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As not much time is left, Please cast your vote

I am a/an ......... and I say ........

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At this point after the Republicans have taken over Congress expect there to be either an extension or further deadlock, the last thing Obama will want is to sign a deal that is not favorable to the US which will cost democrats the presidency as well. Now if he can table a deal that is favorable to the US then Iran would never sign it you know.
Since when did Obama do anything for the US?
At this point after the Republicans have taken over Congress expect there to be either an extension or further deadlock, the last thing Obama will want is to sign a deal that is not favorable to the US which will cost democrats the presidency as well. Now if he can table a deal that is favorable to the US then Iran would never sign it you know
Indeed, that's what makes it interesting, both sides have an election in less than two years, and both sides need to come out of this situation victorious, however, I wouldn't be surprised, if a treaty sealed, and both sides leave the rest for their respective propaganda machine, to do the job, and announce them as the winner.
Indeed, that's what makes it interesting, both sides have an election in less than two years, and both sides need to come out of this situation victorious, however, I wouldn't be surprised, if a treaty sealed, and both sides leave the rest for their respective propaganda machine, to do the job, and announce them as the winner.

Public opinion supports a deal. So Republicans can't behave the way they used to or it will cost them.
Hope Iran get rid of sanctions and we can buy lots of oil from Iran.
Thanks dude, but apart from hoping I would be happy to see your vote being casted either. :lol:
I see some Iranian trolls voted negative as Turks :lol: Maybe they are ashamed of Iran, I suppose? :lol:
I see some Iranian trolls voted negative as Turks :lol: Maybe they are ashamed of Iran, I suppose? :lol:
I see you voted yes, as i said earlier im not well informed about the topic, can you elaborate why you think the talks will succeed this time?
I see you voted yes, as i said earlier im not well informed about the topic, can you elaborate why you think the talks will succeed this time?
I am not interested to talk about it in this section, since it is troll infested ;)
Based on the fact that both sides have clearly implied that there won't be any further extension of the current deadline, please cast your vote about whether a deal between Iran and the P5+1, would be reached or not.

Sorry guys I wanted to put some more possible responses like Americans and Europeans, ..and others, but that's not possible due to site limitations:angry:, and it was indeed, interesting for me to see the answers based on nationality and in some cases ethnicity.

I voted no.

Not that I want to see bloodshed in Iran.

I am just being pessimist realist (if you can call it that way)

Iranians hold enrichment near and dear to their heart

Americans do not want Iran to do enrichment.

So the very preconditions will lead to a non-settlement.
pessimist realist
Lol, thank you the pessimist realist.:tup:
But one day you are gonna choose either to be a pessimist or realist, however that was a direct clear analysis, leading to a "No", so lets wait and see.

Not sure if indians are trolling or they are such a united nation :D 25 votes for yes , 1 for no :enjoy:

anyway all votes are greatly appreciated ;)
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