the highest money from Pakistani zaireen, yet they were treated like animals, the healthy and infected put together and all were infected. Iran loves to use our shia citizens as cannon fodder and earn from our zaireen but dump them on border when pandemic hits.
We are here raising voice for our own Pakistani shias and how they were treated by iran and yet we are blamed of being sectarian.
Why don't you guys ban such extremists from PDF?

I'm Sunni by parents but I consider myself just a Muslim.

My question is why people are looking at this with geopolitical or sectarian lens? Why would Iran be responsible for Pakistanis? Just because China did favor to us (even though many m0f0s curse China even here in this forum and poke their dirty noses into Chinese uyghurs affairs), doesn't mean every single country with) will show big heart. Plus Iran already under heavy sanctions with no proper Healthcare have problems providing Healthcare to its own citizen, why would they prefer Pakistanis who won't even fulfill the expense? Their own people have highest death rate.

Secondly I have seen people cursing and blaming all zaireens. That's absolute nonsense. It is same as saying all Pakistanis are terrorists just because of actions of few bad apples.

People need to use their brain instead of stirring sectarian extermism and hatred.

Iranian members here boast about how they are so good in STEM fields. If that was right then healthcare should not have been a problem. Either that or they were lying.

Do you know how much $ they get from Pakistani religious tourists. You need to listen to those travel agents w.r.t how much money is in it. Every shia family (colleagues/neighbors/family friends, friends) that I know has visited Iran/Iraq as a group at least once (if not multiple times, which I know a few as well) even though they may not have visited KSA holy sites.

All that $ spent by them in Iran and the Iranian govt could not handle a few thousand zaireen for a few days so that we could set up a quarantine on our side properly. They knew that the zaireens had COVID positive people within them and yet they dumped our citizens at a desert outpost while you will see Pakistani Shias pasting khamenei's pictures on every one of their posters while weeping for suleimani.

Its like if we had people visiting kartarpur e.t.c and then we ordered them to be dumped at the border (but this time the border is like hours/days away in Thar desert instead of near those religious site).

Iran has been a hypocrite and we need to call the spade as a spade and stop making excuses for them. Iranian regime (focus on the word regime) does not have to show us a "big heart" and neither shall we feel the same for them.

Very well said. If we can criticise Pakistan govt and even army here. If we can criticise afghans, deobandiz, tableeghis, barelvis then why not iranians or iran? As u put it very nicely, its Pakistan defence, and here we should discuss all potential threats to Pakistan here.
Iran earns the highest money from Pakistani zaireen, yet they were treated like animals, the healthy and infected put together and all were infected. Iran loves to use our shia citizens as cannon fodder and earn from our zaireen but dump them on border when pandemic hits.
We are here raising voice for our own Pakistani shias and how they were treated by iran and yet we are blamed of being sectarian.

why do u blame Afghanistan then
First of all - go back and look at the OP and tell me what exactly was wrong with it? Why did so many individuals choose to take this down a sectarian route instead of commending Asad Umar's comments and cheering him and supporting his position? My criticism of some of the commentary on Iran on this forum isn't about Iran, it's about the fact that attacks on Iran turn into attacks on Pakistani Shia. I honestly DO NOT GIVE A FUDGE about what happens to Iran so long as what happens does not impact Pakistan negatively - in fact, if the US decides to dismantle Iran militarily, I hope Pakistan ends up with Sistan.

