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Asad Umar attacks Sectarianism over Coronavirus

no cure of such fanatics ... that's how nation brought up. This is overall dilemma of South Asian nations.
its not just shias sunnis are also acting like fools!

Some Shias, yes ... Jaffar Tayyar ImamBargah in Karachi was sealed on March 24 because of a religious gathering/procession attended by hundreds.. But Some Sunnis are no better .. In fact, it's Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman, Sunni Grand Mufti of Pakistan, who has refused to temporarily suspend congregational prayers in Mosques.. We all know what happened in Memon Masjid Karachi .. Then we have the Tableeghi Jamaat .. Yesterday a doctor in one of Karachi's leading hospitals who attended Ijtima recently was tested positive.. Today, Maj. (R) Ilyas died in Abbottabad due to covid-19 .. All his fellow tablighis (10 men, 5 women, mostly foreigners) have been quarantined .. Also, today a Tableeghi bhai named Abdul Rehman stabbed an SHO in Layyah, Punjab while trying to escape from a Tablighi quarantine center .. I can go on and on .... Stupidity is not limited to any single sect .. Mazhabi Jahalat hamara qaumi masla hai.. But yah waqt hai mil k muqabala kernay ka is Aafat se .. United we stand, divided we fall

both shais and sunnis need to act smart in these tough times! we are not fighting for a sect Islam is same for all we are fighting for our survivor our motherland!
We all have our prejudices and biases... Most of the mods/team members on PDF are pro-Saudi/Wahhabi and anti-Iran/Shia .. This Shia/Iran bashing has been going on here for quite some time now. The anti-Iran/Shia posters here believe that they are entitled to say whatever they want about Shia/Iran (without any source/proof of course)... This thread is an example .. Even a Mod telling people not to spread sectarianism and hatred, esp. during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, is being frowned at by the usual suspects and they have ruined this thread
I wouldn’t say that the forum management team is anti/Shia. I think everyone struggles with drawing the line between legitimate criticism of the Iranian government vs what constitutes crossing the line into sectarianism.

There has never been any kind of pushback in favor of one sect or country vs another in our internal management discussions. If anything, people recognize the risk from sectarianism but while it is easy to censor and punish explicit sectarianism or bigotry, it is much harder to moderate subtler kinds of sectarianism/bigotry.
last night shai celebrated some religious day and gathered in huge number in nazimabad imam bargah!! i am sure they also licked some imaginary grave or something! they are becoming super spreaders!

fking idiots! cant thy practice with sanity!

Government needs to ban all of their processions and other activities just like they did with Tableeghi Jamat's Ijtama. Khamkha sar pe charhaya hua hai inn mofos ko.
Government needs to ban all of their processions and other activities just like Tableeghi Ijtama. Khamkha sar pe charhaya hua hai inn mofos ko.
for now yes ban everything educate them keh jitna duur raho gey utna jaldi kareeb aoo gey!
wah kia tag line hai!
i am no religious expert so wont comment further! i said what i know i might be wrog!

Your comment might be correct but on PDF we shouldnt be saying this, this will breed hatred, and we have no proof this is related to coronovirus. PDF needs to be professional. If these people returned from Iran with the coronovirus then blame our government. Why didn't we stop them, why didn't we quarantined them, they are Pakistanis not Iranians. It's our government responsibility.

It's like the Americans calling coronovirus the Chinese virus, and blaming china for it, or discriminating Chinese people in USA. This is taking place at this very moment.

In the UK everybody is blaming the Italians for the coronovirus. It might be true but UK government should have acted before. Nobody did it on purpose. With the coronovirus being a biological weapon, that is a different topic.
issue is zaireens returning frim Iran did huge demage!
Any area with tourism is going to struggle.

The US leads the world with COVID-19 infections and New York alone is one third of those cases. Why do you think that is? NY is a global travel hub. Lots of global travelers for business, tourism, news & media etc.

