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As the Hajj begins, the destruction of Mecca's heritage continues


Feb 10, 2013
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As the Hajj begins, the destruction of Mecca's heritage continues | Art and design | theguardian.com

Two million Muslims have flooded into Saudi Arabia's Mina Valley from Mecca for the start of the Hajj pilgrimage this week. Dressed in simple white garments and freed from their worldly possessions, they are following in the footsteps of the prophet Muhammad. But in Islam's holiest city, there is increasingly little sign of the prophet's legacy – or the frugal life he espoused.

“The authorities are trying to destroy anything in Mecca that is associated with the prophet's life,” says Irfan al-Alawi, director of the UK-based Islamic Heritage Research Foundation, who recently returned from a trip to the city. “They have already bulldozed the house of his wife, his grandson and his companion – and now they are coming for his birthplace. And for what? Yet more seven-star hotels.”

At the foot of the Khandama mountain to the west of the Grand Mosque, an innocuous white building stands alone, cast adrift in a sea of paving and tarmac. This small library was built to mark the site of the house where the prophet was born, known as the House of Mawlid, the remains of which Alawi says still lie beneath its raised plinth. But it is now in the path of bigger plans.

Across the road, the house of Muhammad's wife, Khadijah, has already been replaced with a block of 1,400 public lavatories. Further up the hill, centuries-old neighbourhoods have been flattened to continue the marching line of steroidal hotel towers. Its neighbours already swept away, the library is next in the firing line, standing in the way of plans for an underground car park and a metro line extension – needed to cope with the huge influx of visitors, set to reach 17 million a year by 2025.

As if to preempt any outcry, the building now bears a sign in five languages declaring: “There is no proof that prophet Muhammad was born in this place, so it is forbidden to make this place specific for praying, supplicating or get blessing.” A booth manned by the religious police ensures that no visitors step out of line.

It is, says Alawi, just the latest move in a series of state-endorsed acts of cultural vandalism, urged on by the hardline wahhabist sect, which perceives historic sites and the veneration of the prophet as encouraging sinful idolatry. A 1,400-year-old well, Bir e Tuwa, where the prophet spent a night, now stands alone as another endangered fragment marooned in a rubble wasteland. Its neighbours have been razed for hotels, and it looks to be going the same way.
The Bir e Tuwa well, a holy site associated with the prophet Muhammad, is now facing demolition. Photograph: Irfan al-Alawi

In the Grand Mosque itself, a group of 500-year-old stone columns and vaults have now been demolished to make room for a vast extension. It is no coincidence, says Alawi, that the columns in the firing sights were inscribed with calligraphic poetry recounting Muhammad's journeys and associated sites of pilgrimage.

Five hundred-year-old Abbasid columns in the Grand Mosque, now destroyed. Photograph: Irfan al-Alawi

Encircled by a looming ring of hotels and topped by Big Ben's big brother clock-tower of the Abraj al-Bait complex, the Grand Mosque has been transformed beyond all recognition over the last decade. As reported last year, the view from the open courtyard in the centre of the mosque is now choked with cranes, jostling for position with minarets and towers; but this year there is a new addition just metres from the Kaaba itself. The holy black cube, around which pilgrims must walk, has now been blessed with an elevated roundabout.

Raised 13m in the air, rising just above the top of the Kaaba, this floating halo provides an extra 3,000 square metres of space for perambulating pilgrims. With priority given to the elderly and disabled, its 12m-wide walkway is big enough to accommodate 1,700 wheelchairs per hour – but it comes at the cost of throttling the Kaaba in a three-storey cage and blocking the sacred black box from the view of thousands of others on the elevated prayer halls around.
Floating halo … the temporary Mataf extension accommodates 1,700 wheelchairs per hour. Photograph: Irfan al-Alawi

Authorities say it is only a temporary measure for the next three years, while the £13 bn mosque expansion project is underway, leaving a substantial area out of action. Parts of the ground and first floor of this huge complex are open for the first time this year, welcoming pilgrims into its lofty halls, linked by escalators to 10,000 ablution places. When complete, this gargantuan triangular slab, which sprawls out to the north like a slice of marble-encrusted wedding cake, will more than double the capacity of the mosque to 1.2 million worshippers, with 52 entrance gates, 120 elevators and four new minarets. And the price of this extra space? The wholesale demolition of one of Mecca's most historic neighbourhoods – and the forced eviction of its residents.

Earlier this month, senior Saudi cleric Sheikh Saad bin Nasser Al Shathri called on Muslims around the world to support the expansion project. “Co-operating with the expansion of the Grand Mosque is consistent with sharia principles,” he said, “because building mosques is regarded as one of the greatest acts of piety and the best of all mosques is the Grand Mosque.”
The £13 billion mosque expansion project will more than double the capacity to 1.2m worshippers. Photograph: Saudi Bin Laden Group

With the entire city choked by building work, the kingdom has taken the unusual step of urging pilgrims to delay their visit, and numbers are down 20% this year as a result of reduced visa quotas. “If Muslims choose not to travel to the Grand Mosque with the benefit of other Muslims in mind,” said Shathri, “they will be rewarded in the same way as if they had performed the pilgrimage.”

