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As China rankles Philippines, India goes on Asean charm offensive

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You not getting it_ blinded by your Indian hatred. there is difference between your example and mine. First as i have stated here- you have 3 X the starvation even TODAY vs India, but not having a free media your countries propaganda machine continues to hide those stats. you can't deny this because you have no free media for check and balances.

secondly my example of china is worse vs. your example,--- many African countries are poor too but they allow foreign aid and help- while China did a genocide on its 30 million! citizens by refusing to let the outside world know about its famine and thereby help its citizen- all to protect its image. the very same mentality exists today as evident with its cover up of SARS and the earthquake. Just wow! you should not call it the Great Leap, instead call it stepping on dead bodies to move forward.

Where are the mass graves? There's absolute proof of India's slaughters and mass graves still exist in india, yet no mass graves from 1959-1961 have ever been discovered in China, nor evidence of excavation for mass graves by USAF U-2 overflights throughout the 50's and 60's.

Oh wait, commies hid it.
If BJP wins next elections I think everything will be alright. Manmohan Singh and his Congress party are scared of China so thats why they put in these useless policies so "nothing bad happens".

BJP is more nationlist than Congress- you may want to read up on them and their recent visit to china- where they told them get out of indian lands and stop intefering on kashmir.
Where are the mass graves? There's absolute proof of India's slaughters and mass graves still exist in india, yet no mass graves from 1959-1961 have ever been discovered in China, nor evidence of excavation for mass graves by USAF U-2 overflights throughout the 50's and 60's.

Oh wait, commies hid it.

This JayAtl guy is a troll. Ignore him and talk with logical people who actually know a thing or two about China and its policies... JayAtl is probably one of those over hyper NRIs.
Where are the mass graves? There's absolute proof of India's slaughters and mass graves still exist in India, yet no mass graves from 1959-1961 have ever been discovered in China, nor evidence of excavation for mass graves by USAF U-2 overflights throughout the 50's and 60's.

Oh wait, commies hid it.

are you now denying almost 30 million died in china? is this the new revisionist history...
This JayAtl guy is a troll. Ignore him and talk with logical people who actually know a thing or two about China and its policies... JayAtl is probably one of those over hyper NRIs.

Good maybe now we can have some worthwhile conversations.
BJP is a right winged nationalist party. However India did recognize Tibet as a part of China during BJP rule, so in a way they don't carry the historical baggage of the Congress
BJP is more nationlist than Congress- you may want to read up on them and their recent visit to china- where they told them get out of indian lands and stop intefering on kashmir.

Dude who cares? Any Indian will want their territory back. I am talking about their econominc policies. It well set India into duoble digit growth. Also they seem to hate Pakistan, but they actually want peace with Pakistan and wants to help them fight terrorism. Would congress do that?
Dude who cares? Any Indian will want their territory back. I am talking about their econominc policies. It well set India into duoble digit growth. Also they seem to hate Pakistan, but they actually want peace with Pakistan and wants to help them fight terrorism. Would congress do that?

Every country likes to talk tough but when it comes to implementation they usually go the most peaceful way possible.
Well against small countries yes but have you seen them take action against Russia when they invaded Georgia despite the outrage and condemnation?

Exactly right. :tup:

Which is why Iran and North Korea want nuclear weapons so badly. Even a single nuke, is enough to make them think twice.
Dude who cares? Any Indian will want their territory back. I am talking about their economic policies. It well set India into double digit growth. Also they seem to hate Pakistan, but they actually want peace with Pakistan and wants to help them fight terrorism. Would congress do that?

this hyper NRI seems to know more about economies than you it seems. I'm no Congress or BJP or any party fan boy. But I at lest know that growth rate and market expansion is at its highest under the congress rule. It is also a fact BJP is very anti Pakistan ( something I personally don't like- the level of aggressiveness as a platform) and if there is ever a peaceful solution with Pakistan, it will be because of Dr singh. That addresses the two statements you made.

Now I know some Indians are chamchas and as such always on their knees , but as evident about your lack of knowledge of the BJP stance on China- I doubt you would know about the current economic trade agreements between India and China and all the nuances of the conflicts between the two trading partners. ---err over this hyper NRI...:P

but do continue with your great reachout... because I'm sure if I ask you to define your statemnet about double digit growth if we just get down to getting china's help.. it would throw you in tizzy to name one policy that will help India in that direction. You have to only see what they did to pakistan ( and they call them their friends)and are doing on the economic front for proof...
^^ tell me which Indian party has a satisfactory stance on China? You seem to go by everything media tells you....that too western media. Lol. And the reason why BJP is anti-pakistan is becuase of Vajpayee and his decisions during Kargil war. So they reflect on BJP. Dr.Singh is doing a lot but not enough. (figure out what that means NRI). And I dont like to show my intellect of Indian gov't on DEFENCE FORUMS, becuase that makes you look like some sort of suck up loser. Lol before you tell me about this lack of knowledge, treat your chinese counterparts the same and dont talk about 30 million dead or some BS. If chine killed 30 mill plp world would know about it, and the hype whould have surpassed the Holcaust.
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