Any time you have large numbers of tourists in a major hub of an infection you’re going to have cases. Iran became a hot spot early in because of religious tourism and that can’t be helped. You can’t blame the Zaireen for that. Many people don’t know how to deal with quarantine restrictions especially if you don’t have symptoms. They are no more to blame than any other Pakistani who has refused to follow or incorrectly followed quarantine restrictions because of religious or other reasons.
Your comment might be correct but on PDF we shouldnt be saying this, this will breed hatred, and we have no proof this is related to coronovirus. PDF needs to be professional. If these people returned from Iran with the coronovirus then blame our government. Why didn't we stop them, why didn't we quarantined them, they are Pakistanis not Iranians. It's our government responsibility.

It's like the Americans calling coronovirus the Chinese virus, and blaming china for it, or discriminating Chinese people in USA. This is taking place at this very moment.

In the UK everybody is blaming the Italians for the coronovirus. It might be true but UK government should have acted before. Nobody did it on purpose. With the coronovirus being a biological weapon, that is a different topic.
govt and law doesnt exist in Pakistan!
Comments like these should be banned. What do you mean you are sure they licked some imaginary grave? Did you witness this?
I and others are trying to engage with the concerned member to see if we can make him understand why that post was wrong. I’ve read his posts in the past and I don’t recall them being like this so I would like to give people a chance to engage constructively and correct their behavior. Language, especially written form in a non-native tongue can sometimes be difficult in terms of getting the correct point across.

Indians are literally here saying it in their posts here in PDF
That’s not acceptable. Don’t respond to them but tag mods and reference the posts in question (as well as reporting them) and we’ll deal with it. This is why we need more mods. I’ve spent most of my time in the forum today dealing with this thread and haven’t been able to moderate anything else.
They really don’t have any responsibilities, legally speaking. I am open to correction, but the only thing a visa does is allow you to visit a country per the conditions of the visa - the visa can be revoked at any time and you can be deported/kicked out of the visa issuing country at any time.

Any additional cooperation/coordination with the country of origin of visa holders depends upon any agreements entered into between the two countries or any other understanding they might have.
I hope safety and human treatment is part of Visa.
I hope safety and human treatment is part of Visa.
I don’t see any international legal restrictions against deporting people in case of an epidemic. In my view there are important lessons to be learned here in terms of the global community coming together to negotiate an international treaty on how to deal with foreigners in case of an epidemic.

People, locals and foreigners, should be restricted from traveling and the WHO or any other international organization should assist with testing/quarantining foreigners in cooperation with the host government and country of origin. This isn’t just for Iran, but every country in the world.
I wouldn’t say that the forum management team is anti/Shia. I think everyone struggles with drawing the line between legitimate criticism of the Iranian government vs what constitutes crossing the line into sectarianism.

There has never been any kind of pushback in favor of one sect or country vs another in our internal management discussions. If anything, people recognize the risk from sectarianism but while it is easy to censor and punish explicit sectarianism or bigotry, it is much harder to moderate subtler kinds of sectarianism/bigotry.

Not saying that PDF favors one sect/country over any other as a matter of policy ... But mods/team members (TTAs included) do have their personal biases and prejudices, and as the majority of them have a soft corner towards Saudi/Wahhabi/Sunni (compared to Iran/Shia), PDF management has become/acts slightly to moderately pro-Saudi and Right-wing in Bias
Government needs to ban all of their processions and other activities just like they did with Tableeghi Jamat's Ijtama. Khamkha sar pe charhaya hua hai inn mofos ko.
It’s not just the Shia or Tableeghis - every mosque needs to be shut down and religious congregations of any kind need to be shut down.

This is a Pakistani problem, not a Shia or Sunni problem, and it needs to be addressed as a Pakistani problem.
who are you saying controls the media and banking? You yourself mentioned Shia lobby.

What is that if not sectarianism?

This is not Sectarianism for the love of GODDDDDDDDDDD, different Ethnicity , RACE , Religion and sects have different lobbying , they prefer their own rather than others, Ask anyone from UAE, they prefer Sunni's over Shia, I am not saying Shia lobby is powerful in General or on everything just on 2 places I know off Banks and Media ..
Why, are they some kind of chosen people of god?
It’s wrong because derogatory generalizations, whether about Shia, Sunni, Ahmadis, Hindu, Jews, Christians or any other racial or ethnic groups are WRONG.

Is such a basic and simple concept about human decency so hard for you to grasp?
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