“At times it is appropriate to refrain from performing certain acts of obedience,” he said, “in order to avoid the hardships of others.” At times it may also be appropriate to refrain from certain building projects, to avoid the relentless transformation of Mecca into a luxury pay-per-prayer resort.
They (Abu sufiyan died but revenge is running in the blood) will destroy every mark of Prophet and his family from this earth. May be after few hundred years later, people might ask who is this guy name Mohammad in Quran. Any clue about him and his family.....Govts save pyramids and land marks , but so called muslims failed to save their heritage. A heritage which show the simplicity of prophet and his companions.
Response that Im predicting from our dear Khaleeji members:

Doritos11 is not Iraqi, but a Farsi Majoos who is meddling in our beautiful Arab world.

I posted this because I saw it and wanted to see opinions, not my article neither my stance as I barely know about it, so for any misunderstandings.
I posted this because I saw it and wanted to see opinions, not my article neither my stance as I barely know about it, so for any misunderstandings.

Yeah I know. lol
No offense meant or anything bro.

Its just that Ive seen such responses in the past from some members here, when they raised similar issues.

Anyway it is sad, if this is true. Shame to destroy such heritage.
Well, there are plenty of old neighborhoods in Makkah. Whole Makkah, the surroundings, Madinah and Hijaz is full of Islamic heritage. More than anywhere else for obvious reasons. My fathers family is living in one of the old Meccan neighborhoods that lies around the many valley's. No skyscrapers there.

Pilgrims (Muslims, people) are more important that just buildings - earthly things. The expansion of Masjid al-Haram is simply necessary because each year more and more pilgrims are coming to Makkah. Also the pilgrims have to live somewhere. Hotels is the only answer.

Back in the old days (we are talking about 100's of years ago) local Makkawis often took care and provided for the pilgrims from a far. But that was a different time and age.

Moreover thousands of people live off the hajj business. The city has always partially evolved around that business.

Moreover Makkah is a big city with over 2 million inhabitants and the metro area has well above 3 million inhabitants.

The hajj, Islam etc. was never about buildings... This is not the Roman Catholic Church (the Vatican) that stole hundreds of billions dollars during centuries from their worshippers and those that were conquered (new colonies) to enrich themselves and built grandeur everywhere.

No, I am not saying that every decision that has been taken was perfect. Nor am I that fond of all the new hotels loving old Hijazi architecture and heritage dearly myself.

But at the end of the day there is no other solution than expanding. I don't think anyone can counter this fact with sane and objective arguments.

And before the few Shias here go too crazy then don't forget that they are expanding/demolishing old heritage and have done that for centuries in Najaf and Karbala. Those shinny "gold like mosques" are not 1400 years but like 100 years if not younger. So don't get ahead of yourself and understand that this is not about buildings at all.

But yeah, I find it funny that non-Muslims and non-Arabs who don't care the slightest about Islam let alone Makkah (LOL) use this opportunity for their own cheap gains - pretending that they "care".

The same individuals who know nothing about the work done and the necessity of it.

mecca looks more like las vegas now


Even though that I happen to be sitting in Mina right now which makes me feel proud to serve your kins and people, I must say that I'm struck by the comments you made. How come you compare one of the holiest places in the world to the " Sin " city without having any extensive knowledge about the projects the Saudis are doing to facilitate Hajj and Umrah for all Muslims around the world?

Later, we receive letters from your Gov'ts yelling at us " why do you keep declining people's visas ? "

I don't understand what is fcking problem with Certain People,dragging Holy sites for satisfying their Sectarian Hatred....

The Expansion is so that more and more people from across the Muslim World can perform their Hajj each year without facing difficulties due overcrowding...Now for some people,Turkish coloumns and other buildings(no offence to Turk brothers) are more important than the actual purpose of coming for religious purpose...People come for Hajj and Umrah,not for tourism so that they can see some buildings or coloumns build in a certain era...
They (Abu sufiyan died by revenge is running in the blood)

You mean the revenge is running through our blood? Well, Abu Sufiyan's contribution to Islam is we'll-know. Spare us from your Rafidi approach because we won't rebuild the shrines you and your people want.

will destroy every mark of Prophet and his family from this earth

LoLz :lol: We are the originators bro, clam down, unless you wish to believe what your religion says then be it :lol:

May be after few hundred years later, people might ask who is this guy name Mohammad in Quran. Any clue about him and his family

The Prophet's burial and house is in Madina, let just try not to use Taqqyiah. :lol:

Again, we won't rebuild the shrines you want.

but so called muslims failed to save their heritage. A heritage which show the simplicity of prophet and his companions

Simply, be a true Muslim, join Iran to destroy us :lol:

They (Abu sufiyan died by revenge is running in the blood) will destroy every mark of Prophet and his family from this earth. May be after few hundred years later, people might ask who is this guy name Mohammad in Quran. Any clue about him and his family.....Govts save pyramids and land marks , but so called muslims failed to save their heritage. A heritage which show the simplicity of prophet and his companions.
So, it started the shia bashing...............lolz......its my perception to see the land marks from where the beautiful religion of islam originated , who were those people where they are buried , way of living, belongings......stop defending the wrong acts of your king......they can built the hotels and restaurant miles away.
The way few of you defending the wrong acts of king, it seems emergence of Islam was arab tribal issue and destroy the unity among arab tribes.....for me or any shia Najaf and Karbla is not Mecca and Madina...
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