Now, with respect to your comment quoted above:

- Refusal to accept the Afghan-Pakistan border.
- Claims on Pakistani territory all the way to the Indus
- Overt use of proxies and terrorists in Pakistan's tribal belt as well as the bombing campaign in Pakistan proper - in an attempt to destabilize Pakistan and take over Pakistani territory
- Stoking insurgencies in Pakistan's tribal belt
- Support for BLA/BLF/BRA terrorists. Wikileaks records of conversations between Karzai & US Officials indicated explicit support for these terrorists
- Support and shelter for TTP, JuA, ISIS leadership - groups that have caused tens of billions of dollars in economic damage as well as martyred tens of thousands of Pakistanis
- Support for a racist and anti-Pakistan organization like the PTM

I'm not saying Iran is by any means a perfect neighbor (they've incorrectly blamed Pakistan for terrorism in Sistan and carried out terrorist attacks in Pakistan & of course the K Yadav situation). But is there anything Iran has done to Pakistan that compares even remotely to the damage and hatred displayed by various Afghan governments since Pakistan's independence? Even the Taliban refused to accept the Afghan-Pakistan border, and they're considered the 'friendliest group to Pakistan. Abdullah Abdullah is perhaps one of the few high profile Afghans to explicitly call the Durand Line a border.

You and @Zulfiqar haven't really read my posts because if you had you would know that I have criticized Iran multiple times, including this thread. I have categorically said that Iranian recruitment of Pakistanis for its paramilitary organizations is not acceptable and poses a risk to Pakistan in terms of the return of these individuals when they're done fighting in Syria, Iraq etc.

I have also stated multiple times that Iran's handling of the Pakistani pilgrims was abysmal and that Pakistan needs to engage with all countries that host large numbers of Pakistani tourists & workers to come up with a better plan to deal with such a situation in the future. The Iranians DON'T respect Pakistanis just like the GCC Arabs don't, and can even be racist towards Pakistanis. I have absolutely no love lost for them.

That said, a conspiracy theory is just that - an unsubstantiated fantastic allegation. Many of the conspiracy theories around Iran revolve around sectarian hate-mongering. The allegations against Zulfi Bukhari and claims of 'Shia lobby' are meant to demonize Shia and therefore will not be allowed. Claims that Iran 'deliberately spread the virus or pushed the virus' are also conspiracy theories. Repeatedly posting threads on the same issue is something we would delete or close regardless of whether the topic was Iran or not. Second, anytime these threads turn into Shia bashing threads or Shia Zaireen bashing threads they will be closed/deleted, just as any threads bashing Sunnis, Hindus, Ahmadis, Christians & Jews will be.

So let me repeat - there is no restriction on criticizing Iran - but like any other subject, conspiracy theories will not be allowed, repetitive threads on the same subject will not be allowed, sectarian attacks will not be allowed, derogatory generalizations about any community will not be allowed.
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- Iran and Shiites misusing Pakistan and hurting Muslims around the world using our soft stance.

So, being a secular moron, he has chosen to, instead of dealing with the issue and putting stringent control on Shiite global terrorism using Shiite Pakistani population and creating a base for radicalization, Asad Umar chose to instead make a sycophantic moralization of "sectarianism".
So after multiple posts and warnings against derogatory generalizations of any community and warnings against engaging in sectarian hatred, you choose to do just that ... and get 5 other members to 'like' said hatemongering.


At least it made the views of certain individuals that liked your post clear.
So after multiple posts and warnings against derogatory generalizations of any community and warnings against engaging in sectarian hatred, you choose to do just that ... and get 5 other members to 'like' said hatemongering.


At least it made the views of certain individuals that liked your post clear.
I mistakenly did it
I think the secular godless should leave pointing out "sectarianism" since they are not part of the debate on religion.

Otherwise its just selective "secularism" isn't it?

Here are some top secular godless mass murderers:
1. Stalin
2. Lenin
3. Mao
4. Pol Pot
Here is a fun list:

What this fellow Asad Umar is doing is taking a free shot to an issue that is hurting Pakistan - Iran and Shiites misusing Pakistan and hurting Muslims around the world using our soft stance.

So, being a secular moron, he has chosen to, instead of dealing with the issue and putting stringent control on Shiite global terrorism using Shiite Pakistani population and creating a base for radicalization, Asad Umar chose to instead make a sycophantic moralization of "sectarianism".
you are mixing ,socialism, nationalism with religion, through the lens of secularism .... fix your lens .
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