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As Russia’s isolation grows, China hints at limits of friendship

China already has a bilateral currency swap deal with China so Business is usual , currency transactions
A new system is needed to replace SWIFT. If Europe wants, China, Russia and Iran can use the euro as the world currency.
Ukraine will not be a problem as long as NATO is disbanded.America's richest people only need to change their nationality. Us Treasuries are not a problem.
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I am sure supa power India who ran off in the UNSC from voting will help his good old friend Russia in her hour of need. Russia have helped India countless times and you can see from the video's coming out of Ukraine how they are treating Indians. Can India do the surgical strike at the Ukraine or India is just a good times girl only and have no loyalty?

China is even a closer friend of Russia yet they also chose to abstain. Is China a good time girl too? India voted to abstain for the same reason as China: there are limits even friends can't cross.
A new system is needed to replace SWIFT. If Europe wants, China, Russia and Iran can use the euro as the world currency.

Macron's idea is just that. But most likely with this war, those plans for a separate European force will go down the drain as entire Western Europe runs into American arms. I admire the shrewdness of American strategists here:

  1. Install & fund a puppet regime in Ukraine using the pretext of a fake revolution in 2013
  2. Use the puppets to break Ukraine's neutrality they agreed to in the 90s, as a precondition joint security assurances + nuclear disarmament
  3. Provoke Russia even more by threatening to join NATO, making Russia second-guess all the time.
    • Here if Russia attacks, gain global sympathies for Ukraine as a whole (partly reasonable)
    • If it doesn't attack, get a new NATO sidekick, further alienating Putin & undermining Russian security
It remains to be seen how much Russia will be able to adjust integrating their local SWIFT equivalents and the Chinese one to trade with third countries. Makes sense. Russia being a UNSC member, West can't implement a blanket ban unlike Iran or North Korea, neither can it compel CAATSA against them for commercial trade.

So Russia will have to do something to come out big time. Remaining a treasure mine alone will not be enough for them in terms of ensuring a strong economy.

China is even a closer friend of Russia yet they also chose to abstain. Is China a good time girl too? India voted to abstain for the same reason as China: there are limits even friends can't cross.

Some people don't understand the logic because they have been jumping from one cart to another for decades. Don't waste time with them. Discuss with the more sensible ones here who might make jokes but are also seriously good debaters.
Buy bitcoin , it's going to explode.

Remember this :

Bruce Lee
Support for Russia from China won't be open and well known. If get caught, play ignorance. The key is to keep US focused and busy on Europe.
Would anyone imagine that China might have this in mind? Impossible! It is too subtle, too deep a strategy to be imagined.

What an amazingly clever thing to think of. And to keep so far from being detected. Wow.
Would anyone imagine that China might have this in mind? Impossible! It is too subtle, too deep a strategy to be imagined.

What an amazingly clever thing to think of. And to keep so far from being detected. Wow.
You should check the assistance soviet gave to China during Korean War. That was sneaky, too. It is not like without precedent.
You should check the assistance soviet gave to China during Korean War. That was sneaky, too. It is not like without precedent.
Of course not. It was also one of the best-kept secrets of all time.

Your point is not without merit. It is just that there is always some smart-alec sitting and thinking of all the options available to an opponent.

Not just IOK return, India will ensure East Pakistan rejoins with West Pakistan too.

After all who can ignore the next CPEC puwa
What about Iranian Baluchistan, just to sweeten the deal?
Aljazeera: Reuters news agency reported on Monday, citing a source familiar with the situation.

Aljazeera: The report followed a Bloomberg article on Saturday that said

Bloomberg: two people familiar with the matter said

Ah yes Ms "source" and Mr "people".

The same two guys, this U.S. regimes propaganda network always had at hand to invent chemical weapon trucks in Iraq, chemical weapon attacks in Syria and some Holocaust in China, now conveniently report divide and conquer lies and spins about Russia and China, just when Washington is struggling to cope with Russia ending Washingtons war in Ukraine.

Of course not without Washingtons drones trying to launder their U.S. regime propaganda through "foreign" sounding outlet names.

Spamming thousand U.S. regime propaganda ramblings every day and hoping just a one of them turns out remotely real, at least just one halftruth or disingenious spin, doesnt make the U.S. regimes propaganda mouthpieces anything less than questionable. These U.S. regimes propaganda peddling mouthpieces have long been disqualified as a source for any claims about China that serve the U.S. regimes interests, even when they claim to cite reliabele Chinese news outlets and experts which halftime are not even real citations or quotemining single words that have nothing to do with the fabrication they are injected to as "quotes".

You all know this farce is if anything just about U.S. regime controlled U.S. financial institutes blocking Chinese institutions from U.S. services at order of their U.S. regime.
Of course not. It was also one of the best-kept secrets of all time.

Your point is not without merit. It is just that there is always some smart-alec sitting and thinking of all the options available to an opponent.

What about Iranian Baluchistan, just to sweeten the deal?
I am thinking of their flag on Red Fort
If China launched military action against Taiwan, it will expect similar sanctions that have been imposed on Russia.

China Will be eager to see how Russia copes.
Yes, Russia is removed from SWIFT. The position is Russia is out with individual exceptions for some banks to cater to certain countries unique needs. It is neither gimmick nor semantics. As time goes by and as countries complete their process to compensate for whatever current business with Russia are done, those previously allowed banks will be removed. Those banks know their coming fates. So essentially, yes, Russia is removed from SWIFT. And your China will refuse to help Russia. But there is a coming fortune for China in that over the long run, Russia will become China's b!tch, a reversal of fortune from the Cold War yrs. So you can stop defending Russia.
So BBC is lying?

The part about Russia being our bitch, well we prefer to call them our ally. We are equals and we cooperate.

Buying 150bil worth of gas is not helping? We will buy even more with rmb. Welcome to the new world order baby. Remember we Chinese are pragmatic, we will maintain a dollar and rmb system. Lolol

If China launched military action against Taiwan, it will expect similar sanctions that have been imposed on Russia.

China Will be eager to see how Russia copes.
We are patient people... An alternative is being developed now and tahts why US is pissed and shaky.
China is too strong to be sanction. US try play trade war and lose. So other can all forget about any sanction or effect on China. End up they get themselvss burn only.
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